Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 601: BrahMos missile

Latest URL: The word "dad" struck Zhang Tuohai's head like lightning.

Zhang Tuohai felt dizzy in his head.

He began to twist and count his relationship with Lilith.

First of all, Lilith's body was born from an egg, and that egg was hatched successfully after adding her own essence.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with being the father of this body.

But that essence was produced by combining with Lirina.

In other words, Lilena became Lilith's mother, and Lilena, who shared a body with Lilith, became her own daughter together with Lilith.

Lilith was originally Lilena's sister again.

So the question is, how should the three people be called?

Zhang Tuohai Wrench pointed out that after a long time, he didn't understand this ethical issue.

In the end, Zhang Tuohai decided not to entangle so much, all on his own.

Big deal, when doing the cutting in the future, let Lilith make another body that is not related to her, and then turn Lirina's consciousness over.

Just when Zhang Tuohai didn't know what to say, Xiao Ai suddenly broke the silence.

"Commander, the Global Hawk has spotted the approaching fleet. Would you like to take a look."

"The enemy is found? Where is it? Let me see?"

Zhang Tuohai quickly returned to the command chair.

Lilith also looked serious, and came to the spherical screen.

On the spherical screen, there is a fleet of six ships.

Front left and rear right are two Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers, front right and rear left are two Zumwalt class arsenal ships.

At the rear, a Perry-class guided-missile destroyer slowly followed behind, a Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter was parked on the take-off deck, and several staff members were walking around, seeming to be doing the final inspection before take-off. Work.

At the very center of the fleet is an Iowa-class battleship.

However, this 40,000-ton battleship seems to have undergone extensive modernization.

The most conspicuous sign is that the three triple-mounted 406 mm guns have been dismantled, but replaced by an electromagnetic gun, a laser transmitter, and a mk41 vertical launch system.

There seemed to be traces of a lift at the stern position, and the helicopter should be able to take off.

On the bow of the Iowa-class battleship hung the United Pharmaceuticals logo, golden.

Seeing this mighty fleet, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but breathe a breath of air-conditioning. With this configuration, if one or two submarines were added, he would soon be able to catch up with an aircraft carrier battle group.

"So many big ships? Can it be fought?" Lilith couldn't help but breathe in air when she saw the Iowa battleship that looked like a hill.

She had never seen the ocean in the original world, and naturally she had never seen a big ship.

Seeing the battleship like a mountain now, I can't help but feel shocked.

"I can't beat it at all."

Zhang Tuohai shook his head and sighed.

"Although, I have dealt with an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, but it was in the absence of the other side's defense. Now, look at those warships. The anti-submarine helicopters are all ready to take off. Then, the air defense weapons, each This early warning radar must have been turned on. Now, if I use missile attacks, I will surely be shot down by the intensive blasting fire."

"Missile? Why was it shot down? The speed of picking things up so fast."

Lilith was puzzled.

Although she has strong technical capabilities, she still doesn't know much about modern combat systems.

"These are large ships. My ordinary missiles can deal with ordinary land vehicles. They are not powerful enough to deal with them. Moreover, here is the sea, with heavy sea fog, which is very strong against lasers. The scattering ability of the laser, the opportunity to abolish most of the effectiveness of the laser. If you want to deal with those large ships, you can only use large cruise missiles such as the Tomahawk."

"However, in order to maintain a long range, those cruise missiles are relatively slow. They are only subsonic missiles and do not have terminal maneuverability. They can easily be wiped out by intensive blasting fire. There is no chance of winning at all."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"So, as long as you add terminal maneuverability to the missile, you can defeat them?"

Lilith asked, resting her chin.

Now, the interests of her and Zhang Tuohai are tied together. The higher Zhang Tuohai's strength, the more materials he obtains, the more beneficial to her.

Therefore, she will try her best to improve Zhang Tuohai's ability to win as much as possible.

"If you increase the terminal mobility and increase the speed, even if you can't win, there will be a battle."

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while and said.

"Bring me the drawing of the missile and I will try to change it."

Lilith said.

"Really? Great." Zhang Tuohai immediately asked Xiao Ai to print the drawing.

Although the original drawing disappeared after being used, Zhang Tuohai kept an eye on it and asked Xiao Ai to scan the drawing in advance, and prepared to leave it to Lilith to see. If it could be changed, it would be a big profit. It cannot be changed, and there is no loss.

Looking at it now, his decision is really right.

Moreover, not only the drawings of the Tomahawk missile, Zhang Tuohai printed out all the drawings recently obtained, and gave them to Lilith as a reference, in case it was useful.

Lilith cast a blank look at Zhang Tuohai, then picked up a large stack of drawings to look through, and then took out a pencil to quickly modify the drawings.

"So direct? Doesn't require much research?" Zhang Tuohai was stunned.

"I have done relevant research before, but the microelectronic technology and material level at that time did not meet the requirements, so the production was not successful. Now, these things are not a problem with you."

Lilith said that she pulled a strand of hair down to her ears, and then continued to revise it on the drawing.

About 20 minutes later, Lilith threw the pencil in her hand and stretched a long waist: "It's almost done, you can see if it works."

Zhang Tuohai quickly picked up the drawing and turned it over.

[Improved Tomahawk cruise missile (renameable): The speed is increased to 3 times the speed of sound, the range is shortened to 350 kilometers, and the center and end will make irregular snake-shaped maneuvers to evade air defense systems. Add a low-altitude breakthrough mode. After using this mode, the missile will rush at a high speed from a height of about 15 meters close to the ground and the sea. In addition, the missile body is coated with a radar absorbing coating, which can greatly reduce the probability of radar detection. 】

Seeing the new type of missile, Zhang Tuohai showed excitement on his face.

The new Tomahawk missile is much stronger than the old Tomahawk missile. It has been directly increased from subsonic cruise missile to three times the speed of sound, which has been more than three times faster than the previous speed, greatly improving the penetration ability~www. In addition, the maneuverability of the terminal greatly reduces the risk of the terminal being shot down by anti-aircraft fire.

Radar wave absorption coating and low-altitude breakthrough mode can greatly reduce the probability of detection.

On the whole, this is a missile designed to break through the air defense firepower network.

As for the sacrificed range for this, those Zhang Tuohai didn't care much.

Three hundred kilometers and one thousand kilometers are no different for Zhang Tuohai. Anyway, they are all outside the fire strike range of other players, and they are all out-of-zone strikes, so there is little difference.

From the data point of view, this improved Tomahawk missile is a bit like the BrahMos missile, but I don't know how effective it is in actual combat.

"Just use this!" Zhang Tuohai made a final decision, ready to use this new type of Tomahawk missile to test the air defense capabilities of the Joint Pharmaceutical Fleet.


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