Rise of Rurik

Chapter 845: Glorious Order of Troops

Go to Lake Mälaren and seize the glory that the Russians deserve!

So, who will be the glorious participants?

The old Otto still remembers the scene back then. Many years have passed. Sweden's political landscape has changed dramatically, and former enemies and friends have also disappeared into the past. He still remembered the old face of leader Olegin, but it was a pity that the old guy had his head stamped by Ragnar.

Oregin died in battle, and his murderer Ragnar became Ross's friend. Ragnar himself was convinced that recruiting troops on the island of Bornholm was bound to seize the rule of Denmark with the help of Ross, and his people, especially his two sons, became complete hostages stranded in Ross.

Otto must participate in this trip to Sweden.

In ancient times, that was the homeland of the Rus tribe. One hundred years later, the Rus prince will be crowned king in Uppsala.

Rurik will be king, and as an old man from the old times, he will be the supreme king. Why does Otto value extremely high power now? What he needs is glory. The more powerful his son is, the more glorious he will be.

Even though this aging and powerful body can no longer fight like a warrior, he must not be so old that his limbs are not working hard.

Otto, the first prince of the Principality of Rus, and his wife Nia will personally participate in the proclaiming ceremony of the new King of Sweden.

The second generation Prince Rurik will become the King of Sweden, and Queen Svetlana will also officially become the Queen of Sweden.

The de jure third generation Prince Osborne Slav has been born. Even though he is a baby, as a born nobleman, he must attend such a glorious moment.

In fact, when Rurik gives the order, a group of elite nobles from the Principality of Rus will participate in this event.

Rurik will bring all his wives, concubines, and children to participate. Even Ragnar's two sons, Ivar, who uses a wheelchair, and Bjorn, who has just learned to run, will be involved.

Perhaps some young children are not suitable for this long journey, and there is a chance that they will die during the journey.

Rurik was cruel, and his order was very absolute: "My children, the children of my relatives, must participate in it and see the world."

Even if the children of nobles are ignorant, they can gain significant political capital by participating in and witnessing the birth of the new King of Sweden, or the birth of Sweden's Rus' dynasty, or the birth of the Rus' kingdom.

It is necessary for the whole family of the Prince of Rus to mobilize. In order to avoid possible rebellions among the conquered Slavic people, the owners of all surrendered Slavic manors must hand over their boyar heirs. It sounds like it is just to witness the birth of the king, but no It sounds like a hostage.

Carlotta, Duchess of Ostara, participated with her son Karl in her arms. Even if she immigrated to the far east, her territory at the southernmost tip of Lake Ilmen was legally an enclave of Sweden. As a die-hard supporter of Rus, the Principality of Ostara will raise the bull-head flag high to wish the Prince of Rus his glory.

As many as a thousand warriors of various ages were recruited. Most of them had the blood of the old Rus tribe, and there were also a group of Slavic warriors who had proven their abilities in the war.

Their own clothing can be of various kinds. They wear a white robe with blue stripes on the outside, and uniform deerskin boots. On top of their heads is not only the traditional riveted iron helmet with a huge nose guard, but also an additional bearskin hat.

The hard work of spring plowing has ended, and the schools set up by the Principality of Ross have fully resumed classes. At present, the knowledge required to be taught to young children is generally limited, and is mostly focused on teaching basic calculations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Latin, Norse and Slavic languages. These teaching activities can directly adopt the model of older children teaching younger children. As for learning more advanced knowledge, only the prince himself taught it.

Those male leaders who have learned cultural knowledge are all over twelve years old. According to tradition, they can become men on the battlefield. Some of them are from the old Rus, some are from other Viking tribes, and some are simply Slavs. They were all organized into the standing army, and most of them were actually assigned to cavalry.

War horses have entered the breeding period, and cavalry training has been suspended on a large scale. The young warriors have cultural knowledge that far exceeds that of others, and they firmly believe that the world is a huge ball and that Ross is still a tiny glimpse in the huge world. They needed to see the world, and even if they couldn't ride horses, they still had to act as infantry warriors to support Rurik's gorgeous platform.

The ruling class of the Rus Principality around Lake Ilmen will organize a large team of more than a thousand people to rush to Mälaren.

The large group of personnel were uniformly dressed. More than a thousand soldiers of various ages wearing white-on-blue jerseys gathered outside Novgorod.

Take a closer look at the sown wheat seeds. Their sprouts are slightly breaking out of the soil. The huge grid-shaped vast hectares of fertile land are forbidden to trample on for idlers. The gathering place of the Ross army was the place where horses were raced in the past, and now it is also covered with green grass.

The short green grass was swayed by the assembled warriors. They all carried bucklers, girdle sacks, battle axes and swords hanging on their waists, and a large number of crossbows. Many people carried extra halberds, with blue, white and red cloth strips hanging under the halberds.

The main color of this army's clothing is white, with blue and red becoming key auxiliary colors. The sunlight shines on them, creating a sense of sanctity.

Regardless of their age, the warriors formed multiple rows of columns.

Their standing postures are actually not very neat. If the queues on the playground of ordinary schools are used as a standard, their current standing method does not satisfy Rurik very much.

Even so, for King Bjorn of Sweden, who had not yet officially abdicated, and other Swedish nobles who had stayed in Novgorod for the entire winter and early spring, they saw a strong army that was unfathomable in terms of momentum alone.

Wooden stakes were driven into the field, and a relatively large platform was quickly built.

Under the podium, the soldiers who were about to go on a long journey lined up. Even Nolen and the drum band she trained continued to play cheerful music to enhance the atmosphere.

On the podium, various Swedish nobles and envoys from the nobles, as guests, were here to observe Prince Rurik's military preparations before departure.

They were full of praise for the heroic appearance of the Russian army, and they were talking about the fleet anchored by cables in the Volkhov River not far away.

Their eyes also paid attention to the figures of Otto, Rurik, and the little baby.

Three generations of Russian rulers are here, and the brothers are all Swedish nobles. Undoubtedly, this point in time has become a footnote to the glory of the Russian nobles.

Although he hadn't yet reached the Great Temple of Uppsala, Bjorn had already seen the results. Rurik can create such a grand "big army" after the huge spring plowing. He is going to Mälaren with an attitude of gaining glory. If anyone dares to oppose him, he can quickly Gather the army and rush away.

The Melalen tribe, which had been severely weakened by the many wars many years ago, has lost its hard power to fight foreign wars, and the people are also very war-weary. Bjorn had to think wildly in his mind: "Russians! You are too strong! Rurik, if you want all of us Melalen people to be slaves, and the army is coming to kill you, we will not be able to resist it. "

Even Bjorn has such a pessimistic attitude, and other nobles have already labeled themselves as vassals of Ross. They saw that among the troops receiving orders, there were actually flags with a cow's head pattern on a white background and black stripes. They were the Ostara people's army. Obviously, being a vassal of Ross was not a bad thing. The Ostara people were now Life was going very well.

There were some cavalry as embellishments at the troop count, because the Pechenegs and Kievs had gone south with a large amount of purchased supplies, making the cavalry lineup too deserted. The cavalry is used to fight in plain areas. As for the ice-eroded lake like Lake Malaren with extremely tortuous shoreline, the "Marine Corps" holding a sword and shield is more suitable.

Nolen paused the current music at Rurik's signal, and then played the beautiful and atmospheric tune at the other end.

"Ross!" My beautiful home》

The melody has its own name. The melody itself was not composed by Rurik himself. What people saw at the time was that he composed the music and wrote the lyrics correctly.

It was just a prelude. Rurik, who was standing high up, shouted: "Brothers, let us sing this song together! Russia..."

The great alliance of that plane fell apart, and the songs that witnessed the glory of the alliance were preserved to recall the glory of the past. The tune is a good tune, and the current Principality of Ross is actually an overall loose political system. The birth of a huge and unified country does not happen overnight. It takes a certain amount of time to unite a large number of forest tribes and coastal tribes into a whole.

The young warriors sang a song together, singing about the greatness of Ross and the consensus that only by uniting can we be great.

More than a thousand people singing the same song? The melody is also very nice, and the lyrics in Norse are relatively complex. Listening to the lyrics, the Swedish nobles will be stunned!

The leaders or envoys of the small tribes feel that this song proves the true attitude of the Russian people. Originally, the population of the native tribes was small, and even a small boat on the sea could not make too many waves. The lyrics made it very clear, "The people of each tribe The regimental structure forms a strong fortress that leads us from victory to victory.”

The Prince of Rus tried his best to emphasize unity through this song that was not heard by thousands of people. This kind of slogan was not mentioned by King Bjorn who had not yet abdicated. Not only did the deceased King Olegin and King Karl not mention it, What is being demonstrated is hegemony. Major political decisions were made at the Uppsala Temple, and the king's enthronement ceremony had not yet been implemented. Prince Rurik clearly stated Rus's views.

So brothers, vote, and listen to the command of this young hero Rurik, and everyone will live a good life in the future. After all, this brat Rurik has spoken out all his ideas.

Mellow songs can fill people's spiritual and cultural needs, and good songs can spread far and wide.

When the song ended, Rurik opened his arms to signal for silence.

He cleared his throat and preached in a booming voice.

"Warriors of Ross! We are walking on a road to glory. Your being chosen just proves that you are the heroic warriors of Ross. You will witness my glory. When I put on the golden crown, you will also Got the glory!

We will hold the ceremony at the Great Temple of Uppsala! One hundred years! It’s been a hundred years! Our Rus’ ancestors left there, and a hundred years later we came back!

All the grudges of the old era were over, Rus and Sweden were merged, a kingdom was born, and the disputes ended.

What belongs to our descendants will be a safer and more prosperous situation, where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment under the rule of the Kingdom of Rus.

I! Rurik! He is the creator of prosperity! Cheer for me! "

Rurik's words were unmodest, and he promoted himself as the creator of prosperity, which is exactly what everyone wants to hear and see.

Someone raised his head and thousands of people started cheering.

The Viking war cry that the Swedish nobles wanted to hear didn't exist, but something even more wonderful was heard.

It was the sound of a roaring mountain, like a tsunami, washing over the beach over and over again like waves, lingering in my ears for a long time.

When the princes ordered large numbers of troops, they recruited young and capable men.

A group of thirty-year-old veterans serve as the core of the army, and an astonishing number of teenage boys are the backbone of this army.

No Swedish aristocrat would look down upon a group of teenage children, or in other words, they simply did not believe that the youngest of these children was only twelve years old.

Everyone is a blond-haired Nordic. There is special food care for children of Viking origin in Rus. Men and women are provided with wheat and meat every day. A twelve-year-old boy is not only quite tall, but also has golden hair. Beard and chest hair. He wore thick clothes and disguised himself as a strong man.

Bjorn and other nobles have low self-esteem. The young warriors of the Rus are generally taller than the mature men of their own tribe. Now wearing a bearskin hat, they look even taller.

Puberty for Nordic boys often begins at the age of nine. If they do not eat well during this stage, their height will be greatly suppressed. The average height of adult men in the Melalen tribe is only 165cm, and many are still 180cm or even taller. The proportion of tall and strong men is too low.

This was also the case for the Russian people in the past, but since Rurik took control of power, he used his own funds to provide free high-nutrition meals to the children of the tribe. For a time, it was called a "perfect act of generosity" and has achieved what it is today. This situation is unimaginable to everyone - there are too many tall boys and girls in the Principality of Rus.

Rurik himself was a tall man, and his queen was also very tall among women. There are all the other wives and concubines here, but there is not even a short man.

The soldiers' roars were loud and powerful, and thousands of words of praise could not describe the current momentum.

Otto had a strong illusion that the soldiers were cheering for him.

"No, they cheered for Rurik. But... I still brought glory to Ross."

An old soldier shed two lines of tears. Otto was excited and deeply regretted that he was old. Forty years ago, he first came to Lake Ilmen with his team to demand tribute from the locals. He never imagined that he would eventually retire here. He never imagined that Ross would suddenly become the overlord and the king of the old and new worlds.

He was so awake that he saw the birth of his direct grandson, was able to hold his grandson in his arms and tease him, and was about to see his son crowned.

If this army, which has been inspected for military review, marches to the territory of the Frankish Kingdom, as long as the commander is willing, it can sweep across a vast area like a tsunami, killing the Frankish army until they vomit three liters of blood and then leave with the spoils of war.

There is no war this year. The huge army is indeed a combat corps in nature, but its current job is to act as a luxurious guard of honor.

Originally, they had to do a lot of production work during the warm period of peace, such as traditional work of fishing and hunting. This work had to be suspended. Rurik would be responsible for all expenses while the army was stationed at the Uppsala Temple. The main expense is actually the consumption of food, so this is naturally not a problem.

Because of the orders for up to eight standard cargo ships, the large Swedish tribes around Lake Mälaren paid for them with wheat. The food consumption of the army will be easily covered and there will still be a huge surplus.

The Russian army was directly stationed in Uppsala throughout the warm period, which was also a real supervision and deterrent, urging the Swedish tribes to obediently pay for the goods after the autumn harvest.

The soldiers boarded the fleet one after another. Since the main force of the fleet was still anchored in Kronstadt at the mouth of the Neva River, the huge army directly boarded the four newly built standard cargo ships used for foreign trade. Each cargo ship was squeezed into more than a hundred people and the waterline was pushed down violently. The slender cargo ship was still floating steadily on the Volkhov River during the flood season in late spring.

The Rus' fleet, including a large number of rowing long boats, rushed quickly along the Volkhov River towards Lake Ladoga. The fleet set sail one after another, and the south wind gave the fleet a divine assist.

Everyone felt the strong speed of the fleet. From Bjorn's point of view, he felt that Rurik was too impatient.

How could Rurik not be impatient?

To ascend the throne and become king, one must bring along the high priest of Rus, Rumia, and the entire team of priests. To hell with those priests in the Great Temple of Uppsala! When the Prince of Rus is upgraded to a king, the entire enthronement ceremony must be presided over by the High Priest of Rus, and the rituals should be performed according to Rus's rituals, which is equivalent to just borrowing the venue of the Uppsala Temple.

After all, it is the Swedish worship center? Even that temple is far less noble than the stone temple decorated with a large number of glass pieces in the Principality of Rus.

He has another purpose in being so anxious, which is to go to New Roseburg to obtain a treasure - the crown. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

King Bjorn of Sweden, who has not yet officially abdicated, cannot produce a golden crown. He cannot produce something that does not exist. The crown must be the most intuitive way to demonstrate the king's power. According to the standards of the Frankish Kingdom, there must be a crown, a golden cross and a golden ball. The "three magic weapons" visually demonstrate the king's power.

Of course, the Principality of Ross also has sacred objects! The jeweled wooden staff and antlered helmet of High Priest Vilia, and the long sword made of Damascus steel belonging to the first prince Otto.

Ross still lacks a serious crown, and Rurik has already sent people to New Rossburg to have Kamne build this crown.

No matter how the crown is structured, it must be a "golden laurel". The three views of the specifications were drawn on hard paper by Rurik.

That crown should indeed be a laurel crown. Since Rus will one day be as noble and sacred as the Roman Empire, and will eventually be promoted to the ruler of Augustus, he should have a golden laurel crown as his crown.

Just like the pattern of Roman silver coins widely circulated in the principality, the emperor Justinian on it has a laurel wreath on his head.

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