Rise of Rurik

Chapter 859: Stockholm Governor’s Palace is opened

The enthronement ceremony is completely over, leaving a thousand warriors in Uppsala, which is a huge mouth.

They must start production operations and at least be self-sufficient in terms of food.

The army will not withdraw. When the autumn grain trade in Sweden begins, these soldiers transform into porters.

Eight ships are equivalent to 1,600 pounds of silver coins. According to the price of one pound of silver for one thousand pounds of new oats, it is a huge wealth of 1.6 million pounds of new wheat.

In a sense, Rurik made less money from this ship purchase transaction, because the market price of new wheat always dropped sharply during the harvest season, and even plummeted to such an absurd level that one silver coin could be exchanged for seventeen pounds.

Rurik could completely imagine the happiness of the great nobles. They got the big ship and the goods were delivered at a high price without a large amount of dehydrated oatmeal. Everyone actually saved a lot of money.

So Rurik is completely at a disadvantage? Not really. Mass-produced standard cargo ships are manufactured by three national shipyards. Each shipyard has two wooden docks, in which two hulls can be built at the same time.

With the current progress, each shipyard can launch eight ships a year without any problem. Because the technology is becoming more mature, craftsmen are improving, and there are more and more apprentice workers. From a macro perspective, the Ross shipbuilding industry has huge potential, and the cost is getting smaller and smaller when spread equally to each ship.

The total cost of a slender, fast-moving standard cargo ship (which can double as a trawler), excluding weapons and equipment, is less than one hundred pounds of silver coins.

The entire Russian fleet anchored in the inner lake of the Uppsala tribe began to move. Rurik wanted to leave temporarily with the army, so he specially talked with his Lumi.

Even though she has become a real woman, she still seems ignorant.

Caressing her face, Rurik thought of Rumia from many years ago.

Take a good look at this Lumi. At that time, she was the youngest daughter of the leader of the Salmon Lord tribe of the Kovin people. It was an isolated tribe. There was a high probability that the lovely Lumi would never leave that small forest and The river is like a bird in a cage unaware of the vastness of the world.

Today, he is already the highest priest of the Uppsala Temple in the Kingdom of Rus!

Her position is important but her age is not that big. In any case, King Rurik is the only man in her life, even though the king has a large number of wives and concubines because he is the Supreme One.

I’m afraid it won’t be until next year that I see the king again! Maybe by that time, my own child will be born.

She entertained her man for the last time in a woman's way, and used this intimate act to ensure that she would be a mother.

Rumi stayed here, wearing a deer-horned helmet and a bearskin, holding a new wooden staff inlaid with gems. Everything about her is imitating Rumia, the high priest of Rus, the woman who basically has the same name as herself.

Leading many newly recruited lower-level priestesses, she watched with complicated emotions as King Rurik led the main force of the fleet to sail along the river to Lake Malaren...

She is no longer a follower of the high priest, but the high priest with the highest status in Sweden. She guards the huge Uppsala temple and the sacred tree, and is protected by the entire Uppsala tribe.

"Is it really okay for you to just throw Lumi over there?" Lumia stood at the bow of the ship, pulling Rurik's arm.

"Isn't it cruel?"

"Maybe this is her fate, that she is... too lonely."

"This is fate." Rurik emphasized lightly.

Lumia murmured: "I also have some doubts about those Uppsala people, whether they support Lumi."

"They must support. Rumia..." Rurik subconsciously pinched Rumia's chin and pulled her into his arms, "You are like Rumi's biological sister. I can understand that you care about her. But She cannot always be your deputy. Our daughter Velika is your real deputy. Placing Lumi in Uppsala will reduce disputes, and she must also be on her own."

When it comes to Velika, this is where the high priest's heart goes soft. The king is right, Lumi must leave.

"I have not treated Lumi badly." Rurik continued, "Next year I will conquer Jotalan and conquer a new territory. At that time, we will also hold an expedition sacrifice, and the venue can only be the Uppsala Temple. .At that time, she will be the one to preside over the sacrifice."

"Oh, that's a good thing."

The king and the high priest were so close that Queen Svetlana was inevitably jealous. So what? She became a mother and had an adopted son Reglaf and a biological son Osborne Slav. Osborne was still an infant, and her thoughts were mostly focused on her child.

Different wives and concubines had unified but different attitudes towards the king. They all grew up to the age where they had to become mothers, and those who had not yet fulfilled their wishes were anxious to compete with each other.

They clung to King Rurik, praising him as a real man, and blurted out countless sweet words of love.

The powerful Countess Nolen of Narvik Port declared that she must be the king's closest concubine during his final stay in Melalen.

She got her wish, but the happiness of being favored should not be exclusive to a noble countess.

Nolen, who loves music, is a textbook young Viking noblewoman and the biological sister of the King of the British Viking Kingdom of York. She begins to look forward to the birth of her son.

In the past, Rurik achieved major expedition results of "discovering the Arctic Ocean and establishing the Murmansk stronghold." At that time, Saipolava, the daughter of the leader of the Kovin Gray Squirrel tribe, who was traveling with him, had also grown up.

After most of the Covin people surrendered, they were moved to the deepest part of the Gulf of Bothnia. They guarded the huge chromite ore and built the northernmost and largest iron smelting center in Russia. The city was a salmon fishing city and was also closely related to Pangolin. The largest trade node connected by land in Norway. Saipolava's eldest son will inherit the position of Lord or Governor of Ironburg. Because of the mother's status, this child will not have a fief, but can only be a hereditary city lord, and will be directly responsible to the royal family for generations.

Saipolava became a woman in the king's palace at the fortress of Gould Island on the lake in the Kingdom of Rus.

A real man is most angry when others say "no", and a strong king must set a manly example to his noble subjects.

He thought to himself, it would still be a while before the wheat harvest anyway, and he was guarding a large group of wives, concubines, and children, eating well and drinking spicy food every day, and he might become a fat mess in his spare time. He completely understood why the Gould family was all fat.

He firmly believed that he was in excellent physical condition, and with the remaining power of the king ceremony, he favored the ten girls from White Tree Manor that his father had selected for him eleven years ago. The ten girls Rurik worked hard for ten days, and they went as they always wished. As a king, after experiencing this dream for more than ten days, what he really hoped for was to sleep for two days to recuperate his weak body.

At this point, only Ella, who is stranded in Novgorod and manages the historical documents of Russia, has not yet become a real woman. She won't wait any longer.

Rurik could think about how the troops stationed on the island would evaluate his king. Such glorious deeds of the king were already known in Stockholm Port.

Ordinary life requires fun, and those things about men and women are the most talked about things that everyone likes to hear, not to mention the hero of the story is the king.

Some people didn't believe it at first, but now King Rurik's nickname of "April Bull" has been confirmed.

All the wives and concubines were very satisfied, and old Otto was even more satisfied. As a past ruler, Otto did not bring great and unprecedented glory to Rus. As an old father, he almost always arranges his son's marriage issues himself, and the girls he personally selected all come to fruition after so many years.

Otto felt better again. He ate meat, drank wine and reminisced with his old friends in the Gould Island Fortress.

He sipped his wine glass and shouted about his achievements with relatives and friends while drinking. He even scolded his eldest nephew: "Arik, you have to learn from your brother. Marrying two is too little! After all, you are also a duke. You can choose a good land to live a good life in the future. You only have one." Sgard, this is not good."

My uncle was acting like a drunkard, but thinking about what his uncle said, I really felt a little unhappy. He said: "My Peravina has another son, Kil. My children born to Aslaqi can't inherit any territory. I still love them deeply, and I really don't want to marry again."

"Absurd!" In an excited mood, Otto smashed a glass and couldn't help but feel sad when he thought about his life.

The king named the old Duke Otto as the Supreme King. The king inherited the power of his father and was promoted to the king. Otto didn't think it mattered at all. He cried bitterly because his brother Ogier died too early.

His mood stabilized under the comfort of everyone, and he took another sip of strong wine. With his whole body red, he touched a handful of tears and persuaded Arik: "Your father Ogier also hopes that you will give birth to a large number of children for him. Hurry up." Find some pretty women..."

Before he finished speaking, Old Otto suddenly lay down and snored loudly.

Everyone has his or her own ambitions, and it was not easy for Arik to judge his younger brother. His younger brother was not a womanizer, but it was a fact that he had many wives and concubines. Although Arik is a warrior, after many years, with the wise Asraqi beside him to make suggestions, he has become more and more aware of his proper position in the entire country.

"You cannot and should not try to compare with your brother. He is the real king, you are not. It is enough to do your duty as a warrior and chase your dreams." Aslaqi once advised.

What is a dream? Arik's biggest dream in his life is to become the number one berserker in Ross. He didn't want to use his mind on calculations, he just wanted to bathe in the enemy's blood on the battlefield with weapons in hand.

This time King Rurik wanted to conquer Jotalan, and Aric, who had not fought for some years, was in high spirits.

Rurik spent all his time taking care of his wives and concubines, but he was eventually defeated by reality and had to eat a lot of roasted lamb kidneys, and then slept alone.

Although he became a king, facing the political ecology of Sweden, the most cost-effective way to rule was to control the largest temple and largest trading city. Various tasks have been arranged. Although there are no serious technocrats, there are still technical talents.

On Gould Island, Arik, captain of the First Flag Team, rushed to organize hundreds of young warriors brought over before the autumn harvest in Sweden.

The average age of the soldiers was only around fourteen years old, but when observed by local civilians, no one thought that they were really only fourteen years old.

The best training is to fight with each other with wooden sticks and wooden shields. If you are afraid of getting hurt, fight with bare hands.

In this way, the school grounds inside Gould's Fortress became a brutal training ground. They followed the original formation, one team fought against the other, and improved each other's fighting abilities in the chaos. Also because he has learned special fighting techniques, such fighting has become quite dangerous.

No one was beaten to death, but many children were beaten with bloody heads.

Training the boys in this way is an open secret of Ross. The so-called philosophy is to sweat more on weekdays and die less in battle. Although most tribes knew that Ross was training young soldiers in this way, when it was their own tribe's turn, they really didn't have the ability or dare to do so.

A very bad situation worries other tribes - infected wounds.

Ross used distilled alcohol on a large scale to clean the wounds and covered them with a large amount of honey. These medical methods adapted to local conditions made the soldiers not afraid of injury at all, so it didn't matter if they were brutal during training.

Although it was training, guys from the same race were really easily angered when fighting, and their attacks became more and more brutal.

If a group of wolves fight among themselves, a group of ruthless people will definitely be killed. These children are all standing troops trained by Rurik. Although they are all young, one or two of them are extremely arrogant. They all hope to stand out and be used by the king, so that they will not only be respected as real men, but also gain certain power in the future.

They sometimes "combat training", sometimes learn navigation and fishing operations.

Although the logistics supplies can still support such a large army, it would be too stupid to do nothing in the face of the huge Lake Mälaren.

They were supposed to be standard cargo ships sold to subordinate tribes. Together with other large ships, these eight ships lowered their large nets and began trawling operations.

Some boats leave Lake Mälaren to fish for herring at the estuary. Part of the inner lake is used to fish for seabass and freshwater cod.

Lake Malaren is very huge, with a length of 100 kilometers from east to west. The population around the lake is only 50,000 including a large number of babies.

The aquatic products in the lake are actually very large. Ross's boat entered the waters that were unfamiliar to them, dropped the fishing net and went on a cruise. This kind of luck-based fishing harvest was not bad.

The food for the Russian army and auxiliary personnel was actually over. As Vikings, we cut off the middle bones and internal organs of the European seabass. What was left in winter was basically two pieces of fresh fish, which we swallowed directly into the stomach with our big mouths. inside.

You can even transport a batch of fresh fish to the Ross Shop in Stockholm Port.

Birka was renamed Stockholm. It was originally the traditional control area of ​​the Mellaren tribe. Now it has transformed into a de jure king's jurisdiction!

In fact, there was a group of people from Malaren who lived in the old port of Birka. They almost all made a living by fishing and did not have their own farmland to grow wheat.

At least two thousand fishermen, men, women and children live in Birka. They live in simple shacks that can be strengthened if they have the financial resources. Another group of people are busy with commercial activities. They also have their own land. Buying and selling supplies is another way of making money.

Stockholm is a free trade port. The ten-year tax exemption ordered by the king is the same for everyone in the port area.

The merchants and fishermen saw the king's fleet heading towards the port in a mighty manner, and dropped big anchors to select a large anchorage. The masts are like trees, and the ship is like hills.

To be fair, all the ships in the Ross fleet are not large. The largest ship only has a fully loaded displacement of three hundred tons. Even so, it refreshes the public’s understanding.

The Malaren administrator of Stockholm was removed and replaced by the Great White Fox. His ancestral home is Angklas, he is now a Russian, and he is also a popular person in the king's court.

The city governor is the fat white fox. He controls Rose's Shop and the largest wine shop in the city.

The transfer of power was very peaceful. Although when they heard that the king had returned to his throne in the city, a group of people fled. When they learned that they would be tax-free for ten years, more people rushed over. After all, in the past, ordinary people had no money to pay taxes and landed in the city to do business.

The city is expanding, and maintaining order is a problem facing White Fox. His solution is quite simple, because the cause of chaos is people, so he should solve people's problems.

Are there any gangsters in Stockholm? Of course there is.

The old patrols of the Mellaren people were retained. They swore allegiance to the king and were allowed to inherit their current status hereditary. The so-called patrol team is a security force that maintains order. In order to face the new situation, a group of mercenaries who were looking for employers in the city were recruited.

In fact, the businessmen doing business here all know who are the gangsters and who are the urban gangs. However, the businessmen are raising private soldiers, and the gangsters do not dare to attack the businessmen.

The existence of ruffians and gangsters has slandered the authority of the king, and we must take a heavy blow against these evil people.

At this moment, White Fox has the power in his hands. Thinking that his younger brother Blue Fox dared to fight with a sword in Heideby, Denmark, and that his younger brother has become a businessman who is good at fighting, how can he continue to be a naive fat seal?

He was authorized by Rurik to ensure a peaceful trade environment in the Stockholm port area. As for the means, that was the White Fox's own business.

Rurik is still sleeping soundly, and Stockholm harbor is in trouble.

The king is coming! Kill people to establish your authority!

After experiencing a surprise battle, the port police force lost some brothers, but in the end more than fifty gang members were arrested. There may be hidden villains, but the big villains are now kneeling on the sand of the execution ground.

Thousands of people gathered here to watch, including Duke Bjorn after his abdication. All the chiefs of the big families of the Melalen tribe came, and they came to see the king kill people and establish his authority.

The big fat white fox said in a rich voice: "The king is here! There will be peace in Stockholm! The king is here! Don't be afraid of anything when doing business! The king is here! You will be tax-free for ten years if you do business honestly!"

These declarations were too useful for ordinary fishermen. When facing gangsters who were about to be executed, the fishermen spat and threw rotten fish and shrimps.

The mentality of the Malaren nobles has also changed. The governor appointed by the king, Bai Fox, is not a greedy and evil person. He has always abided by the rules of the industry, but this time he became violent and strange. They did not object that those who were to be executed were evildoers. After all, in the past, when Olegin was around, villains had to tuck their tail between their legs and be a good person. Only when they met the mediocre Bjorn did the villains emerge. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

At least Olegin is here and will use more extreme means to execute these evildoers.

The security forces were armed with double-edged logging axes and chopped off the heads of criminals one by one. Every slash was met with cheers from the crowd.

The evildoers have all been put to death, and the white and blue flags of Rus are flying in Stockholm.

The death of the wicked seems to be a sacrificial flag, because right in front of the largest building of Ross's store, a huge tree stands, a tall spruce becomes a flagpole, and a very wide Ross flag flutters in the wind.

This flag is of great significance, as it means the opening of the Stockholm Governor's Palace of the Rus Kingdom! The Governor's Office was the Gould Island Fortress, now the King's palace.

The Ross shopping area in the city immediately became the Yamen office and the residence of all the officers.

Bai Hu felt that he had stabilized the law and order after striking hard, and also shocked the whole city. The upcoming harvest season has established a stable and safe trading environment for oats, linen, and leather.

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