Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 191: Avalanche, snow wall, snow column

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Zhang Tuohai naturally didn't know the status of those players. At this time, he was looking at the surrounding environment.

At this time, he was near the top of a high mountain.

In front of him is a steep **** with an inclination angle of 45 degrees or more.

Just looking down is dizzy.

There is white snow all around.

A distance of 50 meters away, you can vaguely see a car parked there, but the distance is too far to see who it is. However, Zhang Tuohai can be sure that it is not Zhao Wanwan, because it is a Class 2 business. car.

Zhang Tuohai looked to the other side. It was also a Class 2 commercial vehicle. It seemed that Zhao Wanwan had not been assigned to him.

"It seems that if there is no team, there is still some trouble."

Zhang Tuohai smacked his lips. Originally, he wanted to take care of Zhao Wanwan in this game, but now it seems that he can only make his own destiny.

"When you see the enemy, don't get entangled, and make sure your own safety is the priority." Zhang Tuohai sent a private letter to exhort.

Zhao Wanwan is now his production base for sugar cane and milk. If it is lost, Zhang Tuohai will be greatly affected.

"Understand, I am more afraid of death than you think, don't worry." Zhao Wanwan responded with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhang Tuohai still wanted to say something.

A line of game system prompts popped up in front of him.

[The game is about to start, everyone, please prepare, countdown: 3, 2, 1! 】

Cars began to drive forward slowly.

Just kidding, this is a 45-degree steep **** with white snow underneath. It can't stop sliding down when standing on it. Who dares to drive fast?

However, the game system doesn't seem to want them to get around so peacefully.

As soon as the countdown was over, the snow on the mountain began to roll down. At first, it was only a small amount, and then the area became larger and larger. In the end, a large area of ​​snow hit everyone like a flood.

Seeing the overwhelming snow pouring in, the players dared to slow down and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate their departure.

At this time, the car may overturn if you rush down the hill, but if you stay here, you will die if you are buried in the snow.

Everyone knows how to choose.

"Damn it, I knew I would get a moth." Zhang Tuohai cursed and said immediately, "Student Xiao Ai, keep the highest speed while remaining safe."


Classmate Xiao Ai slammed on the accelerator and rushed down the hillside.

Zhang Tuohai's move drove more snow, and the collapsing snow became one piece, like a sea wave, rushing toward everyone.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding players cursed and accelerated.

Some players couldn't grasp it because the speed was too fast, and the **** was full of snow, and one of them overturned the car without paying attention.

In the blink of an eye, he was overwhelmed by the rushing snow.

Zhang Tuohai knows that if he is submerged in snow, if he can't save himself in time, the player is likely to die due to lack of oxygen.

Zhang Tuohai hurriedly hung the engineer shovel on the trading channel.

At the same time, shouted in the regional channel: "Players who are buried by the snow quickly dig a vent, otherwise they will be suffocated."

"Thank you for your advice. I'm digging. It would be better if I could sell it cheaper."

Soon players bought one.

"Fuck, can I still lack oxygen? Thank you for your advice, no, I have to dig a hole quickly."

"Boss, I was buried too deep, can you sell some wood as a stepping stone to let me drive the car out?"

"I have wood, one pound of meat for one piece."

"The dead profiteer upstairs, buy it from me, I can sell it for half a catty cheaper."

Soon, it fell into a price war.

Zhang Tuohai took a look. There were still many players buried by the avalanche. In just a few minutes, there were fifty or sixty people, and the number was still increasing.

It can be seen from the sales of his engineering shovel.

The avalanche has not stopped, but has become more and more intense.

As the speed of Zhang Tuohai and others continued to accelerate, the snow that passed along the way also joined the avalanche, and the scale was rapidly expanding.

"No, at this speed, I am afraid that the scale will become larger and larger. Even if the speed is always faster than the avalanche, it will always be chased by the avalanche, and there is no time to rest."

Zhang Tuohai frowned as he watched the growing avalanche behind him.

"Commander, look at the snow wall in front of you!"

Classmate Xiao Ai said suddenly.

Zhang Tuohai looked forward, and sure enough, not far away, a snow wall appeared.

Each snow wall is ten or twenty meters wide, and there is only a few meters between the snow wall and the snow wall, one snow wall after another, forming an intermittent barrier wall.

Zhang Tuohai estimated that this is the "obstacle" in the mountain downhill obstacle course.

Layers of snow walls can hinder an avalanche as well as create obstacles for players. If one accidentally hits the snow wall, it may cause considerable damage.

Many people think that snow is soft, but if it is cast into a snow wall, it is harder than ice, and hitting it is no different from hitting an ordinary concrete wall.

"Student Xiao Ai, pay attention to the snow wall, go through the gap, don't fight it hard."

Zhang Tuohai urged.

"Commander, don't worry, Xiao Ai understands."

Classmate Xiao Ai flicked his tail beautifully, splashed with countless snowflakes, and the six-wheeled off-road vehicle passed through the gap between the two snow walls dangerously and dangerously.

After passing through the snow wall, Zhang Tuohai suddenly cursed.

This game system simply doesn't talk about martial ethics. After the snow wall, there is a snow wall.

Moreover, the former snow wall and the latter snow wall are staggered.

In other words, the gap between the snow walls of the upper layer is facing the snow wall of the next layer.

If you don’t pay attention to slowing down and braking, you have to hit it head-on.

Moreover, the brakes may not stop. There is snow under the car. Even if you brake, the snow may take you forward.

However, Xiao Ai's driving skills were exceptionally superb, and he flicked his tail and swept across the gap by rubbing the edge of the snow wall.

Then, what appeared in front of Zhang Tuohai was the third layer of snow wall.

This layer of snow wall has completely abandoned the law. The long one is hundreds of meters long, and the short one is only five or six meters. The directions are also inconsistent. Some are horizontal, vertical, and oblique. There is no law at all.

The most infuriating thing is that behind the third layer of snow wall are pillars piled up from snow, densely standing on the hillside, stretching for thousands of meters, and each pillar is full of wires. Rod thickness.

"This dog is not a son of man." Zhang Tuohai cursed.

Xiao Ai began to show superb car skills, shuttled between layers of pillars.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult."

Seeing that there was no problem, Zhang Tuohai let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, another car rushed through the snow wall.

However, it was not so lucky and hit a snow porch with one head.

The snow pillar was hit by a car, and suddenly collapsed.

Moreover, because the snow columns are arranged so densely, the collapse of one snow column immediately caused a chain reaction. Hundreds of snow columns collapsed like dominoes, and, apparently, they were facing Zhang Tuohai’s side. The trend of spreading.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 192 Avalanche Snow Wall and Snow Corridor), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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