Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 33: Constriction of the poison ring

   "Ah!" The little yellow-haired boy fell to the ground, clutching his neck in pain, kicking his feet indiscriminately.

   Zhang Tuohai walked over and found that this little brother's luck was really bad.

   Two projectiles, one hit the neck, punching a blood hole the size of a bottle mouth, and blood flowed out.

   The other one hit the opponent's lungs, forming a coin-sized blood hole.

   However, Zhang Tuohai is sure that because of the cavity effect, this kid's lungs must have been smashed by the flipped bullet.

   This kind of injury can be said to be hopeless.

   "System, is there a threat to Cheetah and that big brother of society?" Zhang Tuohai did not rush to check the situation of Cheetah, but like a system to verify it.

  【The cheetah has the ability to counterattack, and the golden tooth is dead. 】

   "Good fellow, you deserve to be a large carnivore with such a tenacious vitality!" Zhang Tuohai aimed the shotgun at the cheetah again and pulled the trigger.

   Seven or eight projectiles hit the cheetah.

  【The cheetah is dead. 】

   "Hmph, let you be cunning like a ghost, you don't want to drink Lao Tzu's footwashing water." Zhang Tuohai carried the shotgun and came to the cheetah's body.

   stabbed a skinning knife.

  【Get 500 grams of leopard meat*150】

  【Obtain ragged leopard skin*1】

  【Get 1 set of internal organs】

  【Obtain normal spirit*1】

   Normal harvest.

   However, the tattered leopard skin still makes Zhang Tuohai a little regretful.

   If, if he could get a single bullet, he might be able to get a complete leopard skin.

   Putting these ordinary materials aside, Zhang Tuohai solemnly picked up the drawing of the car electric fan.

   [Car fan manufacturing drawings: Class 1 auto parts, which can be used to cool down. When encountering high temperatures, it is a good assistant for you. 】

   [Materials: 10 units of metal fragments, 1 unit of metal ingots, 10 units of metal parts, 1 unit of electronic components. 】

   [Note: Each car is limited to 2 units. 】

   "Other materials are not a problem, but the electronic components are scarce. It seems that it is time for a wave of electronic components."

   Zhang Tuohai has made so many items, and he found a rule, that is, all items that require electricity must use electronic components.

  It seems that this electronic component is a very important kind of material.

   Zhang Tuohai put away the electric fan drawing, and then he went to the car of the social brother and Huang Mao and began to search.

   The two-person car hasn't been modified, and it still looks ordinary and tattered.

   Some first-class materials are piled on the back seat of the car, and two buckets of instant noodles are piled in the corner.

   The most valuable is probably the 100-unit barrel of gasoline.

   Other than that, there is nothing left.

   is really poor.

   Zhang Tuohai took a sip, but he also knew that this was probably the state of most ordinary players.

   In the spirit that mosquito legs are meat, Zhang Tuohai transported all these things back to his car.

   In the end, he got the core of this car.

   At this time, the car core in his hand has reached three.

   With the last supplies, Zhang Tuohai was ready to return to his car.

   As soon as he reached the side of the road, he found a man squatting on the side of his car, seeming to be tinkering with something.

   Upon seeing this, Zhang Tuohai was shocked and quickly turned to the side to watch.

   He found that a middle-aged man who looked a little wretched was squatting in front of his car, stabbing the keyhole with a piece of wire.

  Car thief!

   Zhang Tuohai is so angry.

   He has gone through hardships, and it took a lot of effort to get so many things and save so many resources. If he was swept away by others, it would be a big joke.

   This person actually dared to steal the car in front of him, can this be tolerated?

   "What did you do? Stand up for me!"

   Zhang Tuohai aimed his gun at the car thief.

   "Big brother, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings." The car thief saw that Zhang Tuohai was holding a gun in his hand, his hands were numb, and he raised his hands tremblingly.

   "How did you stare at my car?" Zhang Tuohai asked coldly.

   "Big brother, I just passed by here, and then I saw that this car is fine, my hands are itchy for a while, thinking about practicing craftsmanship, I really have no other intentions, big brother, you just let me go."

   The middle-aged man's legs are shaking.

   "It turns out that I didn't specifically stare at me." Seeing that the other person's expression didn't look like a lie, Zhang Tuohai breathed a sigh of relief.

   If it is a coincidence, it can only mean bad luck. If it is intentional, then you have to pay more attention.

   "Brother, I really just passed by. There is still some water in my car. Can I pay you all?"

   The middle-aged man said that he turned and walked in the direction of the car, as if he was going to get water.

   [Be careful, there is a hunting crossbow in his car! 】

   The electronically synthesized sound of the prompt system suddenly sounded.

   Zhang Tuohai didn't even think about it, so he pulled the trigger directly.


   12 projectiles hit the middle-aged man at close range, directly sifting the opponent into a sieve.

  【The danger is lifted. 】

   Zhang Tuohai walked over and found that the middle-aged man's hand had touched the handle of the hunting crossbow.

   This hunting crossbow is much more powerful than Zhang Tuohai's previous hand crossbow.

   The bow arm is longer, the string force is greater, and the crossbow arrow is a full foot long.

  Although Zhang Tuohai was wearing a stab-resistant suit, if he was hit at close range by this hunting crossbow, he would probably also be injured.

   "Sure enough, everyone you meet in the wild must be treated with care."

   Throwing the opponent's body under the roadbed, Zhang Tuohai searched the opponent's In addition to this hunting crossbow, he also found a mention of mineral water and a bag of bread slices.

   "Really poor." Zhang Tuohai curled his lips and disassembled the car.

   The incident of the middle-aged man gave Zhang Tuohai a reminder that he needed to strengthen the security of the vehicle.

   It's better to have an automatic defense system or something.

   At worst, change to a more secure anti-theft lock.

   Otherwise, if he goes down to find supplies and the car is stolen, the fun will be great.

   However, now is not the time to think about these things, we will wait until the end of the rally.

   After Zhang Tuohai car, first made the electric fan.

   After the two electric fans turned, the temperature inside the car really dropped a lot.

   Feeling the strong wind from the two electric fans, Zhang Tuohai felt refreshed.

   He never felt it, and it was so refreshing to be able to blow on an electric fan.

   "This thing must be sold at a high price, and it will never be changed without a drawing."

   Zhang Tuohai continued to drive forward happily.

   [Attention, attention, the poison circle has begun to shrink, please turn right at the next intersection, cross the iron bridge, and enter the ruined city. 】

   "Bridge? Is there a bridge here?" Zhang Tuohai glanced at the endless desert outside the window, very curious as to why there is a bridge here.

   However, all these questions were solved after he turned the next intersection.

   Turning the intersection, the original desert became a hard Gobi Desert. At the end of the Gobi Desert, a deep gorge cut off the road, and only a rusty iron bridge straddled the gorge.

   Zhang Tuohai glanced behind him, the billowing black cloud wall was like a tide, flooding in the direction where he was.


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