Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 631 Capture of a cruiser, small meeting

"Ship-based missiles, artillery! Fire!"

Disen's furious shouts reached the ears of every mercenary through the battlefield command system.

This ship is produced in the United States. Although it is not a top-class ship, it is still very advanced.

It is equipped with the "Aegis" air defense system and more than 30 "Standard" missiles.

In addition, the two naval guns on the ship are equipped with a large number of 32 kilograms of precision-guided artillery shells.

The maximum range of this artillery reaches 40 kilometers, and the error does not exceed ten meters.

It can be said that the entire ship has strong reconnaissance, air defense, and anti-ship capabilities, and it is also the most powerful ship of the Black Skull Mercenaries.

Following Dison's order.

In an instant, thousands of cannons fired together.

Missiles and artillery shells burst out one after another, across the sky, the sound of artillery rumbled, the momentum was astonishing, and a cloud of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

These missiles and artillery can reach one speed and two times the speed of sound, and they are only seven or eight nautical miles away from Jiang Tian.

It can be said that Jiang Tian's reaction time was only a split second.

"Missile! Very good! I was just about to try it!"

Seeing at least twenty missile shells exploding towards him, Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly became cold and his consciousness flashed.

Two black lights burst out from the storage ring at a speed exceeding three times the sound barrier.

Bang bang bang!

It was like a bunch of firecrackers exploding. Between Jiang Tian and the ship, dozens of missiles and artillery exploded in an instant.

From a distance, it looks like bright fireworks blooming continuously.

It's just that each firework covers a radius of hundreds of meters, carrying a terrifying destructive power.

"It should be a hit. Even if he is a superpower user of Blue Storm, he can only drink in hatred!"

After seeing the first wave of shooting finished, Colonel Disen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear, and looked at the mesmerizing fireworks with his binoculars.

The first wave of shooting fired half of the ship's artillery shells and missiles. With such fierce and domineering firepower, the enemy had no reason to survive.

In his opinion, even the legendary X-level superpowers and the martial arts masters of China must be beaten to pieces.

But at this moment.

A deputy commander exclaimed: "Colonel, the thermal imaging sight shows that the target is still alive!"

"What? Still alive!"

Dison was startled suddenly and didn't fall to the ground softly.

"But the target is retreating and is now twenty nautical miles away!"

The deputy commander spoke quickly and authentically.

"He's retreating... He's retreating?"

Dison looked suspicious, and he hadn't decided yet whether to beat him again or just let it go.

Suddenly, the missile exploded into billowing smoke.

A sharp black light shot out of the sky like a vicious snake and came to his eyes in the blink of an eye.


Dison heard the sound of bulletproof glass breaking, then felt a heat in his chest, and saw a bloody arrow shooting out of his chest.

"Oh my god, I'm hit!"

A trace of astonishment appeared on Dison's face, he fell to the ground and died in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Tian did fly twenty nautical miles away at this time, but this was just to make the enemy unprepared.

Besides, those artillery shells and missiles are equipped with highly concentrated explosives. Even if he is a master of the Gengjin Divine Body, there is no need to fight head-on.

However, the little black flying sword and the black iron flying shuttle destroyed many missiles and artillery shells under his control, and then continued to charge forward.

The Little Black Flying Sword and the Black Iron Flying Shuttle are not thermal weapons and cannot be captured by the thermal imaging radar system.

This gave Colonel Dison and the others the illusion that the enemy had retreated, leaving them unprepared.

Under the urging of Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness, the small black flying sword and the black iron flying shuttle quickly penetrated to the ship and killed everyone on sight.

On the Black Skull, blood burst out, waves of blood surged, and screams and howls could be heard endlessly.

The mercenaries fell to the ground one after another like harvested rice, turning into lifeless corpses.

In less than a minute, more than 300 mercenaries were killed, not a single one was left alive.

Only the black iron shuttle was left floating quietly in the air.

The little black flying sword was flying up and down happily, as if it had drunk enough human blood and was very happy.

"Colonel Deason, Sir Wilson!"

On more than a dozen transport ships, many captains, crew members and workers were in panic, shouting desperately into the intercoms.

There was an eerie silence on the Black Skull, and there was no answer.

Under the night, only the black skull and crossbones flag dripping with blood roared.

The Black Skull was like a ghost ship, sailing straight forward at a fixed speed.

"Those mercenaries seem to be all dead!"

"Is there a ghost?"

On the "Sirius" transport ship leading the team, some people started to cry amid anxiety.

They were the closest to the armed ships, and this inexplicable war seemed even more bizarre to them.

They didn't see the enemy at all from beginning to end.

I saw three helicopters crashing, followed by countless artillery shells and missiles exploding in the air. Finally, the mercenaries on the deck of the Black Skull fell silently one after another.

"Tell your comrades that all crew members are returning to Sordoni!"

Suddenly, in the cab, a figure appeared out of thin air like a ghost.

This man had black hair and black eyes, and a face that was almost monstrously handsome, as if he were a lofty god overlooking everyone.

"Did he just kill those mercenaries?"

The captain of the Sirius was uneasy and stepped forward tremblingly. However, he forced himself to remain calm, put on a tough stance, and said loudly:

"I am the captain of this transport ship! We are a legal transport ship belonging to the French 'New World' Renewable Energy Company. In accordance with international law and international maritime law, we have the right to sail autonomously on the international high seas and are not subject to anyone's instructions. and coercion!”

"Yes! Why do you want us to go back?"

"We have not entered your territorial waters, we are just operating on the high seas!"

Others also looked at Jiang Tian proudly, and kept shouting with anger and anger.

Sometimes the rabble tends to slip into the collective unconscious.

If one person takes the lead and is tough, he will embolden others and make them forget the fact that they are ants.

"I'm talking about the law with you, but you're acting like a gangster with me! I'm talking about being a gangster with you, but you're talking about the law!"

Jiang Tian smiled disdainfully, scoffed, and split the captain in half with a wind blade.


Waves of blood rolled, spraying all over the people around them, and steaming internal organs fell to the ground.

Everyone was so frightened that they were dumbfounded and silent, not even daring to breathe.

"Now, can you return?" Jiang Tian asked coldly.

"Return, we will return immediately!"

Everyone was trembling with fear and said in unison.

"I am Jason, the captain of the New World Fleet. Please stop the killing. I order all ships to return to Sordoni!"

An old man with white hair came forward tremblingly, his face full of fear, and he said with a cry.

A moment later, under Jason's order, more than a dozen transport ships returned to the northern bay of Sodoni.

At this time, after receiving the news, Chen Yang, King Arthur, Speaker Ander, and Archbishop Dashiel had already arrived on a destroyer "Glory Day" to greet them.

This destroyer originally belonged to the Great Circle, but now it has also entered the "Heavenly Army" ship sequence.

"Master, you captured a cruiser?"

When he saw that all members of the Black Skull had been wiped out, Chen Yang couldn't believe it.

"It's worth at least one billion U.S. dollars and 10 billion Chinese coins!"

Everyone was amazed.

"What does this mean? I can capture even an aircraft carrier!"

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently, jumped onto the deck of the "Glory Day" and said nonchalantly.

"This is your master's wife!"

Jiang Tian introduced Zhao Xueqing to everyone again.

"Disciple Chen Yang, I have met my master's wife!" Chen Yang looked respectful and bowed three times and bowed nine times.

"No need to be formal! Get up!" Zhao Xueqing smiled lightly, and her graceful manner made everyone marvel.

"Little Arthur, this is your godmother! Why are you cowering behind?"

Jiang Tian waved to little Arthur, who was huddled behind Chen Yang, and said with a smile.

Haven’t seen each other for several months.

Little Arthur's nutrition has caught up, his cheeks are plump, his figure is much more well-proportioned, and his clear eyes are still so smart and full of aura.

"My godmother must be a fairy!"

Little Arthur stepped forward, dazzled, feeling that Zhao Xueqing was so beautiful, like the Virgin Mary.

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Zhao Xueqing's maternal instincts exploded, and she really liked this cute and smart little boy.

She picked up Arthur, kissed him hard on the face, and said with a smile: "Don't call me godmother anymore. When we are pregnant, just call me mother!"

"Okay! Mom!"

After all, after some big scenes, Arthur was much more generous than before, and he immediately shouted loudly, making Zhao Xueqing extremely beautiful.

No one noticed after being put down by Zhao Xueqing.

Little Arthur turned his back and pretended to look at the ship, letting his tears flow freely.

"I have a father and a mother..." Little Arthur felt extremely warm in his heart.

After the two parties greeted each other, they immediately held a brief meeting in a cabin on Glory Day.

"What to do with these people?"

Chen Yang asked, pointing to the crew members and workers on the transport ships.

"This is a hostage and a bargaining chip for us to negotiate with France! Let them work and dig out all the garbage!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

"This is a French ship!"

Chen Yang admired him very much.

Master, don't be too domineering at all.

"How is Chen Yang doing in Sodoni these days?"

Old God Jiang Tian was on the ground, sipping fragrant tea, looking at Speaker Ander and the others.

"Mr. Chen is amazing. He donated a billion dollars for a drinking water project and brought clean water to the entire Dosoni!"

Speaker Ander smiled and said:

"Moreover, they personally supervise every project and sleep only three or four hours a day."

"Now the people of Sordoni like him, and our parliament also supports him very much! I think my interim president can step down!"

Jiang Tianxin said that Ande was also a wonderful person, and he probably knew the deeper meaning of his arrangement for Chen Yang to come over.

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "Ander, you are also my best friend. I believe in you. There is no problem with you being the president!"

"According to the Constitution, it is absolutely impossible for the Speaker of the Parliament to also serve as the President!"

Ander said solemnly: "My appointment as interim president is only a temporary measure. Moreover, dozens of congressmen and I agree that Mr. Chen Yang is very suitable to serve as president."

"Because maybe we are going to face a war. And only Mr. Chen Yang has the talent for military command!"

"So, our parliament has held an election, and Mr. Chen Yang was unanimously elected as President Sodoni!"

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