Ride and Cut

Chapter 181 A Guest Comes From Afar

Hurt added to the lord with a proud face: "We brought back enough coins and gold and silverware to fill a half-loaded carriage. It is conservatively estimated that the value is more than 200,000 gold coins."

"How many?"

At this moment, Buckland strongly suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, so he put his little finger in and pulled out twice vigorously.

"Over 200,000 gold coins, we don't have the ability to count the exact amount. It's best to hire a professional accountant." In contrast, the expression on Hurt's face can only be described as calm. After all, even if it is a carload of gold and silver, after watching it for half a month, it is difficult to regain the original excitement.

Annie didn't react until then, the teacup in her hand fell to the table with a clang, and white milk flowed everywhere.

"Fa... get rich?" the half-elf chick asked stammeringly.

"It's okay." The lord waved his hand in a low-key manner, "The residents of Winter City have become walking corpses, and the property in the entire city has become ownerless. Most of them will be handed over to the national treasury, and the rest will share with everyone. I will also share 50,000 gold coins."

"Li Cha is the first to slay the dragon, so fifty thousand gold coins is too little." Buckland showed displeasure, "That is the property of the entire Winter City, and the total is definitely an astronomical figure."

"The commander-in-chief Pinto wanted my dragon crystal, but he deliberately made it difficult for me if he didn't get it. It's a nonsense thing." Li Cha sneered, it was as cold as the ice on the extreme northern ice sheet that never melted.

Hurt sat on the chair and watched this scene, honestly observing the nose, mouth and heart. Generally speaking, when your lord laughs like this, it means that someone is going to be unlucky.

"Didn't you say at least 200,000, where did the remaining 150,000 come from?" Annie couldn't wait to continue asking.

For a money-hungry half-elf merchant, this kind of get-rich-quick tale really fits the bill.

"That's the collection in my lair before I was alive. I collected it all, not even a single gold coin." Thutmose said quietly, and the whole dragon lay weakly at the bottom of the crystal.

Buckland and Anne showed a clear look on their faces at the same time.

Dragons are known to have a soulful love for gold coins.

Liking is a very unreasonable emotion, obviously those shiny yellow metal pieces are of no use to them at all. But almost every dragon has been working hard to collect gold coins throughout his life. Because of their great strength and outstanding intelligence, they are generally collected in great numbers.

Thutmose can only be considered half of the level among the dragons. It is said that some particularly powerful old dragons can even reach millions of dollars. They sleep on piles of gold coins all day long, and they are truly rich.

Therefore, digging a dragon's lair is recognized as the most effective way to get rich. As for whether you can spend your life after getting the money, it is not within the scope of consideration.

"Yeah." Li Cha drank some tea to moisten his throat, and described it to them vividly - due to inconvenient transportation, he left the brigade and climbed the mountain alone. After overcoming many obstacles and finding the dragon's lair, he packed the belongings inside and carried it down the mountain alone.

To be honest, that weight is ridiculously heavy even for the lord of the Alpine Fort. If it was something else, it might not be able to hold on, but as long as you think about the heavier the weight, the more gold and silver, the whole body will be filled with strength, and you will be able to walk down the mountain without any effort.

The half-elf chick's cheeks were flushed when she heard it, and she was so excited that she almost fainted on the spot. Although the money had nothing to do with her directly, Annie felt a sense of happiness just thinking about it.

"Lord Baron." A short goat-man sentry ran in empty-handed, and the spear assigned to the sentry was thrown to nowhere about halfway, "There are many elves approaching!"

"It's finally here!" Li Cha clapped his chin, "Come on, let's go and have a look."


"This is my grandmother and the mistress of the prairie elves, Ms. Melissa." Annie introduced to the owner of the alpine castle, holding the arm of a pure-blooded elf.

To this day, the elves still generally maintain the matrilineal society of the ancient elf empire era. The so-called mistress can be roughly equivalent to the patriarch. Except for the sharper ears, this elf mistress is almost carved out of the same mold as Anne, and she can tell that she is related by blood at a glance.

Although her hair is completely silvery white and her face is covered with wrinkles, it can still be seen that she must have been a great beauty when she was young.

"Good day, Sir Richard, I have heard Annie mention you many times."

"Is that so, what did Anne say." The lord asked happily

"Arrogance, gluttony, lust...what else is there?" Melissa pointed her chin with her long and slender index finger, with a serious look on her face.

"Grandma~ What nonsense are you talking about again?" Annie shook Melissa's arm, coquettishly.

It was the first time for Li Cha to hear the half-elf chick speak in such a tone. He tried his best to resist the urge to roll his eyes, and his arms had goose rashes.

"Grandma always likes to joke, I hope you don't mind." Anne said.

"...It's nothing." The lord waved his hand and acted generously. To be honest, he didn't have the confidence to mind. As far as what Melissa said casually, it is difficult to tell whether it is slander or not when applied to him.

The elf tribe's brigade was rushing to the Alpine Fort, probably because the wheels were entangled in withered grass, the elves who were originally riding jumped off and tried to push the heavy carriage.

Elves are the most beautiful and elegant race. Even if their elven empire no longer exists, even if humans are the mainstream in today's world, there is really no way to deny this. After all, today's top aristocrats still take pride in following the elves' aesthetics back then.

They seem to be a collection of all the bells and whistles in the world, and every movement captured seems to be enough to be on the canvas to last forever. For example, the curved and winding green vines are painted on the panels of their carriages, which are very delicate and beautiful, much better than ordinary human painters.

Another example is that they are all pushing the carriage with their buttocks, the elves are like noble sons visiting in secret, and the vassals who help are serfs at first glance.

Li Cha winked, and the centaur and barbarian, who were watching the excitement with their arms crossed, reluctantly walked over.

The elves are thin, the vassals are short, and their strength is very average. The weight of the carriage is difficult for them to shake. But for the samurai of Alpine Fort, this weight is hardly a problem, and the wheels will start to spin again after a little effort.

Seeing this scene, the elves applauded one after another, and then began to sing in unison. The voice was ethereal and pure, like a gust of wind blowing across the vast wilderness in winter, even the well-informed Li Cha was shocked. On the contrary, it made the soldiers who watched the excitement earlier feel embarrassed.

I finished my homework!

After scraping together a messy article and handing it in, it's the teacher's turn to have a headache!

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