Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 195: Level 3 auto parts are available

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"Thank you, thank you." Su Qi saw the pink pistol and his eyes suddenly appeared heart-shaped, and he liked it very much.

Women, most of them are face value parties, and have no resistance to good-looking things.

Men choose things based on parameters, price comparisons, and cost-effectiveness. Women choose things as long as they look good.

After dismissing Su Qi, Zhang Tuohai asked Xiao Ai to move forward.

However, this time the speed was reduced a lot, and the main energy was used to find a resting place.

Now that there is currency, a rest place will be arranged later and a place to redeem prizes will be provided.

Even if it does not, it will inevitably gain some access to these currencies.

Sure enough, after about half an hour, Zhang Tuohai really found a small black spot far away.

A closer look reveals a red roof that resembles a gas station.

"Gas station? Go and take a look." Zhang Tuohai drove over with curiosity.

This is a huge red ceiling, in which is placed a red and white vending machine with various things.

Zhang Tuohai got out of the car, looked up at the vending machine, and found that there were indeed many good things inside.

Needless to say basic gasoline, food, and drinking water.

Zhang Tuohai even discovered level 2 and 3 construction materials.

However, the price is a bit expensive, a level 2 material costs 30, and a level 3 material costs 300.

Zhang Tuohai can only buy three Level 3 materials with the money in his hands, and he always feels a bit at a loss.

After skipping various basic materials, Zhang Tuohai continued to look up.

Continuing upward is all kinds of weapons and general drawings.

Such as car microwave ovens, car air conditioners and so on.

Zhang Tuohai already has most of these things, and the ones sold here are also a bit expensive.

An ordinary pistol actually costs 100, and it doesn't carry bullets.

A drawing of an ordinary car microwave oven starts directly at 300.

"It really deserves to be the service area, it's black, it's really dark!"

Zhang Tuohai continued to look up.

At the very top, there are two things.

One is a Phoenix Rocket, and the price soars directly to 2000 points.

Zhang Tuohai can only sigh with excitement.

Even if a player clears the ice and snow maze in 0 hours, he can only get 1800 points at most. This thing is obviously not for individual players, maybe only a team can change it.

However, Zhang Tuohai can think about the second one.

[Mobile review armor plate: Class 3 auto parts, can be adjusted and moved freely after installation, can achieve full-enclosed coverage, and can also retain some windows. The strength can resist zero-range firing of assault rifles, and can resist close-range attacks of ordinary fragment grenade. 】

[Construction materials: advanced metal ingots: 30 units, metal parts: 300 units. 】

"Class 3 auto parts!"

Zhang Tuohai's eyes couldn't contain the excitement.

He looked for three-level auto parts for a long time, and even if he made a huge purchase, he still got nothing.

It made him think that he might not be able to upgrade the car to level 4 in this world, but he didn't expect that he accidentally smashed the willows into the willows. Unexpectedly, he actually encountered a level 3 blueprint here.

"Must take it!" Zhang Tuohai cried out in his heart.

However, the drawing is good, and the price is also very moving. It needs a full price of 1,500 points.

Zhang Tuohai looked at the inventory in his hand, and it was only 1,020 points.

Even counting the 300 points that the Su sisters owed herself, it was 180 points short.

"Where can I fill in the gap?"

Zhang Tuohai scratched his head.

It's a pity that Zhao Wanwan and Cang Xiaokong didn't choose the ice and snow maze and couldn't get the exclusive currency here. Otherwise, they could just borrow some points from them to make up.

However, the hands of the two of them are much cleaner than their faces, and they are unable to support them.

Zhang Tuohai pondered for a while, and could only continue to find a way with the Su family sisters.

"Are you out of the ice and snow maze?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"I just walked out and got more than six hundred."

Su Qi said excitedly.

"Wait a little while, I'll transfer the 300-point coupon owed to you right away."

Su Qi said.

"Can you lend me two hundred more?" Zhang Tuohai asked, "I can replenish you twice after I get the coupons next time, or I can compensate you with other things."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Wait, I will discuss with my sister." Su Qi did not directly refuse.

Zhang Tuohai's heart moved, and he talked without rejecting it.

He looked at the supplies around him and said: "It has become you three cups of milk tea, plus a pillow."

"Why do I want a pillow, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Don't you want Sister Baoer's pillow?" Zhang Tuohai said and took a picture of it.

"Keep it for me! Isn't it 200 points? I'm guaranteed to get it for you."

Su Qi said decisively.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Zhang Tuohai cleared the snow on the body while waiting for the news.

After a while, Su Qi turned over 500 points.

"My sister agreed, but you have to give us a stronger gun with at least 200 bullets. Don't forget my pillow." Su Qi said.

"Don't worry, you are indispensable."

Although I don't know what method Su Qi used to persuade Su Mu, Zhang Tuohai is still very satisfied with the result of the transaction.

He picked a handful of AUG from the trophies and threw it over, then collected 210 rounds of ammunition and sent it, which is considered to be 7 magazines.

These bullets should be enough for two people to use for a while.

Sister Baoer's pillow Zhang Tuohai also posted.

Su Qi was overjoyed.

Su Mu couldn't help but sighed while looking at Su Qi who was holding the pillow tightly.

She felt that sooner or later, her sister would have to pack and sell herself.

Zhang Tuohai was full of joy at this time, and he finally collected the money to buy the drawings.

He stuffed all the banknotes in his hand into the vending machine, and then clicked on the drawing.


The drawing rolled down to the receiving port.

The place where the drawings were originally placed became empty.

"Is there only one? Is it one for each vending machine, or just one for the entire track?"

Zhang Tuohai scratched his head, and there are too few comparison samples It is not yet possible to judge.

Zhang Tuohai looked at the drawing carefully and put it away.

Now, his main goal is to collect enough high-level metal ingots to fill in the last piece of the puzzle for level 4 cars.

Zhang Tuo Haiguang was the first to drive a Class 4 car in the era when the mainstream was still a Class 2 car. He felt excited after thinking about it.

"I don't know what a Tier 4 car looks like, a large off-road vehicle like the Paramount Predator, a premium RV, or some new concept car that can only be seen on the Internet?"

Zhang Tuohai wondered.

"Commander, a car is catching up from behind."

While Zhang Tuohai was thinking, classmate Xiao Ai suddenly reminded him.

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