Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 203: Snowman statue

"It's finally out."

   Zhang Tuohai wiped his forehead, his body was almost soaked in cold sweat.

   Since entering the road survival world, he has not experienced such a dangerous moment.

   just now, almost died.

   Zhang Tuohai picked up his own box from the vending machine and opened it casually.

   is a full 1,800-point ticket on the top.

    plus the accumulated before, plus the one that came out of the box, Zhang Tuohai has 5,431 points.

   is a bumper harvest.

   Placed under the coupon is a snowman statue.

  【Snowman Statue: A special statue, you will get shelter from the wind and snow after placement. Snow cannot bury you, hurricanes cannot move you, ice cannot make you slip, and cold cannot hurt you. 】

   [Note: This is a reward for the brave who has killed the snowman. 】

   Zhang Tuohai carefully read the description of the snowman statue twice, and came to a conclusion: Lao Tzu is awesome.

   Zhang Tuohai clearly remembered that the disaster on the seventh day of this world was the rapid freezing.

   If the cold cannot hurt him, does it mean that rapid freezing is also ineffective for him?

   To try it out, Zhang Tuohai took off his snow camouflage uniform and went outside.

   After standing in the cold wind for ten minutes, Zhang Tuohai tremblingly returned to the car while wiping his nose.

   After installing the snowman statue, the cold really cannot make him frostbite, but it should be cold or cold.

   Zhang Takuhai felt like ice on his body.

   "It's careless." Zhang Tuohai wiped his nose and thought to himself.

   He didn't expect the system to play such a word game with him.

   However, the effect of not being frostbite is already great.

   With the addition of resistance to snow, ice, hurricanes, etc., it is worth the money.

   Zhang Tuohai is still very satisfied with the snowman statue.

   Below the snowman statue is a manufacturing drawing.

   And it is the heavy weapon blueprint that he is thinking of.

   [RPG-43 type anti-tank grenade manufacturing drawing: nicknamed Molotov grenade, with a total length of 383 mm, a weight of 1.2 kg, and a penetration depth of 75 mm. The killing radius is 20 meters. 】

   [Materials for manufacturing: metal ingots: 1 unit, wood: 1 unit, metal parts: 10 units. 】

   Although it is not the RPG7 blueprint he most wants, but with this thing, with the ice projector, it can be regarded as a long-range blasting weapon, and it is enough for the time being.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Moreover, with the manufacturing drawings, Zhang Tuohai can finally count the Molotov grenade as a killer without using Molotov grenade. Now he can do Produced in batches, it can be used as a conventional weapon.

   Comprehensive strength has taken another step.

   As for more advanced weapons, wait for the opportunity to collect them slowly.

  His goal is to gather high-grade metal ingots first, and make mobile composite armor first.

   After taking all the rewards away, Zhang Tuohai mentioned Cang Xiaokong and Zhao Wanwan.

   also told them not to shoot at the snowman.

   "Don't worry, the bullets in my hand are not enough for self-protection, how could it be wasted on the snowman, let alone, the big guy is chasing it again." Zhao Wanwan replied.

"I originally wanted to give it a try, but after hearing what you said, I'd better withdraw. With my current strength, I'm going to deliver food." Cang Xiaokong resolutely chose to give up the challenge and was detained by the game system. Half of the points are lost.

   However, Cang Xiaokong is very satisfied. It is better to lose some coupons than to lose his life.

   "Boss, this thing should be useful to you. The reward I got is regarded as a thank you gift." Cang Xiaokong said and gave six units of high-grade metal ingots to Zhang Tuohai.

   "This thing is very valuable, don't you plan to keep it for yourself?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Of course I know it's a good thing, but at my current level, I don't need it at all. It's better to give it to you in exchange for your favorability. As long as you don't abandon me, I will definitely be very moisturized. This message also saved my life. I think it’s worth more than six units of high-grade metal ingots. It’s worth replacing my life with six units of high-grade metal ingots."

   Cang Xiaokong said openly.

   "Well, I will accept it."

   Zhang Tuohai still admires Cang Xiaokong's straightforward character, at least he made it clear about the thigh hug.

   just rush to this point, as long as Cang Xiaokong knows to advance and retreat, Zhang Tuohai will not abandon her casually.

   The Su's sisters haven't encountered this race yet, so they didn't buy information with Zhang Tuohai.

   After asking for a while, Zhang Tuohai continued to let Xiao Ai move forward.

   drove down for more than an hour, and the **** of the hillside gradually slowed down.

   "Is it coming to the foot of the mountain, but where is the resting place?"

   Zhang Tuohai was a little anxious.

   If there is no rest place in the back, wouldn't he get these points for nothing?

   drove for another hour, and when Zhang Tuohai became anxious, a red roof finally appeared in his eyes.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Let’s take a look."

   Zhang Tuohai greeted Xiao Ai.

   After the car drove past, Zhang Tuohai almost tilted his nose with anger.

   This is a resting place, but it is only ten meters away from the end.

   What's the point of setting up your rest area?

   Didn’t you say that it is good to supplement supplies halfway?

   Built ten meters before the finish line and added a woolen thread.

   Just as Zhang Takuhai wanted to cross the finish line, he backed the car back.

   What if I cross the finish line and don’t let me exchange it?

   Based on Zhang Tuohai's understanding of the game system, it absolutely did this kind of Let's change it first. "

   Zhang Takuhai stopped at the rest area and checked the goods inside.

   I have to say that the materials at the foot of the mountain are cheaper than those at the top.

   The top grade of the same kind here is about a quarter cheaper than the one on the mountain.

   "Well, don't learn, I learned all the sets in the tourist area."

   Zhang Tuohai is sure that those on the mountain are definitely overpriced.

   However, his small arms can't twist his thighs, so he can only buy honestly.

   "One premium metal ingot 230 points."

   Zhang Tuohai looked at the coupons in his hand, a total of 5,431 points, all of which can buy more than 20 high-grade metal ingots.

   Seeing high-grade metal ingots, Zhang Tuohai seemed to buy directly.

   "Wait, in case there is something better."

   Zhang Tuohai continued to turn upwards.

  RPG7, Phoenix Rocket, are all placed on the shelf impressively.

   actually only needs 1500 coupons.

  The greedy Zhang Tuohai drooled.

   Zhang Tuohai kept his eyes on the top.

   He was firmly attracted by a drawing.

  【Manipulator arm: Level 3 auto parts, you can freely control it to do any specified actions, or it can be controlled by AI. 】

   [Material: high-grade metal ingot: 3 units, metal parts: 50 units, electronic components *1]

   [Note: The number of robotic arms that can be manufactured per car is 10, and the number of robotic arms that can be manufactured for each level of improvement +10]

  Price: 5200 points coupon.


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