Return of the Swallow

Chapter 416 Ten Miles of Red Makeup

Mrs. Miao took the red hijab and covered Qin Yining's head.

Qin Yu was already standing at the door, with his back to the room, and said: "Fourth sister, come, let my brother carry you."

Qin Yining held the hands of Mrs. Miao and Xi Niang, walked to the door, and climbed on Qin Yu's back.

Qin Yu steadily carried Qin Yining down the steps and walked out along the red carpet.

Among the noisy sounds of joy, Qin Yining heard Qin Yu's instructions.

"Don't be afraid if you are bullied in your husband's family. Although the prince has a high and powerful position, our family is not a vegetarian. Three cobblers can stand up to one Zhuge Liang, not to mention that the uncle is so powerful. You have been wronged. Don't be bored by yourself, don't be wronged by looking forward and backward, come back and tell your family if anything happens, our whole family can help you."

Qin Yining's heart felt like being soaked in a hot spring in the cold winter months.

Although this family has been shattered by reality and disaster, there are indeed some people in the family who have small thoughts. But overall, her home is very warm and her family members treat her very well.

"Thank you, brother. I understand. Brother, please take care of yourself. I'll come back when I have time. If something happens at home, don't hide it from me. If my father doesn't tell me, brother can come and tell me."

"Oh, don't worry, I will come to you if anything happens. I was a little worried at first, but seeing the way the prince looked at you, I felt relieved."

While talking, Qin Yu carried Qin Yining to the sedan chair.

Xiniang and Mrs. Quanfu helped Qin Yining get into the sedan chair, then handed the vase to her and told her, "Hold it carefully, don't drop it."

Qin Yining responded and the sedan curtain was closed.

Qin Yining could only see a bright red in front of her eyes. Although she was curious about the outside, she couldn't lift the curtain and look outside.

But Bingtang, Qiulu, Xianyun, Jiyun and Lian Xiaozhou were all following the sedan. They all followed Qin Yining to the palace as dowries.

Bingtang held Lian Xiaozhou's hand and looked around, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Girl, what the prince sprinkled into the crowd along the way was not peanuts and red dates, but copper coins! Handfuls of copper coins! Listen to the loud cheers outside. Everyone has taken the money and is congratulating the prince!"

“Yes girl.

"Ji Yun turned around and looked into the distance. He was shocked and said, "Behind our sedan chair is the joy board, and behind it is the procession of dowry delivery. The master has prepared a dowry of one hundred and twenty-eight kilograms for you, plus two hundred and ten kilograms. betrothal gift. A total of three hundred and ninety lifts! The elite soldiers invited by the prince came to deliver the dowry. Every two people carried it, and the tail was long and red behind us. We had already turned two corners. It is estimated that the dowry behind it has not left the house yet! "

"Is that Ji's Consort?" Xianyun also stretched out his neck and said in surprise: "Girl, Ji's Consort is escorting us with the Tiger and Ben troops on the left and right!"

Qin Yining, who was in the eight-carriage sedan, listened to the surprised and happy tone of the maids, and felt a little regretful that he could not see such a grand scene. The sadness in my heart of saying goodbye to my parents and the past has been completely diluted by this joyful atmosphere.

What greets her is a new identity and a new life. She is Pang Xiao's princess, and Pang Xiao is her husband. They will support each other, share weal and woe, and they will stay together sweetly until they grow old.

Qin Yining laughed happily. She once again felt that the suffering she had suffered in the past ten years was in exchange for happiness in the future.

If she could go back in time to the time when she was seven years old, she would never have imagined that the beautiful brother who helped her in times of crisis would actually be her husband.

The people in the capital haven't seen such a lively scene for a long time. Even the eldest princess's wedding last year was not so grand.


; The high-spirited groom on horseback, the dowry stretching for miles behind the eight-carriage sedan, as well as the soldiers and horses accompanying the procession and the handsome general leading the procession. To sum up all this, one can only think of four words - Shili Hongzhuang.

The palace is close at hand, and joy becomes lively again. The firecrackers at the entrance of the palace rang loudly, and the team stopped. Pang Xiao turned over and dismounted, took the bow and arrow, and fired three arrows at the lintel of the sedan.

The arrows were arranged neatly and nailed to the top of the sedan at the same angle, which attracted cheers from all the guests. Especially the Hu Ben Army and the Jing Hu Guard cheered when they saw that the God of War in their minds was so high-spirited and unrestrained.

The bearer pressed the sedan chair, and Qin Yining walked out with the support of Xi Niang. He stepped over the brazier, handed the vase to Xi Niang, and took one end of the red silk.

From her angle, she could see the large silk flowers in the middle of the red silk, as well as the hem of Pang Xiaozheng's red python robe and soap boots.

It is her husband who is holding her hand, and he will take her completely into his life.

Qin Yining stepped into the gate of the palace, walked on the red carpet, and walked to the main hall amidst cheers.

The crackling sound of firecrackers came to an end, and then came the whistle of fireworks flying into the sky, and the sound of large fireworks exploding in the sky one after another.

The bright light of the fireworks illuminated the brocade on her body and also illuminated the courtyard of the palace.

A group of people came to the hall. Yao Chenggu, Ma and Yao, who were dressed in red, were already sitting at the front according to their status.

The front hall was packed with guests.

The master of ceremonies sang loudly: "Bow down to heaven and earth!"

Qin Yining was helped by Xi Niang to turn around and bow down.

"Two obeisances..."

"The Holy One has arrived!"

Just before the master of ceremonies finished speaking for the second time, the shrill voice of the chamberlain covered his words.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly looked outside, and saw a bright yellow figure striding over under the protection of the guards.

"Holy Lord, long live, long live, long live!"

The guests saluted and shouted long live.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining also wanted to salute.

But Li Qitian had already arrived, hugged Pang Xiao's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Good brother, you are really dressed up today. I'm late, isn't it too late?"

"Your Majesty, why did you leave the palace? Your safety..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. My sworn brother is getting married. How can I not come and have a wedding drink as an elder brother?"

Li Qitian looked at Yao Chenggu, Ma and Yao with a smile. When he saw that there was no Pang Xiao's aunt here, he choked for a moment, but did not show it.

Yao Chenggu hurriedly took his wife and children to salute Li Qitian.

Li Qitian was unwilling to accept it and helped the three people up. At the invitation of the three people, he sat down in the main seat.

Li Qitian smiled and said: "Go on, don't let me delay you in time."

When the master of ceremonies saw Li Qitian, he was speechless. However, the eunuch Li Guanwen was clever and said with a smile: "Second greetings to the king!"

Qin Yining turned around and kowtowed with Pang Xiao.

"Bow down as husband and wife!"

Qin Yining was supported by Xi Niang and turned around before bowing again.

"Sent to the bridal chamber! The ceremony is completed!"

As soon as Li Guanwen finished speaking, the sound of fireworks outside suddenly became denser.

Qin Yining walked back under the guidance of the red silk, and soon arrived at the new house.

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