Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 164 Mutated Hyena

Each round of bombing by more than ten tanks can cause hundreds of mutated hyenas to lose their combat effectiveness. Although this number sounds impressive, it is just a drizzle for a group of nearly 10,000 mutated hyenas.

The sound of dense tank fire did not scare the mutated hyenas. Instead, some mutated hyenas would stop and quickly eat the dead or injured of the same kind while running, and then continue to charge forward. This shows the ferocity of this creature degree.

Moreover, the speed of the mutated hyenas is really too fast. In less than ten seconds, they rushed into the distance of 400 meters from National Highway 167 under the tank fire. If they were allowed to continue rushing like this, it would probably take less than a minute to reach the human convoy. s position.

Seeing the momentum of these beasts so fierce, heavy weapons such as heavy machine guns and heavy machine guns in the goshawk and military convoy also opened fire directly.

Dozens of heavy-duty machine guns and heavy-duty machine guns used cross-firing methods to form several firepower nets in an instant. Seen from a height, these firepower nets were like whips whipping the mutated hyena group continuously. Naturally, none of the mutated hyenas were spared.

These weapons have a long range and great power. Even at medium and long distances, they can maintain a certain lethality. It is best to deal with these mutated hyenas with average physical strength.

The group of mutated hyenas didn't seem to have expected that the firepower from the human side would be so fierce this time. They were beaten a little confused, and the number of casualties was also increasing sharply, but they had no intention of retreating.

Instead, they roared collectively while running, as if they had activated a certain ability of their own, and then their eyes became red, their teeth and claws became longer, and they rushed towards the human convoy at a faster speed, advancing in an instant Within three hundred meters.

This distance has already entered the effective range of the rifle, and all the soldiers and guards in the human convoy pulled the triggers one after another, firing at the mutant hyenas in all directions.

The firepower of nearly a thousand rifles once again suppressed the mutated hyena group, and the mutated hyenas seemed to have no choice but to exchange their lives for the advancing distance.

If this was a wave of infected attacks, the human convoy would probably be able to defend it, but the mutant hyenas move too fast. Whenever the humans change the magazines, the firepower becomes weaker, and the mutant hyenas It will be able to break through about fifty meters.

A few minutes later, the mutated hyena group was less than a hundred meters away from the human convoy, and the humans could even smell the mutated hyena's stench from the air.

The enemy is now, and the human side no longer has any reservations. They have used all available weapons, shells, rockets, and bullets are all shot out like free money, and they are even ready for grenades. They will be thrown out when they are about fifty meters away.

Although Goshawk and Fang An are not on good terms, but at the moment their teams cooperate very tacitly, because they all have common interests, as long as they can fight off the mutated hyena group, they will be fine. If these mutated hyenas rush If they come in, their people and goods will be lost.

Lu Jun also activated the two fire guards above the off-road vehicle to speed up the killing of the mutant hyena. The reminder of the completion of the mission kept ringing in his mind, but he couldn't be happy because this level of firepower was far from enough. If this continues, sooner or later you will be unable to hold on, and you have to figure out how to retreat.

It's not that the Lu army is pessimistic, but that although nearly half of the mutated hyenas have been killed or injured, they have no intention of retreating at all. They still continue to move forward after eating the corpses of their own kind. In their eyes, humans are prey, food, or humans die. Either they die, there is no second possibility.

After paying nearly a thousand more casualties, the mutated hyenas finally rushed over a short 100 meters and ran to the front of the human convoy. The human side had already thrown all the grenades, creating a large number of explosions. But still can't stop these crazy mutant hyenas.

Looking at the human beings right in front of them, the mutated hyenas who were still alive roared excitedly, jumped up, jumped onto the abandoned magnetic vehicles on both sides of the national highway, and rushed into the human convoy.

The human side had no other choice at this time, so they could only bite the bullet and rely on the vehicles around them as cover to resist the mutant hyena, and they could fight back and forth with the mutant hyena for a while.

But when the mutant hyena in front dies, the mutant hyena behind will rush up, and the rifles in the hands of humans need to be replaced. After the magazine is empty, the mutant hyenas will not give humans time to continue changing the bullets. All kinds of bites directly on the human body.

The most important thing is that in this case, the artillery on the tank and the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle cannot be used, because it is impossible to use these heavy weapons to attack the mutant hyena in the convoy, and the consequences will be even worse. serious.

After losing the most important fire support, the human convoy was in jeopardy, and a breakthrough was quickly torn open by the mutated hyena, which kept pouring into the human convoy from the breakthrough.

When a defense line has a breach, if the breach is not repaired in time, no matter how strong the defense line is, it will collapse. Now the human team is facing this situation, and they have no ability to mend the torn ground The line of defense is opened.

The mutated hyenas attacking from all directions kept throwing down the human beings who had no bullets. The human side had no choice but to draw out their weapons and start a brutal hand-to-hand battle with the mutated hyenas.

Soldiers in the military were better off. They were trained in melee combat before the end of the world, and they were able to deal with mutant hyenas for a while, but others were not so easy. Most of them were just ordinary people before the end of the world. Mutant beasts fight close to hand, and the consequences can be imagined.

It is worth mentioning that there are still more than 3,000 mutated hyenas at this time, and most of the mutated hyenas that can survive to the present are B-rank or C-rank elites, and their melee capabilities are extremely powerful.

On the other hand, due to the loss along the way, the number of humans is less than a thousand. In this way, each person has to face three mutated hyenas at the same time, or even more.

The scariest thing is that these mutated hyenas continue to use desperate tactics even when they have the upper hand. Even if you want to kill them in the next moment, they will pounce on you and bite you. The purpose is to hurt you and lose your fighting power.

For a while, the fighting in the human convoy was as brutal as hell on earth. As long as one person lost his fighting power, he would be immediately surrounded by several mutated hyenas. After that, they would disembowel, bite their throats, and dig out their gangs. The crazy mutated hyenas did everything they could. ...

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