Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,150 The Sea Monarch is launched

The melodious morning horn blew the dawn, and at this moment Harvest Square was already crowded with people, and there was an endless stream of people wandering around the pier.

People put on the latest clothes, led the sacrificial animals, and even poultry and rabbits in cages. They gathered in their boats, smashed the ropes that had been fixed throughout the winter with axes, and then removed the covered canvas. Pull it open and hang it back on the beam.

The ship that has been idle for a winter is about to become like water. It still needs repairs. However, the fishermen who are eager to set sail do not even care about the dense ice floes floating on the sea.

They pulled the livestock to the water's edge, and several people worked together to control it. One person pierced the heart of the sacrificial reindeer or sheep with a sharp knife, allowing the blood and water of the livestock to flow into the rushing Neva River as it continued to struggle.

At first, only some people did this, and gradually more people joined the sacrificial team.

A large number of people completed their own sailing rituals before the king's priest team. They were eager to set sail in the early morning. Even if they floated back in the ice floe, as long as they were safe and sound, it meant that the gods accepted their own justice, and their sailing would be safe for a whole year. .

The Neva River was dyed red, so that gradually the endless ice floes at the Kronstadt anchorage were also dyed red.

"In this way, God can bless our family's safety. Come! Push the boat into the water together!"

A whole family joined the battle, and even children as young as five or six struggled to grab the rope and carry it on their thin shoulders to participate in the towing of the boat.

This small fishing boat has pointed ends and looks like a much smaller long boat from all aspects. It is said that this boat is enough for a family to make a living by fishing alone. However, the boat owner is looking forward to his two young sons. Their family does not have the blood of the old Ross, but is a fisherman who migrated from the Melalen tribe many years ago. I have gotten used to my new life, and it is fair to say that life in New Roseburg is much better than in the past.

The king is fair to all young men. If there is a war, young men can sign up to fight, and the best among them can become standing army soldiers. It is best to be a cavalryman, followed by infantrymen fighting on land. No matter how bad it is, being in the navy is a job with a stable salary. Maybe there is no chance of making money immediately from war and plunder, but it can still ensure food and clothing.

Once upon a time, the fishing villages living in the old Mälaren Market were forcibly relocated, and most of the people moved to New Roseburg. They continued their old fishing business, and compared to others, fishing was their first livelihood. , and they are most eager to set sail for sacrifices.

The first boat was towed into the river, followed by the second, third...

Even before the king's sacrificial procession came out of the capital, boats were already cruising on the Neva River.

The sails of small fishing boats and larger dragon-head warships were still furled. People took out their big oars and cruised on the river full of ice floes and stained red with blood until they entered the huge estuary.

The current situation is still not conducive to fishing. Even when fishing lines are released to catch cod, the ice can grind the fishing lines to pieces.

People just spontaneously completed their most recognized sacrificial activities, and then, under the control of sailors, a large number of ships gradually approached the dry dock that had dredged the sea channel.

The launch of the battleship Sea Monarch is sure to be spectacular.

Appreciating her launching into the water is the most glorious drama of the entire grand ceremony today. Look at the enthusiastic attitude of the people. The chicken thieves deliberately rowed the boat and floated on the sea. You must clearly appreciate what she can bring out from a unique perspective. Magnificent splash.

More and more ships are settling on the red mooring. Their ships are swaying with the sea ice. The larger long ships are throwing down their spears to try to stabilize the ships. The smaller ones are simply getting along with each other, two or three with large oars. Make brackets to make each other more stable in a catamaran posture.

They were surrounded by friends watching the theater, and not far away were fleet ships parked neatly.

They were guarding the entrance of the sea channel, and in order to feast their eyes on it, they kept approaching, even ignoring that the warship might hit them after it was launched into the water.

People are looking forward to the battleship too much. She is obviously still in the dry dock. The tall bow and the tilted forward mast have already given people a strong pressure. The towering mast flag is flying. Her presence makes the sea channel occupy more than People standing on a hundred boats, big and small, opened their mouths in amazement, talking loudly or making loud noises. It was so lively.

The trumpet was still blowing, and Rurik was about to ask the trumpeter to attract the people of the city.

What he needs is excitement, so that his citizens and all the businessmen in the capital who are eager to leave can see clearly the heroic appearance of Russia's first giant ship after it is launched.

This was an opportunity to show off his might. No, Rurik also ordered his troops that were urgently needed to go out for the expedition, including the Second Banner Corps stationed in the capital, the main cavalry force, and even some retired veterans.

Look! A large group of iron men appeared in Harvest Square!

Grund and his men first put on the blue and white Ross jersey, and then put on the cold overall breastplate on the torso. The soldiers all wore iron helmets decorated with bear heads and hung up the ring armor that protected their faces and necks, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. This is the first time that such a large-scale official appearance of the "Ironman Flag Team" was carried out. They were carrying round shields. People with a discerning eye noticed that what was painted on the shields of many people was not Ross's "white background and blue cross" or "white background and blue stripes". "Sea Soul Stripes" and a black raven on a white background.

From this pattern, this is the special pattern of the King's Guard!

They armed themselves with iron, and even the hem of their skirts were made of iron. They looked thickly dressed, and there was probably a layer of chainmail underneath.

As the elite of the elite, the First Flag Troop of the Standing Army was ordered to wear heavy armor to participate in this sacrifice. Firstly, they wanted to demonstrate their absolute might, and secondly, it was also a test for the soldiers.

There was no brutal fighting. If even after walking from Harvest Square to the dry dock to participate in the ceremony, they were exhausted and out of breath, such warriors would be brushed off and suspended from future expeditions.

Such a trial is also aimed at the boys of the Seventh Flag Team who are eager to go out. This time, the children all put on chainmail to protect their upper bodies, butterfly helmets that protected half of their faces on their heads, round shields on their backs, steel swords hanging on their waists, and their hands still had to carry a spear hanging with blue and white cloth strips. , to increase the majesty of the ceremony.

Looking at the cavalry, the soldiers wore polar bear skin coats and white velvet hats with huge blue feathers. Even the war horses were covered with a "white sheet" and the horses' heads were also wearing small hats with feathers.

Even the navy was involved. Their big sun hats were condensed into three-cornered hats. Just for the sake of appearance, a large number of feathers were temporarily inserted into each hat. The buckler and sword are symbols of warriors. Although it is a bit weird for a guy in a tricorn hat to carry a buckler, this is how sailors in the navy now dress. Soon, when they arrive at the sacrificial site, they will board the battleship directly and drift into the sea with the Sea Monarch.

What Rurik wants is pomp, and what can excite the people the most is the soldiers wearing as flashy clothes as possible.

In addition to the uniformly required clothing, each warrior also decorated himself with colorful emeralds based on his personal preferences.

Onlookers were watching why people ruined the joy of the festival with their sloppy clothes. Men and women changed into new clothes, especially women. They generally put on the most traditional plain white robes in Northern Europe. Then they collected red pine branches with new buds nearby and braided them into emerald green hair. Put the crown on, then put amber, glass beads, etc. on the left side.

Those wearing sterling silver headdresses were Balmok visitors to Narvik Port. Some families sold good Atlantic salt and spent the winter in New Roseburg, and planned to return to their hometown all the way after setting sail. They were more ornately dressed than the others, highlighting their dedication to the sacrifice.

In the herd of deer that needed to be sacrificed, every male deer had its antlers cut off, and a rope was tied around its neck for easy control.

High Priest Rumia led a group of lower-level priests, including the young deputy priest Velika.

The mighty army arrayed in the Harvest Square, and the deer waited helplessly. The high priest was seen holding a wooden staff high, wearing a deerskin, and on his head a huge antlered helmet worn by Rus for generations. She is a small person. She stands on a specially designed wooden platform and performs exaggerated and abstract movements. The wooden stick is pointed directly at the sky, as if she is receiving guidance from the gods.

This was the priest's suggestion. Otto put on the gold-plated mail and stood next to his son with a sword as a weapon.

Rurik also wore armor, but this time he showed off his golden laurel crown, letting his blond hair flow in the wind.

The lower-level priests were now chanting their ancient and melodious sacrificial texts. The entire square and surrounding areas felt silent for the onlookers. The world was eerily quiet, and only the sacred chants of the priests could be heard.

Until that high-hanging wooden stick is put down!

Rumia banged the wooden board under her feet with her wooden stick: "God said! Let us go to the altar! Let's go!"

Then, there was another blast of trumpets.

Look at those "iron men with bear heads". Their leather boots were studded with a large number of iron nails. They began to step on the ground rhythmically according to the rehearsal in advance. With a huge roar, they led in an orderly queue and walked towards Nevsky Prospekt, the center of the city. West gate, towards the dry dock and altar...

Rurik and Otto, who got into the carriage, were escorted by many warriors and surrounded by tens of thousands of people. They took the herd of deer with them, and with an unprecedentedly powerful force, they drove the Hortra family away. The shipyard was surrounded by water.

At this moment, the capital was deserted, with only a small number of patrols constantly moving around, waiting for opportunities to catch the scum who took advantage of the opportunity to steal.

There was a loud roar of flag-hunting and a large number of warriors arrayed here, so shocked that the shipbuilders even retreated.

Old Hotla's face was flushed. He was surrounded by his son, and he felt indescribable joy in his heart.

He approached Rurik, who was passing by with his head held high, and couldn't help but hold the king's hand. He was already in tears before he spoke.

"Glory! Our glory."

"Yes, our glory." Rurik raised his head again and looked at the battleship that was clearly in its best condition with satisfaction: "How powerful and majestic! She will kill Jormungandr!"

"I have fulfilled my mission and everything has been accomplished. Now I just need to wait for the king to announce that the sacrifice will begin."

"Very good." Rurik nodded.

Like everyone else, Otto's eyes were completely attracted by the battleship Domineering Phantom. Big means power. This giant ship redefined what a battleship was. It was like the existence of a frost giant.

No! Perhaps such a huge ship should not exist in the world. It must be the wisdom of Asgard from the gods that gave Ross the right to own such a huge ship.

Otto continued to convince himself, and his heart became more and more satisfied.

"Your Majesty, let's begin." Steinhutrasson took over from his father: "I will place strong men with giant axes under the dry dock. As long as you give the order, the final excavation will begin immediately."

"Very good. Sacrifice now!"

First of all, a small sacrificial activity has been completed in the Harvest Square in the capital, and now is the highlight of the sacrificial event.

In the newly built stone ship altar, Rumia's small figure was matched with the huge antlered helmet, and the whole person showed a strange solemnity.

She still held the wooden staff over her head, and after a moment, she ordered the sacrifice to begin.

The strong men led the deer into the stone boat altar one by one, and saw a little girl with braided hair, bright eyes, and a dagger inlaid with gems in her right hand.

It was the deputy priest Velika, and the sword in her hand was none other than King Rurik's dagger.

Doesn't Rurik have a handy long sword? Yes, this sword is the "Destroyer" in Otto's hand. As long as this sword exists, Rurik has no intention of making a new one. His dagger plays more of a ceremonial role, and now exists as an important treasure in rituals.

Holding her father's sword in her hand, Velika felt full of power.

She was like a Valkyrie, half-kneeling down with a dagger in hand, facing a stag that was knocked down, and stabbed it directly into the deer's heart very cleanly.

The wildly struggling deer's eyes widened, and deer blood sprayed on her body. The people outside had their eyes widened with solemnity. Only Velika started to deal with the second deer cleanly.

The third head, the fourth head...

The blood-drained reindeer was pulled away from the altar, and the deer's blood continued to flow down the specially-made sea channel into the Kronshtadt mooring in the Gulf of Finland, where the ice floes were undulating.

Sacrificing five deer at once, Velika stabbed them twenty times. Ninety-nine reindeer piled up like a mountain, and the resting place turned completely bright red.

"Blood-stained Odin!" When the last deer was dismissed, a sullen Rurik suddenly raised his right fist.

"Odin! Odin!"

Accompanied by the uniform shouts of the soldiers in formation, the largest reindeer was finally given final treatment by the high priest.

The deer's belly was cut open with a sharp sword, and the bright red liver was cut out. Everything was done according to the old rules, and the high priest announced a much-anticipated "will of the gods" - good luck.

The ceremony, accompanied by the cheers of thousands of people shaking the mountains and shaking the earth, reached its boiling peak.

Then Rurik personally walked to the dry dock and gave a signal to the strong man at the bottom of the pit holding a giant ax and with a rope tied around his waist.

He pointed with his big hand: "You! Warriors! Let our warship launch into the water!"

The strong men who received the order let out the most powerful shouts in their lives, and then swung their Nordic forest axes, hitting the most critical wooden beams of the gate with the force of a blow that seemed to chop down a big tree.

At first, it was just sawdust flying everywhere, but as the gap gradually became larger, mud spurted out unstoppably.

This is just the beginning.

The crane gradually pulled the strong man up. Under their feet, the rushing mud became more and more fierce.

Until the ground shook violently.

With a loud rumbling sound, the entire dry dock's gate collapsed, and a huge amount of sea water gushed in. Like a stormy sea, the sea water quickly filled the entire dry dock.

A miracle happened!

Everyone was stunned, even Rurik, who stood very close and was splashed all over by the seawater sprayed out of the dry dock.

He remained motionless and watched the battleship suddenly and violently rise.

The Sea Monarch floats! And accompanied by violent shaking from side to side, it continued to spray muddy sea water on Rurik's body.

The noble king stood like a golden pine, and the onlookers were silent. There were hundreds of ships watching the show on the sea, and people stood up one after another to witness the warship showing her true domineering phantom.

At first, she was shaking violently from side to side, but gradually the waves calmed down, the dry dock and the sea channel were no longer obstructed, and the floating battleship slowly stabilized.

"It's time! Navy, enter!"

Rurik ignored being covered in mud. He ordered Godlund and his naval warriors to go straight to the dry dock filled with water. The thick cables that had been thrown from the ship in advance were quickly pulled by as many as 400 people at the same time. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the battleship drifted into the sea channel and entered the anchorage full of ice floes like a monster.

Look! Compared with her, the Aurora-class sailing cruiser docked nearby became a little sister. The endless ice floes are like gravel compared to her.

The sea water washed away the mud on the big ship, and the Sea Monarch ushered in its great birth with a perfect image.

At this moment, everything is unspeakable.

Some are the endless cheers of the people on the shore...

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