Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 237: Steam with foot

Of course, the most valuable of these supplies are the 12 boxes of purification potions and dust masks.

Purifying agents can remove toxins accumulated in the body, and dust masks can reduce the inhalation of toxins.

These things are the most valuable things, and Zhang Tuohai will not consider selling them until the critical moment.

After moving everything into the car, Zhang Tuohai checked in the basement again and walked out after confirming that nothing had fallen.

The woman was standing at the top of the stairs quietly waiting for Zhang Tuohai.

At this time, she had changed her outfit.

A black tight-fitting leather suit, ready to appear white, a brass shotgun on the back, and a weird machete at the waist.

There was a little green liquid on her leather coat.

Zhang Tuohai raised his eyebrows slightly without saying much.

"lead the way."

The woman obediently led the way.

At the corner of the stairs, Zhang Tuohai saw the corpses of two women, also in house clothes, but with smoky make-up, tattoos on their bodies, and tongue rings on their tongues.

Zhang Tuohai felt uncomfortable looking at it.

"They are the other two wives of Picto, and they have a very close relationship with Picto. They are his lackeys. They wanted to prevent me from leaving, so I killed them."

The woman said.

Zhang Tuohai nodded clearly, stepped over the corpse, and continued to walk upward.

He was not in the mood to pay attention to the grievances of these aborigines, he just came to search.

The two came upstairs and stepped into a utility room. The woman threw out the contents, fumbled and opened a secret door, revealing a safe-like device.

"I discovered this by accident. Picto hid the most important things here."

The woman said.

"However, I don't know the password. Only Picto knows the password."

Zhang Tuohai looked at the safe, the password plus key structure, it looks very complicated.

However, Zhang Tuohai was not in the mood to slowly test the password, he directly took the gasoline-powered saw out, and pressed the switch against the safe.

Noisy, noisy!

The utility room illuminated by flashing sparks.

Not long after, the bulky safe was directly sawn off by a gasoline-powered saw.

The woman closed her mouth in surprise, her eyes flashing as she watched the gasoline-powered saw.

A look of wanting to see, but not daring to see.

"Like? I gave it to you, but there is not much oil in it. I guess it won't be long."

Zhang Tuohai threw the gasoline-powered saw directly to the woman.

Anyway, this saw blade is basically scrapped, and it's a discarded life if you take it back.

"Is it really okay?" The woman was a little bit incredulous, and Zhang Tuohai gave her such a precious thing casually.

"Take it if you like it." Zhang Tuohai waved his hand and opened the safe.

Inside the safe is a stack of manufacturing drawings.

Zhang Tuohai looked through it, and most of them were the manufacturing drawings of the pile of machines below, as well as the manufacturing drawings of weapons and supporting bullets.

This thing is useful and useful, and it is useless and useless. Few players will think about getting a power system.

Moreover, now there are very few players who can choose the steam weird technology tree. The market for this thing should not be big, but anyway, it is all for nothing, and Zhang Tuohai put it away.

Among these drawings, only one is Zhang Tuohai did not see the actual object in the basement.

[Steam is sufficient: special grade 3 auto parts, requiring steam power system. It can be used for vehicles to pass through areas where wheels cannot pass. 】

[Materials: high-grade metal: 2 units, metal parts: 8 units. 】

[Remarks: The above production materials are the materials needed to make a steam appliance. 】

"There is such a thing?"

Zhang Tuohai rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.

He never expected to have this kind of auto parts.

He felt that if he installed this thing, his car seemed to be getting farther and farther away from the car he knew.

I always feel weird.

"Forget it, let it go first, and then make it when there is a need."

Zhang Tuohai collected the drawing.

"Let's go."

Zhang Tuohai strode towards the outside of the house.

"There is still some food in the kitchen, would you like to get some?" the woman asked after coming up.

"Forget it, it's all for you."

Zhang Tuohai felt nauseous when he thought that people like Pictor would actually eat the same kind.

The meat in those kitchens might be the source of it, and Zhang Tuohai didn't want to eat some weird things.

"Everything in the house belongs to you, whatever you do."

Zhang Tuohai climbed into his car.

"Can you know your name?"

The woman chased up and asked.


Zhang Tuohai got into the car and said to Xiao Ai, "Go."


With a roar, the car rushed out of the house and drove into the distance.

"Constantine, I remember you." The woman murmured as she watched the drifting car.

Zhang Tuohai looked back at the car. There were some weird pipes and various valves in the car, and a boiler in the corner, which seemed to have a touch of steampunk.

"Commander, where do you go next?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Explore the road from the outside of the village to the south. The village must lead to the outside world. See what's going on over there."

Zhang Tuohai said.


Classmate Xiao Ai rushed to the road to the south.

On the way, it was still very desolate, sporadic purple plants growing on the wilderness, the rest of the place was still barren, the black soil exuded an unpleasant smell, and mutant monsters came out of the ruins to attack them from time to time.

However, Zhang Tuohai usually speeds up and avoids.

Flamethrower will only be used when it is unavoidable.

His goal is to obtain as many resources and data as possible There is no need to waste time for a few mutant monsters.

After the Battle of the Canyon, he has obtained 823 mutant organs, which is enough for the time being.

On the road, Zhang Tuohai passed two small streams, a wide river, and the water in the streams had turned black, exuding a pungent smell.

The wide river is also hard to escape, all kinds of messy floating objects floating on the river, the river water is turbid and green, and the bodies of dead monsters can be seen floating on it from time to time.

The degree of filthyness, even the Ganges, would be willing to bow down.

These also proved Zhang Tuohai's other conjecture from another aspect, that the world's clean water resources are indeed very scarce.

At least what he saw along the way, there was no drinkable water at all.

"You must go back with more food." Zhang Tuohai marked the key points in his notes.

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