Return of the Swallow

Chapter 528 Falling Sick

"The eldest brother and sister-in-law are also sad because of the loss of their child. Moreover, the political affairs in the court are really tense now. The eldest brother is now the person who is favored by the Holy Spirit to join the cabinet. The eyes of many factions are watching his every move. If something goes wrong, , my life is about to be lost. I just don’t have the ability. I only work as a small official in the Ministry of Etiquette. If I have the ability, I can also help my elder brother.

"Mom, our family doesn't talk about the two families. Everyone knows how much the eldest brother and sister-in-law have paid for the family over the years. My third brother and I are very grateful. Mom, please don't make trouble with the eldest brother because of these things. I am not happy, but it distracts my elder brother."

The old lady was very sad.

She has really seen through Qin Huaiyuan now and feels that he is no longer the filial son who was obedient to her before. She put all her love on this son and even ignored her second son for so many years.

Now when she is sad, isn't it the second son who comes to comfort her?

Moreover, the second master’s words really gave the old lady a step forward.

She couldn't find any reason to refute Sun, and she didn't dare to really do anything to her eldest son and rely on him in the future, so she had to swallow her breath.

If she stops talking now, everyone will think that she is giving in to Sun as an old man.

So the old lady wiped her tears and stopped cursing, let alone asking Qin Huaiyuan to divorce the Sun family - anyway, it was obvious that Qin Huaiyuan would not be obedient to divorce his wife.

Qin Huai saw that the old lady was coaxed by the second master's few words. The crying Sun in his arms finally stopped wailing and felt a little more relaxed.

"Mother." Qin Huaiyuan patted Mrs. Sun on the shoulder and turned to say: "When you are in the Spring and Autumn Period, you should have a good life and take care of yourself. From now on, whether it is the household chores or the wedding of your children or the chores in the house, , you shouldn't worry about it anymore. Just take care of your own body, live a long life, and let your son be filial to you for a long time."

Qin Huaiyuan's words made the old lady scream again with red eyes: "You unfilial son! You are going to rebel!"

Qin Huaiyuan was giving the old lady a stern and clear warning, telling her to live her own life in peace and order. She should not extend her hands to other rooms to mix things up, and she should no longer be used to handle the money and things in the inner house.

"Mother, that's all my son said. If mother really doesn't like us, we will have no choice but to move out."

Qin Huaiyuan saluted again and said: "The Holy One just brought people to the house. The Holy One has already become suspicious of me. I was trembling in the court and was already very tired.

I just want to be able to relax my tense spirit when I get home, and don't want to cause trouble anymore. Please forgive me, mother. "

After Qin Huaiyuan said that, he took Sun and went out.

There were many people left behind who were shocked by the news that the Holy Emperor had personally visited and sent people to search like a house.

The second master was not in front just now and did not see Li Qitian, so he only learned the news now.

The old lady was so frightened that her whole body trembled, and she held on to the second master's hand: "You, what your elder brother just said... is wrong, those people were obviously searching for my mother-in-law and the others, how could it be that the Holy Spirit led the search? Come to our house?”

The second master was also caught off guard by the news. He stood up and said: "Mother, the court is really nervous now. My son will go to discuss countermeasures with eldest brother first. You are lucky, please don't cry anymore."

"Okay, okay, go quickly!" The old lady cared more about her own life than competing with her daughter-in-law, and she waved her hands to urge the second master to go out.

The second master came out with his second wife.

When they arrived at the corridor, they saw that all the servants in the courtyard were standing far away. Miss Eighth and Qin Huining were standing far away under the eaves of the corridor in the corner, talking, and did not dare to get close.

The second master whispered to the second wife: "Look at mother and don't let her make trouble again. This time something is unusual. I will ask my elder brother."

The second lady whispered: "I don't dare. If I talk too much, my mother will ask you to divorce me."

The second master rolled his eyes in anger and scolded: "Nonsense!" He turned around and left quickly.

The Second Madam took a breath of the cold winter air and breathed into her hands. Thinking of the words that Mr. Sun had just scolded the old lady, she felt refreshed in her heart for a moment.

She had long been dissatisfied with the old lady's behavior, and Mrs. Sun scolded her in almost every sentence. Not only did Mrs. Sun feel sorry for Qin Yining, the second lady also always remembered Qin Yining's kindness. Human beings are not like grass and trees, and there are not many people who can be as ungrateful and short-sighted as the old lady.

The Second Madam stood outside for a long time before going back into the house. She saw Second Madam Han serving the old lady. She was also happy and relaxed, so she didn't come close. She sat down on the heated kang outside and took the hand. He held the teacup handed over by the maid in his hand to warm it.

In the study room in the front yard, Qin Huaiyuan, the second master, the third master, Qin Han, and Qin Yu gathered together, talking about what happened when Li Qitian came just now.

Qin Huaiyuan said in a low voice: "My aunt went to Tartar with his soldiers to find Sister Yi. The Holy Master suspected that my aunt was going to join Long Xiang's army and plot something evil. He hurriedly went to the palace incognito, but he didn't see his family. So he came to our house because he suspected it. "

"That's it." Qin Han said, "I didn't expect that my brother-in-law--\u003e\u003e

It was such a hindsight. "

Qin Yu also said with approval: "Yes, my brother-in-law has resisted many times for the sake of my fourth sister."

The second master and the third master are not as relaxed as young people.

The second master was silent, thinking about the current situation in his mind.

The third master said worriedly: "Your Majesty came to our house and found no one. Can you trust us? If you, brother, say that you were not involved in this matter, Your Majesty will not believe it."

Qin Huaiyuan smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, but the Holy One now doubts me, but there is no evidence to prove that I have hidden my in-laws and his family. And if the Holy One catches them, they will not do anything to them. At most, they will be under house arrest in the palace." Be a hostage.”

"If we don't keep hostages, my uncle can act with confidence outside. There's nothing wrong with that." The third master said cheerfully: "Brother, don't worry, my uncle is very capable. She is willing to go to Sister Yi, and Sister Yi will probably be fine." As for His Majesty’s suspicions, let him have his doubts. Anyway, our integrity is not afraid of the shadows being distorted, and we are not harboring them. Let His Majesty think whatever he thinks.”

The second master thought for a while and said: "Having said that, I'm afraid that the Holy One will be suspicious of my elder brother and not take him seriously."

When Qin Huaiyuan heard this, he couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry. Although the Holy Emperor does not fully believe in me, he still wants to use me. Our house is fine for the time being. But we should also think of a way out during this period."

"A way out?" The second master and the third master said in unison.

Qin Huaiyuan sighed: "That's right. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, I'm just afraid of the unexpected. Now I've learned a lesson."

Thinking of the murder of the assassins in Dayan, everyone felt cold again and felt uncomfortable all over. The atmosphere became depressing again.

Especially Qin Yu and the third master, they both lost their wives, and the third master also lost his legitimate son.

Everyone was feeling depressed and sad.

Qin Huaiyuan sighed: "We are born in troubled times. We can only forge ahead, make all preparations, and then move forward with support. It will be okay. I will carefully observe the situation outside and control everything. Don't worry."

"Okay. I've always been at ease with my brother's work."

"Me too, uncle can choose the right direction every time. We can all rest assured."

Seeing his two younger brothers and two nephews trusting him so much, Qin Huaiyuan couldn't help but smile for the first time today.

But he was praying silently in his heart, just asking Sister Yi to be safe now and for Pang Xiao to find her quickly. After you find it, even if you go wandering around the world and never come back, it is better than being a victim of war.


Qin Yining, who was worried about her family, was not doing well at all at this time.

The landscape of the desert in no man's land is ever-changing. What was a hill one moment will become flat the next day. Moreover, the temperature during the day in winter is not very high, but it is very cold at night.

Although they had brought enough food and water, it was so bumpy in the desert. In addition, since Qin Yining refused Cao Yuqing's offer to take her away and followed the tribe into the desert, she had already been prepared to die, no matter physically. Mentally, her patience was reaching its limit.

Especially after thinking about everything and realizing that he might die, Qin Yining's tight string seemed to suddenly break, and his body became weaker day by day. It seemed that the losses caused by injuries and blood loss in the past were all because of this. A sudden wind chill brought it out.

Fortunately, this time, because the luggage was being carried and the luggage was being consumed along the way, after Qin Yining fell ill, the tribesmen were very worried and worked together to free up a cart for her.

Qin Yining was wrapped in a thick cotton jacket and lying alone on the carriage, sometimes awake and sometimes falling asleep.

Lu Heng and Uncle Arhan followed the carriage on the left and right, covering their mouths and noses with scarves, squinting against the wind and sand, and looked at Qin Yining worriedly.

"We don't know where we are now. If this continues, I'm afraid the patriarch won't be able to survive!"

After this time of perseverance, Uncle Arhan privately called Qin Yining and Patriarch Lu Heng.

Lu Heng said: "There is no other way now. We have given her medicine, but the environment in the desert is too harsh and is not conducive to her recovery."

"Fortunately, there is a carriage." Uncle Arhan sighed.

Chagan Bala spat out the sand in his mouth and said, "Otherwise, shall we turn around and go back? Send the clan leader out of the desert first? The environment outside is much better than here."

Lu Heng smiled bitterly and said: "Do you think I don't want to? When we entered the desert, the pursuers were already very close. They came after us, and when they saw us entering the desert, they did not dare to pursue us. Under such circumstances, they will definitely not dare to go back to revive Khan, and will definitely wait outside."

Uncle Arhan also nodded in agreement, "Yes, it is not convenient for us to escape with the clan leader. The other party is an elite cavalry. Even if our people have food and drink in the desert, they will consume a lot of money. If we go out to fight hard, I'm afraid we won't get a good deal if we go to those guys who are constantly repairing."

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