Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 263: Dangerous night

"Then it's better to be respectful than fate."

Zhang Tuohai picked up the glass and drank it.

A smile appeared on Jill's face.

"Don't just drink, come and eat." Ramon greeted.

"Look, Jill, this is the canned mushroom that Zhang brought us. Let's taste it together."

Ramon said he was about to open a can to taste.

When Jill heard this, his face changed, and he snatched the can over.

"You don't know if there is insufficient food in the convoy. These things were used as reserves and confiscated." Jill took away all the cans and walked out of the car.

"Zhang, don't mind." Ramon said apologetically, "Jill is like this, all for the team. Now the team's situation is a bit difficult, don't blame her."

Zhang Tuohai glanced at Ramon, wondering if he was acting stupid or really stupid.

This is simply a standard spare tire face.

Maybe someday Jill sells him, and he still counts the money cheerfully.

Moreover, this Jill actually poisoned the wine, it seems that he also has his own little abacus.

It's better to get out early.

At this moment, the shy chestnut-haired teenager ran in from the outside and said out of breath: "Leader Ramon, we found a wandering mutant animal outside. Also, there are a lot of them, hundreds of them."

"So much? Take me to see." Ramon said as he returned to the room, took a steam rifle, and hurried outside.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tuohai quickly followed behind.

Several people quickly boarded the wall outside the camp.

Not far away, three or four hundred mutant creatures of various kinds surrounded the periphery of the city wall, staring at the people on the city wall with enthusiasm.

Zhang Tuohai had never seen so many mutant creatures gathered together, and he couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

"Are so many mutant creatures coming to attack the camp every day?"

Zhang Tuohai asked cautiously.

"No, the location of our camp is better. Every day, there are dozens to a hundred. It's only recently that the number has risen. It seems that those guys found this camp and we need to move again."

Ramon sighed.

"Does it need to be transferred frequently outside?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Yeah." Ramon took out a cigarette from his arms, thought about it, and put it back a little distressed.

"It's not like a city outside, with thick walls and artillery. Our strength is good against small-scale mutant animal attacks, but when the number is large, it will be difficult. Moreover, our ammunition supplementation is also a problem."

"These **** guys have so good noses. Whenever we change places and haven't lived for long, we will be found. There is no one night that we can't see these monsters."

Ramon spit out, then said to the people around him.

"Kill these mutant creatures, don't let them gather and attack the city wall!"

Bang bang bang!

The guard on the city wall picked up the neat rifle in his hand and started shooting.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tuohai also drew out his hunting pistol and started shooting.

These mutant creatures are similar to the mutant creatures seen during the day, and there is no change in strength, but because of the large number and strong vitality, they rushed under the wall in an instant.

Many mutant creatures began to climb up along the wall.

However, these people seemed to be familiar with the road, and immediately separated a group of people, specifically responsible for dealing with the mutant creatures that climbed the city wall.

Moreover, the gunshots were scattered and scattered, and there was no sense of chaos at all.

After a while, Jill rushed over with a dozen people to support him.

With the support of several new forces and strong fortifications, three or four hundred mutant creatures were killed.

However, the city wall was teetering to be corroded by those mutant creatures, and was in danger of collapsing at any time.

"Damn it, a few people here, and use scrap steel to support these damaged places. Don't let the city wall fall."

Ramon checked the wall and said angrily.

Soon dozens of people came to repair the damaged city wall.

"Why are you so anxious to repair? Will those mutant creatures attack a second time?"

Zhang Tuohai asked from the side.

"It may or may not. Sometimes I will come three or four times a night, or it may only come once, who knows." Ramon was also a little uncertain.

"That's it."

Zhang Tuohai is somewhat clear.

This is what the game system says to find a camp.

There will be a large number of mutant creatures wandering at night, and it will be safer only in the camp.

If you camp in the wild, you are likely to encounter a large number of mutant creatures.

Moreover, Zhang Tuohai had a speculation based on the sound of cannons in Black Rock City before he left last time.

That is, the larger the camp, the more mutant creatures that are likely to siege the city.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the artillery rang as soon as the sun went down.

After eliminating the mutant creatures that were siege to the city, Zhang Tuohai refused Ramon's invitation to continue dinner and returned to his car.

I was poisoned once after drinking a drink, and if I eat it for a while, I still can't figure out what moths are.

At this time, Zhao Wanwan was still in his car, anxiously waiting for him to return.

"How? They didn't act excessively, did they?"

Zhao Wanwan asked.

"Very interesting, I'll talk to you later."

While talking, Zhang Tuohai picked many mature mushrooms and made a large plate of stir-fried mushrooms.

Gobbled it up and ate it.

"Why, didn't you go to eat? Is there too little food to eat enough?" Zhao Wanwan asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, that Jill has a problem. She put chronic poison in the wine. Mushrooms can detoxify. I will eat more."

Zhang Tuohai was eating mushrooms.

"This guy is too nasty, should we kill her?" Zhao Wanwan said angrily.

Zhang Tuohai saved her life during the day, but now someone wants to poison Zhang Tuohai. Of course she can't bear it.

As for why Zhang Tuohai could tell that mushrooms are the antidote, she didn't ask.

Who doesn't have a little secret Zhang Tuohai didn't ask carefully, why does she have a good relationship with so many animals?

"No, don't move her yet."

Zhang Tuohai waved his hand to stop Zhao Wanwan.

"There will be mutant creatures attacking the city at night. We still need the shelter of this camp. Don't move her for now. Wait until tomorrow to see the situation. That guy has a high reputation among the rebels. If we take action now, we have to face it. The right enemy is these rebels and mutant creatures. Although they can be fought, they are not necessary."

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while and said.

"Understood." Zhao Wanwan nodded in response.

At this moment, Zhang Tuohai received a private message.

It was sent by Cang Xiaokong.

"Boss, someone privately bought explosives in large quantities."


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