On the isolated island, the legendary Raton of the ember incarnation slowly descended from his huge body at this moment.

The huge moray eel sea beast holding on its claws, because its head was cut off by swordsmanship, blood spilled into the sea, and a large area of the sea had already been dyed extremely bloody, and this also caused the current island to be completely boiling with fish.

Countless sea predators approached and rioted because they sniffed the smell of blood.

But this is not what Ember wants to pay attention to, looking at the bloody huge sea beast corpse in front of him, Ember's eyes flashed a trace of hesitation.

As a modern person, let him eat raw food with his own hands, and he really can't accept it.

After all, though, it's about getting stronger and experimenting!

【Feast launched!】 】

After Ember said slowly in his heart, the next moment, he felt as if his whole body was suddenly on fire.

Amber eyes locked on the huge corpse beneath his feet, and the next moment, the irrepressible desire to eat completely washed all of Ember's consciousness.

Eat it! Eat it!

Now Ember has only this thought in his head.

The next moment, after opening the mouth of the blood disc and tearing out a large piece of flesh from the moray eel corpse under its claws, Ember was completely like a beast that had lost its mind, and at this moment it was crazy and greedy to devour the flesh and blood.

The gushing blood quickly flowed from the corners of his mouth, the raw flesh that would have made him feel sick, but at this moment, only Ember felt endless pleasure.

And this violent greedy eating, if it is seen by others, I am afraid that it will be terrified to the extreme in an instant.

Such a hideous and violent eating, it seems that even the people watching want to kill and devour it!

As Ember opened his mouth wide, he threw the corpse of the huge moray eel and sea beast directly into the sky, biting it like a crocodile devouring it and then devouring it, and the last tail completely disappeared behind the huge blood disc mouth of the legendary Raton, and the eyes of Ember gradually regained their clarity.

[Feast], it's over.

The next moment, Ember felt that the upper and lower parts of his body, from the beginning as if it were burned by flames, to now began to produce intense pain!

It's as if the muscles, bones, and organs are all strengthened and grown!

In the midst of the crazy roar of pain, the entire canopy of heaven was completely blackened by the riot of the embers and the unrestrained release of the overlord's domineering power, thunder and lightning!

For a long time

When another wisp of sea breeze blew by, the giant beast on the isolated island suddenly opened its scarlet eyes like blood at this moment.

He turned his head and looked at his body, which was nearly half a circle larger than before, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

It's really... Useful!

It's getting bigger, it's really getting bigger!

The legendary raton template that Ember mastered naturally knew that the legendary raton was an ancient titan, and his size could naturally become larger.

However, what is needed is to sleep in the volcano for at least 100,000 years or so before it can become as big as it is now!

Longevity and Tianqi, this is the unique advantage of the legendary Titans.

But on the other hand, the improvement of strength is quite slow.

But now, not only longevity and Tianqi, but also improving strength, is not so difficult.

The [Feast] of the Void Monster Kogath, no wonder it is called a world-destroying beast!

Infinite devouring infinite growth, and in the end, it can even swallow the planet, isn't it?

Feel the power of this surge, even though it can only be done once a month.

But now, Ember is still quite satisfied!

He now knows why some people like fitness, and it's crazy fitness.

It turned out that it was because I saw the changes in my body after the crazy fitness, and I felt the improvement of my own strength and gained self-confidence!

It's a wonderful feeling!

If this is the same ascension all along, then as long as he comes to the [Feast] six or seven more times, then his Legendary Raton form will be able to surpass the size of the green dragon that Kaido incarnates!

Thinking like this, Ember also exhaled slowly at this moment.

The feast had been going on for a long time, and it was already evening!

It's time to go back to Ghost Island.

Maria was about to leave, and he was still thinking about seeing her off.

However, it is a bit swaggering to return to the beast form, and the devastating embers brought by it cannot be controlled.

So, just return to your adult form.

However, just as Ember regained his human form and was ready to spread his wings and fly back to Ghost Island.

In the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, he felt two good breaths, and he seemed to be coming on a ship.

-- Dividing line --

"Ghost Island is boring to death~ Xiao Pei, let's go out fishing~".

"You've dragged me out, I refuse to have a fart!"

Peggy Wan, who was wearing a mask, was speechless at the moment.

It was the siblings Urti and Peggywan, who were now coming from a distance on a ship.

"What? Isn't it the younger brother's obligation to play with his sister?! "

“... What kind of brother's obligation is this..."

Then Peggy didn't finish his words, and was shaken wildly by the irascible Ulti by the neck, "What did you say?!" Stupid little pet, you disappointed my sister too much-".

"Stop, stop—but why the hell did you come to this place to fish, sir?"

"The sky here is very strange just now, and the fish are boiling, fishing here will definitely produce good goods!"

Ul said happily.

Hearing this, Peggy Wan had no choice but to nod helplessly.

His sister has always wanted to do one thing at a time, and she is rude and willful, and he has nothing to do.

Suddenly, the two of them suddenly raised their heads at this moment and looked at the distant horizon.

A powerful aura suddenly struck.


The next moment, the siblings' eyes widened suddenly.

"Ember? Why are you here? "

Urti was the first to ask.

ps. The third more ~

Ask for flowers ~ ask for tickets ~

Yamato is not in a hurry, and he will take Ulti first

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