074: Brother, please take action! [8 More for everything]|The recovery of the demon: the beginning of the full level of five thunders is the law! |Resurrection of Demons: Start with the full level of five thunders! Chapter Reading-Siku Bookstore

Under the leadership of Lei Ze, everyone came to the next haunted house.

“Mr. Li, what level of evil is there, is there a mark on the map?”

Looking at the door of the haunted house, Lei Ze asked Mr. Li in tears.

Mr. Li took out the map and looked at it, then slowly shook his head.

“This place is not marked on the map.”

“Not marked?”

“There is no label.” Old Li said: “Lei Ze, according to your strength, no matter what level of evil there is in it, you should be able to deal with it easily, right?”

“The ghost town is so big, so we still have to hurry up to avoid long nights and dreams!”

Mr. Li’s urging made Lei Ze’s face turn green.

Your sister’s!

I’m dreaming more before the night is long, okay? !

If I go in and it’s really a C-level, wouldn’t I just die?

I was madly complaining in my heart.

But, no way.

He could only bite the bullet and kick open the door of the haunted house and rushed in…

The crowd followed him from a distance, as if to watch him perform.

“Don’t be C!”

“Don’t be C…”

With a silent prayer in his heart, Lei Ze rushed into the room of the haunted house.

And the next second after rushing in, he raised his head and laughed loudly from it!


What are you laughing at? !

Is it because you are too excited to meet a powerful opponent?

Everyone followed in confusion.

But I saw that in front of Lei Ze, there was only an F-class evil spirit hiding in the corner and shivering…

“Huh? Only F-class?”

“F-rank evil, what is Lei Ze laughing at?”

“do not know……”

Listening to everyone’s discussion, Lei Ze felt even more joy in his heart.

Lao Tzu’s happiness, you can’t figure it out!

But soon, he was no longer happy.

Because, this is just the beginning…

In front of the next house, his face was green again, as if there was a bastard hanging over his head…

Fortunately, Lei Ze’s luck is really good.

Seven or eight houses in a row, except for one E-class, the others are F-class.

This almost didn’t break Lei Zele, and the pace of rushing towards the next house became much lighter.

However, just as he kicked open the door of the ninth house and walked into the courtyard, a cloud of yin qi burst into the sky and enveloped everyone!

Here, is a slaughterhouse.

In addition to yin qi, there is also a thick blood evil qi.

This terrifying breath made everyone gasp for breath.

Especially Razer.

He almost rolled his eyes and passed out on the spot.

And at this moment, from the pig-killing room, a sturdy figure jumped out.

Everyone looked intently, and saw that the sturdy figure that jumped out was actually a pig whose stomach had been ripped open! ! !

On its two trotters, there is also a deboning knife.

In the belly that has been opened, the appearance of the internal organs is clearly visible!

“Fuck! So strong!”

“This breath, could it have surpassed the C-level?!”

“What should I do now…”

Everyone looked solemn.

Old Li turned to Lei Ze and said, “Lei Ze, let’s do it, be careful, this evil is also very strong, and it is very likely to launch an attack with B-level power!”

Madam Ma said: “Yes, very strong, you are our last hope now, be careful!”

After the two finished speaking, Lei Ze’s face was as pale as paper.

Immediately afterwards, Luan Huo also said, “Come on, brother, I think you can do it!”


Do you see your mother has a pop?

Fuck other people don’t know you don’t know?

Are you cheering me on?

Thinking about your mother?

Under everyone’s attention, Lei Ze moved.

However, instead of fighting the ghost pig, he turned his head to face Jiang Churan, thumped and knelt down…

“Brother, please, take action!”

“Stop playing with me!”

“My little heart can’t bear it!”

While speaking, his tears could not stop flowing down.

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