Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,025 Returning to the Fields

The temperature is warming up rapidly, and the good weather for several days has caused many people to spontaneously change out of thick clothes.

In principle, spring plowing can begin in the New Roseburg area, and some people have already started working.

They went to the fields with plows and columbuses, and the whole family went to sow seeds.

Although the royal family has the largest herd of deer, now that it is winter, the huge herd of deer has been ordered to be driven to distant places by the deer herders for traditional spring and summer grazing.

A batch of reindeer were sold to residents of the capital, or some families already had their own trophy deer.

Reindeer are not only used to pull sleds in the winter, but are now also used to plow the fields.

They did not have well-trained plowing oxen or well-trained plowing horses. If they did not want to manually drag the sowing tools, they could only resort to using existing reindeer to plow the land.

Even if it is just using human power, today's tools can provide one-stop services for plowing, sowing and covering soil. Farmers only need to find a way to drag the tools forward.

The combination of the curved shaft plow and the columbine completely changed the way sowing was done in the Ross agricultural area.

The old Russians did not know how to sow. The Slavs, who claimed to be good at agriculture, also organized the villagers into a line, each holding a basket full of wheat grains, and sowing seeds as they moved forward. How much they could produce depended on luck, or Said God's gift.

Now Rurik has introduced advanced Eastern technology to the people under his rule.

The plow turns the soil to naturally form ridges on both sides. The seeds are buried linearly in the grooves under the ridges and then covered with soil.

After sowing in this way, a field seems to have been combed by a comb, and as far as the eye can see are tiny and straight ravines. The seeds are in the ditch, and the ridges are like windbreaks protecting the initial wheat seedlings. When they grow higher than the ridges, they will face the strong wind from the north. But at this time, all the seedlings are strong enough.

Even so, farmyard fertilizer is still scarce in both Novorosberg and Novgorod. The people of New Roseburg threw their feces directly into the river and eventually ended up in the sea, which was an easy matter to deal with. The situation in Novgorod is better. Farmers will collect some excrement, but in the end they can only fertilize their fields on a small scale.

The simplest fertilizer they can do is to spread a large amount of ashes produced by burning fires for heating in winter. Plant ash can indeed fertilize the fields, but the root of high grain yields comes from nitrogen fertilizer.

Rurik couldn't do magic in this regard. One hectare defined by Rus was the standard hectare unit, the Nordic version of the Roman pound, that is, the wheat output of 0.3 fields can now exceed 3,000 pounds, which was not a problem for the residents of Novgorod in the past. It's absolutely impossible. The output of good fields has increased from 2,000 to 3,000, and even poor fields have seen a significant increase in production capacity.

After enjoying the benefits, various Slavic farms adopted new sowing techniques.

It is fair to say that even if it relies purely on human power, even if it relies on the strength of women, it is still possible to sow a hectare of land by dragging a curved shaft plow and a columbine. The actual situation was not such that the women in the family would do hard work. Rurik noticed that some older children took on this job.

Even if they are pure Slavs, they are a branch of Indo-Europeans that are related to the Germans. They both live in high latitudes. As long as the nutrition can keep up, both men and women will be strong.

Even if women and older children can expend more energy to complete the additional spring plowing, the heavy spring plowing will definitely become much easier after the strong labor force in the family returns.

Those soldiers recruited from New Roseburg were temporarily disarmed and returned to their fields. Almost all of them were the Second Banner, and the banner captain was also the next capital governor appointed by Rurik, Konuson the Younger. They are engaged in spring plowing on the spot, and more people are about to embark on the final voyage.

"The Neva River is turbulent, and we now face great resistance in returning." Arik ruthlessly pointed out the current situation.

Rurik knew this and there was nothing he could do. "Nothing can stop the soldiers from returning home, so we just paddle upstream."

"But what about the big ships? We still have a lot of supplies."

"Mainly wool. I decided that each longship will carry some longships. We formed the most traditional team and went to Novgorod by rowing." Rurik's attitude was firm, and his remarks were also to cheer for himself. Cheer up.

It has always been a brave challenge to go backwards on the Neva River during the spring flood season. The trouble is that the time point for the army's return is not chosen well, or in other words, they are destined to face the current predicament if they choose to return at the end of winter. Spring plowing cannot be delayed, and the soldiers who have been on the expedition for a whole year are eager to return home.

After chatting with my cousin, Arik’s words were by no means pouring cold water. This old man had experienced hundreds of battles. During the battle, he was reckless and turned into a berserker, but when he was sailing, he was unexpectedly cautious and witty.

Arik informed the soldiers who were immersed in optimism about the huge resistance of the fast river water, and called on everyone to prepare more dry food, such as flatbread and dried meat, before setting off to ensure physical strength.

Although this was out of good intentions, his second wife Aslaqi was the biggest "fast food owner" in the capital.

What the brave Arik said was very reasonable. As a result, Aslaqi's pancake workshop started running continuously throughout the day, and she did not have to worry about the sudden increase in production capacity causing the pancakes to be unsalable.

The price of scones will not be maliciously increased, but only a little. Relying on the principle of small profits but quick turnover, she still made a huge profit when the army eager to go home came to buy dry food.

She is grateful to her husband for attracting business for her.

"Why thank me? We have to eat, eat a lot of food! It's not like you don't understand what sailing against the current means." Arik was a little confused. As he realized that his wife had become rich, he dropped the matter.

The wharf is lined with masts, and dragon-headed long boats are lined up in rows. Facing the rapid Neva River, people are convinced that these traditional boats are the most suitable for going backwards.

With dozens of people rowing oars to wash away the water, it is still quite laborious for strong men to move together.

The main ships of the Russian Navy have been fully sailed, and the ships have been built larger and larger. It is undeniable that such ships have become increasingly difficult to navigate inland rivers.

"Propellers are not easy to use at the moment. It would be good to replace the ship with two large water wheels so that sailors can step on them." Rurik thought from this, but it didn't seem necessary.

The soldiers who were eager to return home brought a large amount of luggage. Every thirty people owned a long boat, and the middle part of the open-air cabin was already piled full of supplies. If the water flow eases a little, it won't be a problem for an armed cargo ship loaded with supplies to be towed by two longships in the reverse direction. It is not easy to do this in the flood season, so some long boats are simply used for freight. Two longships are connected in series by cables and work together to tow the cargo longship, forming a group of three.

Rurik was dressed in fine clothes, and the golden laurel crown on his head shone in the sun.

Governor Cornuson stood on the dock, holding the king's hand for a long time and refusing to let go. "Your Majesty will not come back for several months. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will manage New Roseburg well..." Then he said a lot more.

Rurik patted the veteran minister on the shoulder, "You will do things well. I suddenly had an idea."

"What's the matter?"

"Can we cut a road through the forest? We build a road and go straight to the south, and we can reach Novgorod by land. This way we don't have to go against the river, and even the journey becomes shorter."

"Is this feasible?" Old Cornuson has never thought about it, "but I don't know the right direction, nor the distance of this road."

"Then explore slowly! If you explore south, you may be able to find other good things."

Later, facing the crying High Priest Rumia, Rurik hugged her again, then picked up his eldest daughter and lifted her up high in laughter.

"When will you come back?" Rumia asked eagerly, with a look of reluctance on her face.

"Maybe it's the summer solstice, maybe it's the autumnal equinox. I have a lot to deal with."

"Indeed, you are the king and have many things to do." Rumia's frustration showed on her face.

"Don't cry. There are some big things in the future. As the high priest, you cannot be absent. I have arranged for Ella to compile our scriptures. We will have our own scriptures as the foundation of our faith. You know the Frankish people in the south? The Catholic Pope?”

Rumia nodded: "I know there is such a thing."

"With Odin's blessing, this king is equivalent to their pope. And you, the second pope. Continue your duties. When I come back, many things will be settled."

Although Rurik's serious, top-down priestly system has been established, the biggest problem at present is that the "Rossaga" has not yet been compiled.

The top scribe, Ella, was responsible for sorting out various documentary records about Nordic beliefs. However, the total amount of written records saved by Ross was still too few. She had to listen to a lot of legends and compile them in the form of a collection of stories, but in the end she could not violate Rurik. Established principles of faith.

The so-called Odin has been established as the creator god, and the gods defend him and so on. Many aspects are already drawing on some gospels to find inspiration for creation. When the "Russaga" is completed and published, it still needs final review by Rurik himself.

Rurik decided to add more content to create a logical and harmonious worldview and stipulate universal ethics, values, etc. Because Rus is a kingdom of mixed ethnic groups, the Vikings are full of military force and virtue, and the old Rus lineage among them is very powerful, but the Slavs have an overwhelming population.

"The manuscript of "Rossaga" must be completed this year, and it must be published no later than next year." Rurik secretly made up his mind.

The soldiers began to board the ship, and Rurik said goodbye to his loved ones and embarked on the road home with the soldiers.

Of course, Fisk's cavalry was already in full swing. They were cavalry, and after taking a good rest, they left along the river.

The saddle of the cavalry is almost always equipped with a wooden pole, and a flag is hung from the pole. They all wore the same clothes, and their velvet hats were all decorated with a large number of blue feathers.

The cavalry team is a messenger and will arrive at the town of Lado as quickly as possible, and then rush to Novgorod to announce the return of the king's army.

They are riding high in the spring breeze and their horses are running fast!

The people fishing in Ladoga Town were the first to encounter the cavalry who announced the good news. Fisk had no intention of staying here, so he said "The King's Triumph" and led his troops to the Volkhov River, and then walked along the plains along the river. South.

This is the last journey. The brothers once felt that this road was relatively far away. During the expedition to Frank, they experienced a real long-distance run. This time running wildly in their hometown was like a spring outing.

They camped for a night on the way, and the brothers gathered around the campfire and ate dry food and couldn't help but discuss what would happen after returning home.

Everyone in the cavalry made a fortune during the war, and captain Fisk was even more extraordinary. He couldn't help but have a lot of money and brought his new wife Astrid with him.

In the team were the sons of old and new Russians, the sons of native Slavic nobles, and even the ten Pecheneg slaves. Although they are of different ethnic origins, after this war everyone finally became a whole, and they became like brothers to each other.

Some outstanding young talents became famous in one battle. There is no doubt that Fisk, as an elite from Old Rus, made great achievements in the war. The little-known Old Rus Brody immediately became a noble because he personally captured the King of East Frank.

Because letting a small soldier capture the King of East Frankia was really a shame for King Ludwig of the East. Brody immediately received a temporary title of "War Chief", which was roughly close to the concept of "Earl", so that Ludwig would not be too ashamed.

Undoubtedly, Brody was extremely proud, and no one doubted his achievements. As for the King's subsequent establishment of the Second Cavalry and made him the captain, no one objected to this matter.

The son of a Slavic nobleman who was once called a weak rich young man, who now dares to question himself as not being a man enough? In Iron and Blood, they experienced a real coming-of-age ceremony. Such Slavic cavalry warriors were themselves nobles. Due to their merits, they would inherit the title of their father Boyar and successfully inherit control of their own farm.

The Kingdom of Rus has its own feudal hierarchy, which is not as strict as Frank.

The most powerful person is the king, and the second most powerful person is the prince. The most important title of the King of Rus is the Duke of Rus. Now, in addition to the Duke of Rus and the Duke of Ostara, there are also the dukes in the Mälaren Lake District of Sweden. Except for the Duke of Ross, who has strong power, the other dukes only have high status, and their limited strength is not commensurate with them.

The third class is the governor of the main settlement. In theory, governors cannot be hereditary, but the current situation is that the second-generation governors of various places are the sons of their predecessors, which is determined by Rurik himself.

The fourth class is the counts or war chiefs, who are no different from the third class. They control a kingdom territory that is not directly controlled by the king, and are actually guarded by the royal family.

The fifth class is Boyar or Bjorn, which is considered as "squire" and "guardian". It is equivalent to baron and has its own fiefdom.

No one in the cavalry is a coward. Each of them has been promised a bright future. The so-called everyone will eventually become a hereditary noble of the same place, with fixed land, followers, and a stable retirement home when they grow old. But I All his sons were given priority to be incorporated into the standing army.

With great enthusiasm for the future, the cavalry appeared on the northern outskirts of Novgorod with a white flag and blue stripes accompanied by the tapping of horse hooves.

As soon as they appeared, the working people looked at them as if they were gods descending from the earth. They not only watched, but even put down their tools and came to greet them in person. The children even screamed and ran towards the cavalry and cheered.

Spring plowing around Lake Ilmen has begun! Even if a large number of laborers from the expedition did not return and no one dared to farm, men, women, old and young all went into battle, and the whole area was busy.

//114218/"Gene Era"

Novgorod City is a large city built on the basis of White Tree Manor. After rapid development, the population of White Tree Manor continues to expand. The number of men, women, old and children who are native to this manor has exceeded 10,000. A large number of boys and girls aged five or six are already able to serve as laborers. They do their best to help their parents and older brothers and sisters work in the fields and provide as much help as they can.

The population of the entire region continues to expand. It seems that after King Rurik began to intend to develop local agriculture, the gods sent favors so that every year was considered a good year.

As everyone knows, the three major settlements in Novgorod, Mstisk and Youth City have fully popularized the curved shaft plow and columbine and have a high number of them. Rough sowing has been transformed into fine drill sowing, and even some areas of farmland have begun to enjoy irrigation systems. With help, grain production capacity will definitely increase.

Once the surplus food increases greatly, all families regardless of ethnic origin will have children.

It is still early to reach the limit of the land carrying capacity of this region! Theoretically, all the flat areas surrounding the huge Ilmen Lake can be transformed into farmland, and then the areas along the banks of the Volkhov, Msti, and Lovati rivers can be developed into large areas of fertile farmland.

There is now a trend of southward expansion in this region. Duke Carlotta of Ostara guards the southern gate of the kingdom, which is the Lovaj River Basin and the climate is milder than that in the northern part of the lake. If there is no threat of war from Smolensk, we can continue to expand southward along the banks of the Lovati River in the south. The area is more suitable for developing fertile farmland.

Farmers have strong subjective initiative, and Ross's complete conquest has greatly improved the local technological level. The so-called occupiers have an obligation, which is to make the lives of the occupied people better than before. Of course, Ross is not a good person. The Slavic ethnic group with a large population is a strong reserve force for the kingdom. But based on the current situation, how many pure-blooded old Ross people will there be in the future?

The North Germanic ancestry of Old Rus is being diluted. In Mstisk, the largest settlement point of Old Rus, there are a large number of men and women as young as twelve and thirteen years old working in the fields. They are of mixed race and can speak the Rus dialect of the Norse language and the Ilmen dialect of the Slavic language. They also received cultural and military education early. These people are the second generation of Ross. They grew up in the rising era, had good food and housing, and none of them were illiterate.

Almost all of their fathers went on military expeditions, and some families learned of their men's death in advance.

Do you want to be sad and cry bitterly? Crying is really crying, and it will get better after crying for a while.

Because their lives will not be severely damaged, every old Ross family has its own system. The child's father died in the war, and all the boys can inherit the honor of their father who died in the war. The eldest son will be the new head of the family. The second son and the third son will divide the family according to tradition. However, they still have to serve the king and are also eligible to enjoy the best life first. War dividends.

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