Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 650 Meng Qian, why are you so good at it?

The Gale Global Developers Conference is still going on. When the participants came to the conference site the next morning, they found something different from the past two years. Today’s itinerary has become segmented and themed. There is a corresponding theme in the main stadium, and it will become the next theme in the next time period.

In the past two years, there was one big theme a day, but this year it has become 8 small themes a day.

And this time, the two-day schedule was directly released, which means that there are 16 sub-themes in total in the two days. The themes of the second day are all based on artificial intelligence, and the themes of the third day are all around cloud computing.

With doubts and curiosity, many people came to the main venue to welcome today's first sub-theme, computer vision.

The small topic of computer vision is divided into three links. The first link is the theoretical link. It sorts out the theory about this concept from 1966, and lists it according to the current development status of computer vision. various research theories.

As the end of this link, it is naturally the current level of Dafeng Group. A piece of data was directly displayed on the spot. In 2010, the error rate of the top5 global object recognition for thousands of types was 28.2%. With the promotion of intelligence, this number dropped to 12% in this year's computer vision competition hosted by Dafeng Group.

Moreover, in the computer vision competition sponsored by Dafeng Group, the Huaxia team has completely slaughtered the rankings, and Dafeng Group is firmly ranked first. In the entire field of visual recognition, Huaxia has clearly taken the lead.

Seeing this, many people thought it was showing off China's technological level, but they continued to find that it was not the case.

The second session is about application. With theoretical support, it’s time to talk about technology application. At the conference, Dafeng Group brought everyone industrial manufacturing recognition, security recognition, and face recognition in the financial field on computer vision. , Commodity identification in the e-commerce field, impact diagnosis in the medical field, unmanned driving visual input, human-computer interaction visual judgment and other comprehensive application introductions.

Among these applications, there are security identification, commodity identification and face recognition that are becoming more and more mature, as well as industrial manufacturing identification and human-computer interaction identification that still have many problems.

But each application is very detailed. As for why so many applications were mentioned at the conference, everyone was a little confused for a while.

Until the arrival of the third link, everyone finally realized something.

The third link is about support. For the research in the subdivided field of computer vision, Dafeng Group launched the Global Computer Vision Conference, created a global computer vision platform, provided computer vision development tools, and developed corresponding research and development tools for computer vision. AI vision chip.

The Global Computer Vision Conference is held once a year to guide the development of the industry. The Global Computer Vision Platform is a platform for daily communication and daily services. Members can obtain relevant information and support here, as well as communicate online. As for the development tools, there is no need Having said that, the corresponding AI vision chip can better promote the development of computer vision and provide hardware support.

And all of these are provided globally. Any enterprise can obtain all kinds of supporting support provided by Dafeng Group by paying a certain fee, and the price is absolutely conscience.

After reading the small topic of computer vision, everyone has already begun to guess.

When everyone went on to read the second sub-topic of natural language recognition, this guess became more certain.

"The real big theme of Dafeng Group these two days is support services, right?"

"I understand why there are so many representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises this year, not only because of the outstanding performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the past two years, but also because of the theme of Dafeng Group this year.

Dafeng Group is now going to further develop into a patent dealer, and even develop into a service provider. These two days are promoting their services. "

"But to be honest, I feel that the Dafeng Group is a bit aggressive." Someone pointed to the schedule in his hand, "In fact, the concept of Yun Zhilian has only been proposed for two years, and it is still in a very early stage.

At this time, Dafeng Group directly took out 16 small themes. To put it bluntly, aren’t these 16 small themes just a kind of prediction of Dafeng Group’s future development?

If Dafeng Group's prediction is accurate, it can earn endless money in the future by rushing to provide services at the initial stage, but what if Dafeng Group's prediction is wrong?

Maybe it is even possible that Yun Zhilian has not developed at all? Engaging in services is actually the most difficult thing, especially for the construction of a global platform for enterprises. This huge investment will be in vain. "

"You're right. It can be seen that the Dafeng Group is betting on these directions. The bet is correct. This move of the Dafeng Group will make them invincible in the future, making them more comfortable than the tax gangster Qualcomm. But if If you lose the bet, the loss will be heavy."

"Meng Qian is really the most daring boss I've ever met."

"This is a gamble for the Dafeng Group, and it is not a gamble for business owners. At least the Dafeng Group is betting on whether the direction of its own judgment is right or not, but the main bet for the enterprise is whether the judgment of the Dafeng Group is right or not.

Sufficient service support can definitely help the company to speed up the pace of development. If you get on the bus early, as long as you are in the right direction, you will be at the top of the wind, but what if you make a wrong bet? Dafeng Group should be able to cope with the heavy losses if it makes a wrong bet. If it is a small and medium-sized enterprise, especially a small business, it may be over if it makes a wrong bet. "

"So this is also a test of the vision of the business owner. The Dafeng Group has parked the car here, so it depends on whether everyone dares to get in the car."

"The essence of starting a business is a gamble. Many times, if you see the right direction, it is not necessarily a good vision, but good luck. Standing on the wind, pigs can fly. Entrepreneurship, to put it bluntly, is chasing the wind."

"My friend, this idea is interesting. I don't know how to call it."

"Lei Xiaomi."

The second day of the conference ended with various discussions among everyone, and the third day of the conference was divided into eight themes: public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, SaaS, IaaS, PaaS and FaaS.

Until 5 pm that day, when all the thematic explanations were over, Meng Qian made a summary for the conference again, "In the first Gale Global Developers Conference, we proposed the concept of cloud-intelligent connection, and in the second conference we proposed the cloud-intelligent connection standard. Through a year of hard work, we have improved the basic standards of Cloud Zhilian to a certain extent.

So we thought about the theme of this year's conference for a long time, and finally we decided to do such a dismantling thing.

Why do we do this?

In fact, I have also seen the comments on the Internet in the past two days. Many people think that we are gambling, and many people think that we want to lie down and make money. I can only say that it is not.

First of all, we are not betting, because every subdivision that can be moved to this conference is the conclusion drawn by our company after investing a lot of money in research and development. The reason why we do such a dismantling is precisely because we We have really seen the development trends in these fields, so we also deeply realize that cloud and intelligence connection is not a technology that our Dafeng Group company can handle.

This technology, as I said when I proposed it in the first year, will affect everyone in the world in the future, and it will be ubiquitous, and such a huge and great technology, I, we, all hope to see it as soon as possible to its maturity.

Therefore, we decided to carry out in-depth promotion for the subdivision of Cloud Zhilian, hoping that more companies will join the research and development of Cloud Zhilian to accelerate the maturity of Cloud Zhilian technology.

And what we can do is to provide more services and support for everyone. As for whether we want to make money lying down, I can only say that our charging standard is very low. If a trillion-level enterprise like ours can rely on this If this kind of service fee can make money lying down, then there should be at least tens of thousands of excellent cloud-connected companies in the world.

If there is such a day, I am willing to be that person who makes money lying down. "

Meng Qian's words once again raised his "personality" to a higher level, and received thunderous applause from the scene.

The focus of Meng Qian's adoption of this more open model this time is to enhance the participation opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises and emerging enterprises.

Due to the lack of technical reserves of small and medium-sized enterprises and emerging enterprises, it has always been difficult for them to compete with established enterprises. Now Dafeng Group provides them with a lot of convenience, so that they can have better opportunities to participate in the competition.

Under such a premise, they naturally wouldn't mind paying a really reasonable service fee and patent fee to Dafeng Group.

On the road of future development, Dafeng Group will also maintain its R\u0026D. If its own R\u0026D is leading, then there is nothing to say. If other companies are leading in R\u0026D, but it uses the various supports provided by Dafeng Group, Dafeng Group will earn money. fees and patent fees.

Although Meng Qian said at the meeting that the service fee does not make much money, it is because he has to say so to maintain the image of a non-reborn person.

Meng Qian actually believes that he can really make money lying down in the future. As long as there are no other major technological breakthroughs in this life, the future development of Yunzhilian cannot bypass these technologies. A trillion-dollar gold-level market.

And a group of big-name companies that have begun to invest a large proportion of artificial intelligence and cloud computing have actually become more and more clear in their technical judgments, so watching this year's Dafeng Global Developers Conference one by one can't help but want to complain.

A conference almost finished talking about the future direction?

Meng Qian, how can you do this?

I'm forcing you to do it all by yourself!

Thank you book friend 20200827204940404 for your reward!

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