Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 181: The disappearing rum

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"Treasure Map!"

After seeing the content on the paper, Zhang Tuohai was overjoyed at first, and then frowned again.

"This treasure map actually requires a team of four players to enter together."

Zhang Tuohai estimated that this was the reason why the player had been carrying him all the time and had not used it.

In this world, players are mostly related to interests, and there are few real trust relationships.

Find other players to team up to explore the dungeon. What if other players are greedy for resources and stabbed in the back?

This player probably also has such doubts.

Of course, it is also possible that you want to wait for the price and find a suitable opportunity to bring a few fat sheep together to download the copy.

Unfortunately, he didn't make it to the day when the plan was executed, and the treasure map was cheaper than Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai collected the treasure map, and he had a general idea about the selection of personnel, but he still had to discuss specifically before making a decision.

He continued to search the player's body and found that there was nothing else, Zhang Tuohai moved the harvest back to his car, and then went after Zhao Wanwan.

At this time, Zhao Wanwan was 5 kilometers away, standing on the side of the road anxiously looking at the direction when she came.

After seeing Zhang Tuohai, he let out a sigh of relief.

"You finally came back, have everything resolved?"

"Don't worry, it's just a madman. It's a trivial matter." Zhang Tuohai waved his hand, and then greeted Zhao Wanwan to get into the car.

"I got a treasure map, you can enter the copy. A total of four people are needed. Would you like to see it with me?"

"If necessary, I will inevitably accompany you, wherever you go, I will go wherever you go, and then I will rely on you." Zhao Wanwan said.

Now she has only one person, and her arms are not flexible. If she encounters an enemy, she may not be able to deal with it. It is better to follow Zhang Tuohai to be safer.

As for what she doesn't get, she doesn't care so much either.

Zhang Tuohai can make her eat meat all three times a day. Does she need to care about anything else?

"Okay, then you are ready to prepare, and I will greet two more people."

Zhang Tuohai was the first to find Vladimir.

Last time, Vladimir invited him to make a copy with him. This time there is a chance. Of course, Davari should not be forgotten.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Tuohai's invitation, Vladimir was very happy and directly agreed.

"Don't worry, my dear Davaris, I'm ready."

After deciding on the three people, Zhang Tuohai began to choose the fourth person.

On the channel, there are a few people he is familiar with, the oil guy Sharonbas, the Su sisters, the current sales representative Cang Xiaokong, and the hatchet sister Li Feiyu.

Sharonbas is the gold master, Zhang Tuohai only has a business relationship with him, and he doesn't have a deep relationship, and he doesn't know much about his nature, so he hesitated and put him out of the list.

The Su family sisters are good partners for cooperation, but they are two people, beyond the range of numbers, they can only be excluded.

Zhang Tuohai hesitated between Cang Xiaokong and Li Feiyu, and finally chose Li Feiyu.

There is no reason for him. Cang Xiaokong was born in Huanchang, and his thoughts were so deep that he couldn't grasp it.

It's still in the phase of mutual use, and there is nothing to sell, but Zhang Tuohai is still a little hesitant when he thinks of getting close to her.

In the end, Zhang Tuohai made Li Feiyu the last person.

Li Feiyu came up on the same channel as him, and helped him clear off a few players from the Sakura Racing Team, and helped him find out some inside stories about the Sakura Racing Team. He was still a credible good comrade.

Moreover, Li Feiyu's strength is also relatively strong.

On the last night of the first world, the scene where Li Feiyu beheaded his head is still vivid.

Relationships and abilities are all right, but you can increase the relationship.

Zhang Tuohai dialed Li Feiyu's private message.

"There is a copy, do you want to explore it together."

"How do you divide things when you find them?" Li Feiyu asked.

"Distribute according to needs. If there is a demand, then bid, and the money received will be distributed to other players in proportion. Explain in advance that I will have an extra copy because it is my treasure map."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Yes, when will we leave?" Li Feiyu is a very simple person.

"Be prepared, and act now."

Zhang Tuohai turned around and informed Vladimir and Zhao Wanwan to prepare, and then activated the treasure map.

[Detected that the player has activated the treasure map: Wonderful Ecological Park, please select the person to invite. 】

Zhang Tuohai filled in the names of several people in turn.

【Sending invitation...】

【The invitation is successful and is being sent. 】

A white light flashed, covering several people.

After the white light disappeared, Zhang Tuohai found several people appearing on a mountain path.

One side of the road is a towering cliff, and the other is a mountain stream. The banks on both sides of the stream are covered with a little snow, the stream is steaming, and the sky is full of scorching sun.

Suddenly seeing the sun, Zhang Tuohai subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

Then he suddenly woke up, and finally he saw the sun again.

In the past, when the sun was hanging in the sky every day, I didn't feel anything, and even felt too hot. Now, I haven't seen the sun for a few days, but I feel very kind.

There are some things that really only feel precious if they are lost.

"Student Xiaoai, hurry up and charge the battery for nothing. It's a little bit more floating."

"Understood, I have turned on the charging board, and I am accelerating the charging." Xiao Ai said.

Zhang Tuohai took a look at the outdoor temperature, and it was just around minus 2 degrees. For those of them who were in the winter night from minus 30 degrees, it was almost the same as in midsummer.

Zhang Tuohai opened the car window and looked outside. His car was in the first place, followed by Zhao Wanwan, then Vladimir, and finally Li Feiyu.

It seems to be sorted according to the order of invitation.

At this time, Vladimir was wearing a vest, jumped out of the car, and waved after seeing Zhang Tuohai: "My dear Davaris, I didn't expect to meet again so soon. Do you have any drinks here? "

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

He felt that this bearded man was really stable, and he asked for wine as soon as he met, and there was no danger of a collapsed house.

"Drinking so early?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"It's okay, the more I drink, the more courage I will be. It won't get in the way."

Vladimir said took a geoduck out of the car: "How about this?"


Zhang Tuohai was shocked.

Vladimir can get this kind of thing.

"Too evil!"

Zhang Tuohai decisively threw it into the refrigerator, and then stuffed Vladimir a bottle of rum.

"Thanks to Davarishi." Vladimir picked up the bottle and peeled off the cap, just about to drink.

Suddenly he felt a lightness in his hand.

When he bowed his head, he was surprised to find that the rum in his hand had disappeared.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the disappeared rum in Chapter 182), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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