Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 255: Where's the businessman?

The light in the bar is dim, and a huge ventilating fan is casting shadows on the ground.

There are a few dirty tables in the lobby. There are a few people in leather clothes sitting around them, with a revolver full of gears on their waists, and a glass of half-drunk beer in front of them, whispering.

After seeing Zhang Tuohai coming in, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Tuohai, and several people even showed malicious gazes.

Several people made eye contact with each other, considering whether to attack this new face.

[These people are all unpredictable of you. 】

The prompt system prompts.

"I can tell if you don't tell me."

Zhang Tuohai was lazy to pay attention, and went straight to the bar, patted a mutant organ on the counter, and said to the bartender who was wiping the glass: "Give me a glass of wine and tell me where the merchant is by the way."

At this moment, two people stood up from the round table, one with a big beard and two tentacles growing out of the other's bare head.

The two of them sandwiched Zhang Tuohai between the left and the right. The beard stretched out his hand covered with black scales and pressed the mutant organ on the table: "Are you looking for a merchant? Come with us. I know where he is."

The other person drew out the revolver around his waist and held it against Zhang Tuohai's waist: "Be honest, or I'll sell you to the butcher."

"I guessed it. Why did you have to bump into it yourself? Isn't it good to be alive?" Zhang Tuohai's hand that had been stuck in his pocket was raised, and a revolver with a complicated structure appeared in Zhang Tuohai's hand.

The beard didn't expect Zhang Tuohai to resist in this situation, and his scaly hand quickly touched his waist.

Bang, bang!

The guns in Zhang Tuohai and the male antennae sounded at the same time.

The gun in Zhang Tuohai's hand is a special hunting gun made by Red Fort. Although it is a pistol, the bullet can penetrate ordinary police body armor. The huge warhead directly tore a big hole in the bearded chest and smashed the internal organs. .

The beard's eyes were full of consternation and unwillingness, and the corpse fell over.

However, Zhang Tuohai stood still intact.

Zhang Tuohai slowly turned around and sneered at the man with two tentacles behind him.

"Body mutation? I don't believe that all parts of your body can block bullets!" The man with tentacles regarded Zhang Tuohai as a mutant, the bullet that was blocked by the mutation of the waist organs.

He pointed the pistol in his hand at Zhang Tuohai's chest.

However, before he pulled the trigger, Zhang Tuohai's gun rang again.


This time it's the lower abdomen.

A big hole was torn open in the lower abdomen of the man with tentacles.

The tentacled man screamed and collapsed on the ground, and screamed while covering his abdomen with both hands.


Zhang Tuohai aimed his gun at the head of the tentacled man and pulled the trigger.


The tentacles were silent.

Holding a pistol, Zhang Tuohai scanned the round tables in the lobby coldly.

A few people who were almost bowed their heads, and some of the more courageous even raised their glasses to Zhang Tuohai, seeming to recognize his existence.

"Huh, a group of pretending to commit crimes."

Zhang Tuohai snorted coldly and sat on the high stool in front of the bar again.

If it weren't for worrying about causing any trouble, Zhang Tuohai would have pulled out the AK74 to make these guys all abrupt.

"Can you tell me where the merchant is now?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"He is." The bartender said, pointing to the tentacled man who fell on the ground.

Zhang Tuohai: "???"

He didn't expect things to develop to this point. He was just preparing to stand up, but he didn't expect to kill the businessman.

Then why did he spend so much effort?

Zhang Tuohai feels a little headache.

Isn't this stupid businessman drinking well?

Why do you want to do such a dangerous thing?

Cerebral palsy!

At this time, the bartender pushed a glass of beer and asked, "Excuse me, can these two corpses be sold to us? We can help you deal with the mutant organs for free."

The bartender asked carefully.

"You guys... sell it, clean it up."

Zhang Tuohai pretended not to care and said.


The bartender waved his hand, and soon two people got out of the back kitchen and pulled the two bodies back to the back kitchen.

After a while, two cleaned mutant organs were placed in front of Zhang Tuohai.

A scaly arm and a skull with two tentacles.

Along with the mutant organs, there were two guns, two level 2 metal ingots and a meat steak.

"This steak is our request." The bartender pushed the steak in front of Zhang Tuohai.

Looking at the meat on the plate, Zhang Tuohai's mouth twitched.

He pushed the plate back, and whispered to the bartender, "Tell me where the **** guy's house is. This is yours."

"Well, the rules in our town don't involve family members..."

The bartender's thumb and index finger rubbed each other.

"This is yours too."

Zhang Tuohai also pushed the two guns over.

Even the body armor can't be worn, and it's **** to keep it.

"Well, the largest house in the southeast corner of town is." The bartender whispered.

"You better make sure that everything you say is true, otherwise, I promise you will end up like them." Zhang Tuohai pointed to the two mutant organs and said.

"Well, there are two bodyguards in his house," the bartender said.

Zhang Tuohai grabbed the two mutant organs and walked towards his car.

"His—" After Zhang Tuohai got into the car, he no longer cocked his face, rubbed his old waist, and couldn't help sucking in the air-conditioning.

Although the special combat uniform blocked the bullet of the pistol, it could not block the powerful impact.

The shot made his waist a little bit painful.

"Commander, do you need a massage service? You only need to install two robotic arms in the car." Xiao Ai said.

Zhang Tuohai was a little moved, but it hurts to think that six high-grade metal ingots are needed to make the two arms of the machine.

It's worth two intermediate metal ingots without seeing two lives.

"Let's put it to that guy's house first." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Understood." The chariot drove towards the merchant's house.

At the same time, in the tavern.

"Boss, why didn't you keep him just now? We can eat so many guns."

A brawny man with **** hands walked out of the back kitchen and asked the bartender.

"Huh, my brain is full of idiots with mutated acid. What do you think this is?"

The bartender threw the mutant organ thrown by Zhang Tuohai into the butcher's hands.

"Isn't this just a mutant organ? What's so great? I deal with it every day." The butcher turned over and over again, not seeing anything famous.

"Don't you think it's too clean?" The bartender said with a hatred of iron and steel.

"You mean..." The butcher thought of a possibility, and his body trembled involuntarily.

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