Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,099: Capture the Fortress of Koblenz

The soldiers looked solemn, and a shield wall began to attack.

They looked at the hills advancing slowly. No one dared to move rashly. They were uniformly dressed and in neat formation. The pressure of the army was extremely strong, and the melodious horns heightened the solemn atmosphere.

The defenders of Coblenz were all Frankish standing armies. As a professional killing team, they had never seen such an army.

Flag Captain Fred's face was trembling, and the hand holding the sword was shaking even more! Oh my God! The ranks are uniform. I want to fight with this kind of army?

"Brothers! Hold on! Hold on to our door!"

But no one answered.

The defenders were waiting for the unknown battle in surprise. Although the brothers had long agreed on fighting resolutely, they obviously saw the approaching shield wall and immediately judged that this was a strong army.

Is this really a Norman mercenary from the Eastern Kingdom? It does not match the intelligence from previous encounters.

Is this Baron Nassau's army? Totally impossible! To be able to dispatch such an army, Count Lai Yingao must have such strength.

So, this is indeed another Norman army? A new Norman army that was truly converted to God?

Sergeant Frank's arrogance determined that they would not surrender easily. Now everyone felt that the situation was very difficult, but there was no time to hesitate or complain.

The soldiers stuck their heads out from the battlements and raised their swords to signal their presence and will to fight. They prepared stones within easy reach, intending to kill anyone who dared to attack the city.

However, the lack of attention to bows and arrows meant that these heavily armored soldiers only had single-digit archers.

The specific situation of the defenders made Blue Fox and Black Fox indifferent. Considering the identity of the other party, Blue Fox cautiously decided to go all out.

Blue Fox, who was wearing heavy armor and a funny and compact helmet, gave precise instructions: "Crossbow! Wooden bow! Slingshot! All in line. Warriors, make way for them first."

The shield wall had multiple exits, and archers came out one after another. They took up positions in front of the shield wall, especially the crossbowmen, who began to step up and charge up their strength before cocking their bows.

Six trolleys equipped with torsion slingshots came out of the formation, and their shooting directions were aimed at the main gate, and the soldiers began to accumulate strength.

Everything went smoothly, just like they had done in previous battles.

The majority of soldiers watched these brothers making tactical preparations on the slope outside the fortress, and the battlefield fell into a brief silence.

"Sir, what are they doing?" Some defenders shouted in confusion.

Fred, the captain of the garrison flag, was completely unaware of the opponent's tricks. He noticed the archer. "Only God knows. You must calm down and have your shields ready, they seem to be about to release arrows."

Indeed, Blue Fox spent some time preparing so that he could win the siege with one blow. He did not want to drag the battle into a protracted battle.

Seeing that his subordinates were ready, Blue Fox simply walked out of the battle formation and stood directly among the six torsion slingshots.

He patted the backs of several of his subordinates who were smiling and showing teeth as if they were about to gnaw meat, and deliberately asked: "Those Franks are very brave, they actually leaned forward. How do they feel? Try to shoot them."

The person being questioned was a little embarrassed. He stretched out his thumb and glanced at the city gate: "It's a little far away."

"Adjust the scale and let's try it. Oh, you change the javelin into cast iron bullets."

"Forced shooting may not kill anyone."

"It doesn't matter. I just want to scare them."

Now, under the name of Baron of Nassau and even the flag of the Eastern Kingdom, the Ross army attacked the "turtle shell" completely at its own pace.

They all stood within a stone's throw to ensure their absolute safety, and the maximum range of the torsion slingshot could cover the entire Koblenz Fortress.

At a command, change the slingshot to load the projectiles and shoot!

The slightly rotating cone-shaped cast iron was so powerful that it drew a large-angle parabola in the air and hit the stone walls one after another.

Suddenly, granite debris flew everywhere, and the sudden shelling shocked the defenders who were looking out to shrink their heads.

Instinct drove Fred to sit down and lean against the wall to protect himself.

He didn't understand what it was, and instinctively felt that if he was hit by it, even a chainmail wouldn't save his life.

There was deathly silence in the fortress, and the surprised defenders all hid, except for a flag that rustled in the mountain wind.

"Boss, I don't think it's possible. My eyesight is very good, and the projectiles didn't kill anyone." A shooter expressed deep regret.

The blue fox smiled slightly, and squinted his eyes: "The effect is actually good, they are all scared to hide. Very good, they can attack with all their strength."

There is no need to hesitate anymore, and there is no need to even prepare for a rain of arrows.

The Russian army began a full-scale attack. There was no chaotic charge. Instead, a large hole opened in the military formation on its own.

"Let's go!" An extremely strong Nordic blond warrior as strong as a bear roared, followed by the roar of all twenty heavily armored men.

The huge pine wood was carried up by them. This newly cut and wet wood was believed to be able to knock down the heavy wooden door in one fell swoop. After all, it seemed that the outside of the door was strong.

These twenty strong men wore chainmail armor reinforced with iron sheets, and the iron helmets on their heads had face protection. They stood like iron men.

Such heavy armor is to resist the various things thrown down by the defenders when they storm the gate, and a large number of brothers who assist in the attack are the enemies suppressing the city.

What is a good combat veteran? Blue Fox is such a person. He has experienced many battles and learned many experiences in the war. Especially how to arrange siege tactics, King Rus is indeed a teacher in this regard.

Thin wood and rope are woven into an anti-arrow shield that requires two people to lift together. It can protect against sudden and falling rocks. The men wearing this kind of armor followed closely behind the pine battering ram, and a large number of sword and shield bearers continued to defend it. The trolley equipped with the torsion slingshot is advancing, and the crossbowmen have taken the lead in entering the place where the arrow can be shot.

Those defenders who only put out a pair of eyes had never seen this kind of fighting method.

"It's strange. My family has been soldiers for generations and fought with Charlemagne. What's going on? No! They are trying to break down the door!"

Although Fred regained consciousness, it was too late. Although the three gates of the fortress are reinforced, they only have bolts on the doors. This is the only preparation that can be used to deal with ordinary attackers. Falling into this new group of enemies is well prepared and confident.

In panic, he shouted to his subordinates inside the fort: "It's the gate! Block the gate with all your strength!"

However, the pine battering ram had already started sprinting, and twenty strong men in heavy armor were running together. Even if the defenders did not take any clear countermeasures, the big pine wood had already hit it firmly.

Even the city gate itself shook violently. The overly powerful momentum caused the heavily armored warriors who rushed forward to hit the door due to inertia, and the brothers who followed bumped into them. The scene was like a group of fish packed in a can.

"Idiots! Get up! The door hasn't fallen down yet."

"Get up quickly, lift the wood and let's continue banging."

The twenty soldiers who were knocked to pieces climbed up awkwardly. At this moment, the defenders finally began to counterattack.

Stones were thrown down, and the defenders were immediately sniped at by crossbowmen who were waiting for work, and even the bullets of the torsion slingshot summarily killed them.

The defenders in the city gate area were completely suppressed, and the attacking troops took the initiative with only minor casualties.

Ballistic shields made of wooden slats guarded the wings of the battering ram, and they were raised above the head. More warriors put their shields on their heads because those hiding behind the wall were busy throwing small stones.

The crossbowmen watched the battlements eagerly, shooting whenever there was any sign of the enemy emerging. Those inferior arrows are thrown into the air, not aiming to hit the enemy, but only to disrupt their defense.

Blue Fox was observing the entire battle situation from behind. So far, everything was under his control, and the development of the battle situation was completely within the pre-war estimates.

"Brother, if you prepare all the long ladders in advance, the effect may be better." Black Fox couldn't hide his eagerness to try.

"Maybe. Now, we just wait for the door to be knocked open."

"Okay!" A steel sword was pulled out, and the fat black fox held the sword he ordered: "This way I can be a real warrior, which is enough to convince the public. Watch me kill a few enemies and sacrifice my sword to my blood. .”

"Wait a minute, take the sword back first." Blue Fox held his brother's right arm holding the sword.


"I'm afraid you'll get hurt recklessly."

"I'm fearless!"

"I know you're not afraid of anything. But you can't go all out this time! How will you make money if you die?"

"You look down on me?" Black Fox felt that he was despised by his second brother, and his fighting spirit became even stronger.

"It's not a chance yet. When the city gate collapses and the heavily armored warriors fight, we can just follow. Remember, from now on you will be a real local noble, not a charging soldier. You are better than all of them. Noble, don’t die too hastily.”

"Forget it. I want to be like you! When have you ever been afraid?!" Black Fox's eyes seemed to be on fire, and he looked at his second brother with questions.

"Me?" Lan Hu wanted to laugh, so he laughed out loud. Then he pinched his brother's neck and said meaningfully: "I'm fearless? What a joke. So I stand in the back. This is an absolutely safe place. You must remember Stay! You don’t have to go to war to kill the enemy in person. Don’t be fooled by the rumors that those soldiers are brave and fierce. What are you fighting for? It’s wealth and status. If you give others a lot of money, they will fight for you, and in the end you will get what you want. It will be the territory and all the wealth within it. Learn from you!"

The black fox is still confused, but since his brother is not willing to fight by himself, then forget it. Maybe what my brother said made sense. He was actually on the battlefield. This fat sixteen-year-old Nordic man was infected by the warm atmosphere and just wanted to see the blood flow like a river.

Standing on the other side, Fred, the captain of the guard flag, was still resisting, but some of his subordinates had already chosen to escape.

Although all three gates were bolted, the main gate, which was under attack, not only had additional wooden supports on the ground to assist in the investigation, but also had soldiers in chainmail waiting nervously.

Those with weak willpower completely abandoned their creed and actually took off their chain mail, wearing helmets and broad-bladed iron swords around their waists, carrying ropes and retreating to the safe area of ​​the south wall of the fortress. , release the rope and escape like a monkey.

Seeing this scene, Fred felt like he was stabbed deeply in the back.

"What are you idiots doing? Are you traitors?!"

He was shouting and cursing, but he was completely drowned out by the shouts of the group of Normans who stormed the main entrance.

The chant in Norse was repeated over and over again, as the entire chant met the rhythmic impact of the pine battering ram. Thanks to the fact that this fortress was built on the basis of a Roman-era barracks, its stone foundation is strong enough. The initial blow made the door shake a little, but it still needed to continue to hit before it collapsed. It's like a knife that keeps bleeding. As long as you persist, the door will surely collapse.

"It's going to collapse!" An unknown soldier shouted, and now hundreds of soldiers noticed the violent loosening of the wall at the city gate.

The landslide occurred suddenly. Thanks to the heavy armored soldiers who hit the wall and hurriedly dropped their pine battering rams, the brothers ran away in time but in a very embarrassed manner. They crawled away like puppies, with the whole collapsed door behind them.

The falling rocks destroyed the wooden door and injured a small number of defenders. A large and fatal gap suddenly appeared in the Koblenz Fortress. The confused defenders reluctantly got up. What they suddenly saw was a group of strongly glowing axe-wielding iron men. .

The sun shines on the heavily armored warrior, and the iron helmet and the reinforced iron plates on the chest and back reflect strongly. These guys are Ross's definition of berserkers who are prepared for chaotic battles. They rely on heavy armor to force their way into the enemy's formation, and then kill everyone nearby, fighting like mad dogs and bears.

They are also a group of strong men, with excellent strength and endurance. Just now they were carrying pine logs against the door, and now they were also the first wave of force to break into the Koblenz Fortress.

"Look! The berserkers have already rushed in! They actually still have power." Black Fox was very surprised. The log was obviously extremely heavy, and a group of ruthless people seemed to have infinite power.

Blue Fox regained his energy and pointed with his big hand: "Have you learned? Let those ruthless people charge and kill! Do you know their specific identities?"

"not sure."

"Some are Onclas, and some are Melalen."

"Ah? Our fellow Angklas?" Black Fox was even more surprised when he heard this.

"It's just because my fellow countrymen will fight for you because of our long-term friendship, and I treat them well. I'm willing to give up good wine and meat, so now they have to fight the most difficult battle. They have been raised strong by me. Han, but I don’t want anyone to die in battle. I spent so much money, and I will definitely use them as long as possible, so they have the heaviest armor, and only they can withstand it.”

After listening to his brother's sincere words, Black Fox understood a little bit more.

It seems that my younger brother is very modest on the battlefield and is no longer as good as the middle-aged Blue Fox. He is more teaching: "If you are good to your subordinates, they will do things for you. Now I let them rob and catch slaves to satisfy their desire to make a fortune. You see This fortress, a lot of treasures belong to these warriors. So, as the future local lord, what will you gain from this battle?"

"This...an empty fortress?"

"No! It's the wealth of the entire region. The farmers here will continuously pay you taxes, which is much more profitable than looting after a war."

Blue Fox intends to impart his life insights to his younger brother. He especially wants to warn his younger brother about his true identity and not to be reckless in dealing with any war issues. After all, he will leave the Frankish world in the autumn to manage and reorganize the Earl of Gothenburg. This move is not to live a happy life in a fiefdom. The brothers will develop in their respective fields, and everyone can become a noble. Even if their identities have changed, each other will be the same. They are brothers who share the same milk, and they should help each other economically and achieve win-win results.

Blue Fox is eager to improve the governance structure of the northern fiefdom after handling the Nassau affairs. There will be a business-oriented Earldom, and a strong army will be trained to maintain commercial security. This powerful army can assist the king in the near future, and can help his two younger brothers solve problems in the Frankish world from afar.

But the younger brothers must strengthen themselves. Before their hard power becomes strong, they must mature quickly mentally.

While they were talking, more ordinary warriors swarmed in through the gap.

The heavily armored berserkers who were the first to rush in had already fought the defenders to death. They were wearing heavier armor than the Frankish infantry, and their tomahawks were closer to blunt weapons. They were chopping and pounding with great force. Don't hit the defenders. Headache and bleeding.

After a brief hand-to-hand battle, the defenders collapsed.

The initial killing quickly turned into an operation to capture prisoners. The defenders, who were pressed against them and subconsciously covered their faces with their arms, felt that they were about to be smashed to pieces by the Norman prisoners of war. The tomahawk did not fall, and the wooden ax handle that replaced it was rammed just right. The defenders were tied up and made prisoners while they were in a coma.

The interior of the Koblenz Fortress was neither large nor small. Although the defenders were still fighting in a corner, the battle ended quickly.

Flag captain Fred did not die. He himself went through a fight and was captured alive. He was immobilized by a multi-faceted buckler, and several Rus' warriors shared the capture.

It wasn't like a fight, or the fight turned into a hunt. It was like a pack of wolves rushing into a flock of sheep. There were people taking prisoners everywhere, and people rushing into warehouses and soldiers' dormitories to search for loot.

Because Blue Fox has promised that the brothers cannot rob in the village, but they can rob in the Koblenz Fortress without any scruples. The only two requirements are that they are not allowed to set fire to fire and the other is to take prisoners.

The battle ended in a devastation, and the people in the nearby riverside villages were frightened by the sight of the battle. Although they felt horrified, they could not help but watch the spectacle of the siege by Baron Nassau's army.

The real farmers of the Barony of Nassau were responsible for the flag-waving and shouting warriors. Looking at the fortress that fell in a short time, their shouts were completely replaced by silent fear. The honest farmers in Badjiao finally saw a real war, and the battle was carried out in the most cruel way without reason.

That is the fortress of the Middle Kingdom! It was easily conquered and occupied by the Russians from outside.

"Weird, where are the cheers?" Realizing that the farmers behind him had actually shut up, the slightly dissatisfied Blue Fox moved to the rear angrily, drawing his sword and pointing straight at it: "Why are you standing there standing there? Shouting for me! Waving the flag for me. !Blow me the trumpet! Beat the drum for me!”

Finally, this threat forced them to wake up, and the farmers waved flags and shouted numbly.

Only the two priests, Conrad and Bachbert, remained silent, and they could only keep crossing themselves on their chests to reduce the fear and guilt in their hearts.

Glancing contemptuously at such a clergyman, Lan Hu felt that time was enough. He relaxed his stiff body after fighting for a long time and signaled to his younger brother: "Okay! Let's go see the river of blood you want. Boy, Chapter 1 It’s scary to see once, but I hope you can bear it.”

When his brother said this, the black fox swallowed hard, drew his sword again to embolden himself, and hit his chest with the ruby-encrusted hilt. "I've been through a lot and I'm not afraid."

"No. I'm worried that you'll faint from vomiting. I hope you can bear the smell of blood on the battlefield. Anyway, you can adapt to it in the future no matter what. Come with me now."

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