Rise of Rurik

Chapter 829: Persuasion

All the nobles and envoys took their seats one after another. Even if this room was the old power supply of the Prince of Rus, it was a hundred times better than their residence in their hometown.

The wooden floor was laid flat, and everyone sat cross-legged on leather cushions. There were tables in front of them, with exquisite cold meals, and the utensils they carried were all made of glass.

Glass plates were filled with candied prunes, tiramisu cake, steamed carrot slices drizzled with honey, and unconventional honey-glazed salted fish jerky.

Just some cold snacks are enough to make them eye-opening and salivating. The side dishes were all sweets, which fully proved the wealth of Prince Rurik, and the hospitality with which everyone was received.

If they weren't nobles, they would have started eating it.

Rurik looked at the messengers. Some of them looked familiar to him. He couldn't help but suddenly sighed: "Brave warriors always hope that their old self will die gloriously on the battlefield, but many people don't have such an opportunity." . Old soldiers will never die, just like flowers, they will slowly wither. I know you. I was still a child at that time, and my father fought side by side with you. Later, when I grew up, we fought side by side."

He said this deliberately and raised the glass deliberately: "It is fate that we are together now, to pay tribute to our friendship!"

Rurik raised his wine glass high. His legal status was that of a duke granted by the old king of Sweden, and his current behavior was simply that of a king. However, the envoys had taboos, and they all looked at King Bjorn.

The scene was cold for a few seconds, but the middle-aged Bjorn gently raised his glass: "To our friendship!"

In this way, each glass was raised high like a group of warriors raising their swords. They drank the bitter ale as if they were bidding farewell to an old era.

They stared eagerly at the mere snacks and desserts in front of them. They looked like they had never seen the world, which really made Rurik regretful. He focused on King Bjorn of Sweden among the envoys. If this person particularly emphasized his royal power and shouted at the banquet, Rurik would also issue an order to expel him.

Ross was never afraid of the old aristocrats of his native Sweden. Rurik set a red line for himself that would cause him to go mad, that is, his power could not be insulted, even by verbal insults. It was obvious that he was overly worried. Although Bjorn was a king, he didn't say much, and his current expression was filled with indescribable respect.

After all, he wanted something from me!

Rurik asked the waitress to fill the glasses with wine for everyone. He stopped being polite and said: "You must be starving already. Let's get started! Although it's just some snacks now, you guys need to fill your stomachs first, and wait for the real feast later." Come on, let’s have a great meal. We can chat while we eat. There’s nothing more appropriate than talking about big things while we’re eating.”

Bjorn thought that this was a good thing, and his eyes were fixed on the cake covered with a layer of cream. He had been paying attention to this for a long time, and his mouth watered when he smelled the sweet aroma in the air.

Only rough people took action directly. The nobles and envoys were afraid that they would make a fool of themselves and humiliate their tribes, so they paid close attention to the actions of Prince Rus and King Bjorn.

The silver spoon stirred the cake, and King Bjorn dug out a soft piece and stuffed it into his mouth. In an instant, the extremely sweet and lubricating taste penetrated the entire mouth. He had never had such a happy experience in his life, and he was so happy that he burst into tears.

"Ah! What is this? It's so delicious!"

Bjorn maintained great restraint, while the other messengers opened their mouths and ate a large piece of tiramisu one after another.

They shouted that they couldn't get enough of this delicacy because it was too delicious, and asked for another piece.

"I expected you would be like this." Rurik suppressed his laughter and signaled his own people not to laugh at them. He also ordered the waitress to go to the kitchen and bring more cakes prepared.

Traditional Viking life was extremely difficult to access sweet things due to geographical factors, but the Slavic world was different. Relying on the art of raising bees in tree holes, Rurik had more and more honey in his hands.

He gently picked up the cake to taste the delicious food, and pointed out with great interest: "Everyone here is a noble. We are all nobles, so we should treat them as significantly different from the people. We want an exquisite meal, and the way we eat it should be elegant."

Bjorn was cheerful: "Indeed, I seem a bit rude. Rurik." He called him by his first name: "What is the name of this delicious meal of yours? I... really want to be able to taste it more often when I return to Sweden."

"It's called tiramisu."

"It's like the name of a beautiful fairy. I really hope you can also provide such a delicious meal in my shop and wine shop in Port Birka. Look at this table, they are all my favorite meals. I can't wait to enjoy them every day."

Rurik could tell that King Bjorn said this to get closer. It was obvious that this guy wanted to formally mention the matter of buying a boat.

He simply mentioned the matter himself first: "King Bjorn of Sweden, my white fox is back, and he told me about your desire. Is it to buy a boat? I am very interested."

Hearing this, Bjorn was already trembling with excitement. He straightened his waist and said, "Exactly! I like your big ship, and I am also eager to organize a Swedish fleet!"

Bjorn had made his true desire undisguised, and Rurik was quite surprised. After all, the establishment of a national fleet had to be at least slightly concealed. He is so straightforward, is he really unabashed and unreserved? If this is true, then he is really a standard Viking warrior.

Rurik still wanted to make sure: "A fleet from the Kingdom of Sweden? Do you need to buy my big ship to serve as the main force?"

"Exactly! Just like...your flagship Aurora, and the big ship Guldot that is anchored near my Birka every year."

"Oh? Are you planning to buy such a big warship? But..." Rurik scratched his head quickly and looked embarrassed: "White Fox said you only want my large merchant ships."

"That's true. But! I'm willing to pay for a big ship. You name the price! I'm willing to buy it no matter how high the price is."

Bjorn's attitude was very tough, and his eyes were as wide as bull's eyes. Rurik was forced to look at this man, feeling that he was being threatened.

Is this considered a forced purchase? The Aurora-class sailing cruiser is currently the main ship of the Ross fleet. The construction of ships of the same class has been temporarily suspended, and the production line can be restarted immediately. But it's not necessary!

How could King Hede of Sweden come to buy the Russian battleship?

Wait! I'm afraid Bjorn wasn't just talking to me.

Rurik looked at the attitudes of other nobles and envoys. They were obviously embarrassed.

"Hey, of course I am willing to do ship trading with you. But a big ship like mine..."

"I'm willing to pay a high price, even..." Bjorn gritted his teeth, "Even double the price, I'm willing to buy it."

Can I buy it if I pay double the price? Rose is not stupid enough to cultivate an evenly matched opponent!

Rurik did not refuse for the time being, let alone support him. He changed the subject: "Lake Malaren is very big, and it is not just your tribe. My Rus is doing business with the princes of all Swedish tribes. Since it is selling boats, they can also Buy."

At this moment, the white-bearded old Angrive, the Duke of Ancras, coughed twice and announced in a slightly hoarse voice: "Since King Bjorn is willing to buy it, we people of Ancras will also buy it. He will pay twice as much as the grain." I’ll pay three times the price.”

Someone challenged them, and the plenipotentiary envoy of the prince of the Yermalen tribe, which had an equally large population, immediately expressed his position: "The Onkras people are like this, and so are we Yermalen people."

Now another large tribe, the Uppsala envoy who controls the largest altar in Sweden, also made the exact same statement.

The "big guys" are vying to buy warships, which is a pain for the small tribes.

Just like the young Svalgard, the new leader of the Gran tribe, he came here to seek political protection from the Principality of Rus. Because the sea area was too peaceful, they moved back to the fjords in the south, which did not belong to Mei. In the Laren Lake area, the tribesmen are not happy to worship Melalen as their respecter. They occupied the old land of the Ostara people. Since the remnants of Ostara are already respected by Ross, the Gran people can also use their past friendship with the Ostara people to be respected by Ross.

Duke Svalgard of Gran openly stated: "We Gran people don't have much money, and we are willing to buy a smaller Rus ship. We are eager to do business with you, and...we are willing to accept the full protection of Rus."

Duke of Glen? Is it the Glan tribe that can't gather a hundred male warriors even if they gather all their troops?

Rurik wanted to say that this guy was interested, but then he thought about it and realized that this guy made it clear that he wanted to respect Ross!

King Bjorn is sitting here, and a group of nobles are actually playing against their king.

A king who came to power through a conspiracy and a coup, a king who needed the support of the Principality of Rus from the beginning, Bjorn was unable to convince the public as expected.

Rurik slapped his forehead and thought about the secret conversation he had with Bjorn himself. He said that he supported him in seizing power and recognizing the throne. From that time on, Ross was no longer part of Sweden, and the relationship between the two parties was country-to-country.

However, it was a closed negotiation and was not explained to all the Swedish noble lords, and it would not be recognized by them.

Bjorn was actually so angry that his liver ached. Originally, he was the only one who wanted to come to Rus. After the news got out, most of the lords either went out in person or sent envoys. As a result, they formed a joint mission with different agendas.

Inspired by the purchase of the ship, everyone put the contradiction on the table in the palace of Prince Rus.

The little Duke of Glen is really not afraid of tigers. He inherited his father's title in his early twenties. He only had a hundred warriors under his command, and no one took this nobleman seriously.

But it's also the case, this guy "thrown the firecrackers into the fish pond."

Duke Glen held his head high. He was only three or four years older than Rurik, and he did not feel embarrassed at all when he spoke respectful words.

He praised the illustrious martial arts of the Duke of Ross, saying that the Duke of Ross was the real monarch of the sea. There's something magical about his reasons, but there's also something agency about them.

The so-called Gran people used to be vassals of the Ostara people. They always lived in the same area and lived together. Now that Prince Rurik married the Duchess of Ostara, the Duchess gave birth to a boy. So the Gran people who returned to their hometown are actually helping the Ostara people manage their hometown, and the Gran people should naturally become vassals of the Principality of Rus.

It is because the population is too small that the Duke of Glen actually said this: "The Duke of Ross should be king. Only you are the hero who is truly loved by Odin. Your ancestors are in Sweden, and you should become the king of Sweden."

Hearing such shocking words, Rurik was so shocked that he could neither eat nor drink.

Arik, the slimmed-down Blue Fox, the fat white fox, and Governor Konuson and his son were all here. Everyone heard what they heard so clearly that they were shocked along with Rurik.

What does this mean? It's obviously to persuade people to come in.

Rurik had to pay close attention to the attitude of King Bjorn of Sweden. The guy was not angry, but looked as embarrassed as if he had been constipated for a week.

"Brother, are you serious? You are a duke, and I am also a duke. Your king is here, and you don't support your king?" Rurik deliberately asked while teasing poor Bjorn King of grace.

Rurik originally thought that the young Duke of Glen would stay rational and talk about the flowers well, but Svalgard's words were even more straightforward: "Even if you don't want to be the king of Sweden, I will still lead all the people of Glen to do it." Your vassal. Because it was the Russians who defeated Denmark and made our Swedes’ long-cherished wish to own the southern Baltic Sea come true. From now on, we no longer have to be afraid when going fishing at sea. All this is your credit. No one is more qualified than you. king."

A feeling of being in a yellow robe arises spontaneously. Is this called the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world?

Rurik also thought about this, but he was not willing to spend a lot of money to marry and rule the whole of Sweden. Obviously the current situation is very good. You can make money in Sweden by relying on trade surplus to earn food and cloth, so why rule directly. What's more, the PTSD of the Rose team being ostracized by Sweden in the past has not been completely eliminated.

When Rurik was hesitant, Angreev, an old man, got angry and said: "The Duke of Glen said it well! Rurik, your father and I have always been friends. Otto gave birth to a hero. That’s you! We Angkrasran have always respected the strong, and now I want to buy your big ship and respect you as the king.”

How could it still be like this? Rurik, who was waiting to see what happened, began to face a more complicated situation, because the tribal envoys, large and small, were clearly completely willing to go all out. They were all trying to persuade him to come forward, as if it had been rehearsed.

Only the "constipated" King Bjorn of Sweden and the leader of the Mellaren tribe, Bjorn, remained silent.

But asking Bjorn's attitude now is equivalent to a slap in the face.

Rurik waved his hands hurriedly: "Maybe I'm not qualified, besides..." He paused deliberately, glanced at Bjorn, and inadvertently looked at each other again.

Eyes speak louder than words, Bjorn deciphered Rurik's entangled desires and the arrogance of a victor.

In fact, Bjorn envisioned that when he convened a general meeting of Sweden, once the Prince of Rus participated, there was a high probability that the dukes would express their respect for Rurik as king.

The leader of the strongest tribe also serves as the king. This was the tone set when Sweden was founded. It has only been seven years since Sweden was founded. The Russians can claim to be independent from Sweden, but now it seems that a group of nobles do not recognize it.

Bjorn knew that Rurik wanted to give an explanation himself, and other nobles and envoys also wanted an explanation.

He felt like he was being roasted by Rurik. The truth is even more absurd than this, because behind his becoming king is Rurik's military support.

What else could Bjorn do?

He coughed a few times: "Since everyone has this intention, what should I do? I have not led everyone to victory in the war since I took the throne. I am only qualified to be the leader of Mellaren, not the king of Sweden. I! I can! Go to the king! Rurik!"


Bjorn sighed and finally made up his mind: "A king who is not supported by all the nobles is not a king. You are the real King of Sweden, and the throne will be handed over to you!"

When Bjorn finished speaking, the whole room cheered. Rurik did not expect this at all. He paid for a banquet with the nobles, and the Swedish nobles responded with surrender and encouragement. The real King of Sweden even surrendered in public!

Just take it...

"In this case, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. It seems that I must be the king of Sweden."

"So about buying a boat..." Bjorn asked again.

"Even if I become the king of Sweden, I will only sell armed cargo ships. Each ship costs one hundred pounds of silver. I will not raise or lower the price. If you order it, I will build it."

But now the problem is no longer as simple as buying a boat. Bjorn is still technically the king of Sweden, but the handover of power by the new king requires a ceremony.

Bjorn asked for a congress of all Swedish nobles, because this must be the unification of Sweden, Rus and even part of Norway, and the gods needed to be worshiped in a glorious place. Not even the Great Temple in New Roseburg.

Where? It is the most traditional and oldest Uppsala Temple in Sweden.

There, Rurik became king, and the merger of Swedish Rus also meant the birth of a huge Baltic feudal country. The matter can only be postponed until a formal ceremony will be held in the spring and summer of next year.

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