058: Who told you that I am C-class? [2 Ask for everything]|The recovery of the demon: the beginning of the full level of five thunders is the law! |Resurrection of Demons: Start with the full level of five thunders! Chapter Reading-Siku Bookstore

According to Jiang Churan’s statement, Xia Meng drove forward.

Along the way, she didn’t know how many such female ghosts she bumped into.

And just when her heart calmed down a little and thought she could reach her destination just like that, suddenly, there was a loud bang from the front wheel of the car!

Jiang Churan opened his eyes and looked at Xia Meng.

Xia Meng said with a bewildered expression, “It seems like a flat tire.”

“It doesn’t matter if the tire blows out, just go forward, remember, even if there is a ghost in your back seat, it’s all condensed from an illusion.” Jiang Churan said.

Xia Meng nodded and continued to step on the accelerator to drive forward.

Although she is an E-level and has performed many tasks, most of them are small scenes. Now that she encounters so many eerie things, she will inevitably feel a little panicked.

Therefore, invisibly, she has regarded Jiang Churan as the backbone, and her impression of Jiang Churan is also subtly changing.

In the case of a flat tire, the car continued to move forward.

Soon, a dark blue mist appeared in front of him.

driving into the fog, I can’t see my five fingers when I stretch out my hand in front of me.

Xia Meng bit the bullet and drove forward.

Lying on the co-pilot with his eyes closed, Jiang Churan suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and scribbled a finger on the front windshield.

In the blink of an eye, a light blue talisman condensed in the air.


Jiang Churan swung his sword fingers and drank a decree in his mouth, and Fu �� immediately flew forward through the front windshield.

And where Fu �� passed, the layers of black mist that made people invisible gradually spread out into a hole, just enough to accommodate off-road vehicles.

“Isn’t this an illusion?” Xia Meng asked.

Jiang Churan shook his head: “These fogs are no longer illusions, but evil spirits.”

“It has no effect on me, but if you are exposed to it for too long and inhale too much, it will greatly affect your sanity.”

“At that time, you will most likely become a delirious killing machine.”

Hearing this, Xia Meng’s face suddenly turned extremely pale.

“Why, are you afraid?”

Seeing the change in her expression, Jiang Churan asked with a smile.

“Of course I’m afraid, I’m just a small E-rank, where is it like you, a powerful C-rank powerhouse, a fatal danger to us, but it doesn’t matter to you.”

Xia Meng’s attitude improved a lot, but she was still a little angry, and rolled her eyes at Jiang Churan.

Jiang Churan raised his eyebrows and asked, “Class C? Who told you that I was Class C?”

“Didn’t you kill the C-level evil? Isn’t it C-level…” As he spoke, Xia Meng’s voice suddenly stopped.

“Could it be, are you a B-level powerhouse?”

She widened her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

how can that be?

In her opinion, Jiang Churan is just a little brother who has just come of age. It is already incredible to be a C-level. How can it be a more terrifying B-level?

Jiang Churan shook his head: “No.”

Hearing Jiang Churan’s denial, Xia Meng heaved a sigh of relief.

But then, Jiang Churan said again: “I am the master.”


In an instant, Xia Meng’s mind went blank.

This ups and downs really made her a little unacceptable.


Although she doesn’t know much about the essential difference between a cultivator and a power user, she also knows that a grandmaster and a B-level are the same level!

Class B, what is that concept?

That is even in the headquarters of the evil control bureau, they are the most powerful figures at the top!

In a word, it is even possible to directly decide to replace a bureau chief!

And Jiang Churan, turned out to be such a terrifying existence? !

Just crazy!

However, just when Xia Meng was stunned and didn’t know how to face Jiang Churan next, Jiang Churan suddenly smiled and said: “Why, are you shocked? Did you suddenly feel that it wasn’t too much of a disadvantage to be attacked by me? ?”

The first half of the sentence entered Xia Meng’s heart.

After hearing the second half of the sentence, the shock on her face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of shame and anger.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Do you want me to help you on the other side?”

“Who was there last time?”

Speaking, Jiang Churan stretched out his hand and gestured.

Xia Meng’s face was as black as charcoal, and blue veins burst out on his forehead.

“Go away!!!”

Her deafening roar made Jiang Churan slap Yahuazi with a smile.


The life of a strong man is so unpretentious and boring…

Soon, the gray-black smoke in front gradually faded.

After the smoke completely disappeared, the two found that there were lights not far ahead, and there were some tent outlines under the lights.

“Is this also an illusion in front of you?”

The blush on Xia Meng’s face had not subsided, but she had to ask Jiang Churan.

Jiang Churan shook his head and denied: “No, that should be our destination this time.”

Xia Meng nodded, added the accelerator a little, and continued to drive in the direction of the tent…

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