Return of the Swallow

Chapter 387 Whose fault is it?

Qin Yining could originally watch the battle calmly. Because she had absolute confidence in the skills of the silver-faced spy, but after she actually got her hands on him, Qin Yining frowned and stood up.

She never thought that the domineering and reckless Cheng Shangshu would have such strong martial arts. Only the four of Jingzhe and the others could stop him by joining forces.

Cheng Shangshu's eyes were wide-eyed, as if he wanted to eat Qin Yining alive.

Seeing how brave he was, the officials who had just set off their horses also burst out laughing, shouting and cheering on the sidelines, as if to please Cheng Shangshu, or to anger him, and they were even more disrespectful to Qin Yining in their words.

Mr. Zheng looked at the chaos in the house. Tables, chairs and benches were smashed, and the porcelain tea sets were broken. The broken porcelain was scattered all over the floor.

Although Qin Yining's four bodyguards were very skilled, they were restrained because they did not dare to harm the imperial officials because of past mistakes. But Cheng Shangshu was like a mad beast, rushing towards Qin Yining like crazy.

If this continues, if Qin Yining is injured, Mr. Zheng will be unable to bear the burden even more and carry it away.

Injuring Cheng Yue was enough to make him anxious. After all, Cheng Yue was a rough-tempered man and his thoughts were easier to guess.

If he hurt Qin Yining and faced off against the scheming Qin Huaiyuan, he might not have a good life for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zheng hurriedly called the soldiers in, and took action himself, even trying to persuade and pull the people on both sides apart.

Cheng Shangshu was sweating profusely after being entangled by Jingzhe and the other four people. He pointed at Qin Yining and yelled angrily: "You bitch! I ordered my subordinates to hurt my son. I want you to pay for your life! You are wise, you can touch me now." If you die, you can die happily and leave your body intact. If not, I will dismember your body!"

Cheng Shangshu's roar was like a loud bell, which made people's eardrums numb. Lian Xiaozhou turned pale with fright and hugged Bingtang. Jiyun stood in front of Qin Yining. Although he did not show any fear, his face was also Not pretty.

Qin Yining said calmly: "Cheng Shangshu loves his son very much, but he cannot frame others indiscriminately. If Mr. Cheng hadn't rushed straight towards my carriage and wanted my life, how would my guards have stopped him? Besides, we It’s my first time here, and I don’t recognize Mr. Cheng, so I really don’t know why Mr. Cheng wants to harm me!”

"What a fart on your mother! Are you saying that my son came here? It's obviously not enough that you took away a boy and sent him to exile last time. You want to take revenge on you! You, the Qin family, are not good people. Your father There are so many evil minds like a hornet's nest, and you are not a chaste woman. You still want to quibble now? Dream on!"

Qin Yining said: "Cheng Shangshu speaks carefully.

Not to mention that I didn't do anything wrong, I just suffered an unreasonable disaster today. Even if I did something wrong, there is still a Yamen in the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, and there is a Holy Sage above the Yamen. Could it be that the Great Zhou Dynasty was a place without royal laws, allowing you, Cheng Shangshu, to mobilize troops at will and massacre at will? "

"You! You are arrogant!" When it came to mobilizing troops, Cheng Shangshu was speechless when he was questioned.

Qin Yining said coldly: "Who is arrogating the truth? I believe that the Holy One will make his own decision. Just now I was still thinking about whether to beat the drum again and complain to the emperor again. Now it seems that there is no need. Yes. Cheng Shangshu secretly mobilized his troops, I believe that the Holy Emperor will pay attention to this matter soon and will definitely give us justice."

"She is so eloquent that she is indeed the daughter of a fox. She is just a little fox! A vixen!"

Qin Yining looked at Cheng Shangshu's frizzy appearance, like a fighting cock. She didn't want to quarrel with such a person, so she made her words clear and stopped speaking.

The Yamen and Mr. Zheng on the side were shocked by Qin Yining's strong performance.

Only then did Yameni think about it. Today's events, whether she was riding horses in the street, or getting off her car and coming to the Five Cities Military and Horse Division for a confrontation, Qin Yining's performance was very calm and calm from beginning to end, as if nothing in the world could get her the slightest attention.

She didn't care, but she was also confident.

As for the woman who can remain calm in the face of difficulties, she is either too courageous or too deep-rooted.

Looking at her now, she seems to have both.

The scene was awkwardly quiet for a while.

After Cheng Shangshu uttered obscene words in a rage, he recalled his impulsive behavior of mobilizing troops privately, and felt panicked.

Sons are important. But his black gauze hat is equally important.

Without this black veil and this official position, how would their family be protected?

He still remembers what happened to the last person who mobilized troops privately.

Even if a person as powerful as Prince Zhongshun is accused of deploying troops without permission, why not obediently give up his position as the head coach of the Huben Army to someone else?

Master Zheng looked at the quiet second-generation ancestors and then at the thoughtful Cheng Shangshu, and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had to admire Qin Yining's methods. With just a few words that were not pleasant to say, a major incident that was about to break out into a fight and possibly bloodshed was calmed down.

Although the scene was not chaotic, the confrontation between the two sides continued.

Just when Mr. Zheng was thinking about what to do next, a rough voice suddenly came from outside: "--\u003e\u003e

Manager Li is here! "

When everyone heard this, their hearts skipped a beat, and they went out to greet him with different expressions.

The great eunuch Li Guanwen was wearing a silver-gray eunuch uniform, holding a whisk with a rhinoceros handle. When he saw everyone coming out, he gave it a heavy shake.

With a sharp voice unique to the chamberlain, he said loudly: "The Holy Emperor has asked this servant to come and ask Cheng Shangshu a few questions, and please Cheng Shangshu answer truthfully."

Cheng Shangshu nodded hurriedly: "Of course I know everything and can tell you everything."

Li Guanwen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and his expression suddenly changed. He flicked his fly whisk and asked, "Master Cheng, are you planning to rebel by privately deploying troops?"

When Cheng Shangshu heard this, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"I dare not, I am afraid." Li Guanwen hurriedly put his forehead to the ground.

The officials behind Cheng Shangshu were also in a panic and said they didn't dare.

Li Guanwen continued to say sharply: "I already know about the horse riding in the street, and I will definitely investigate it strictly. I will not wrongly accuse anyone, and I will not let anyone go. I have made such a promise, is Cheng Shangshu still satisfied?"

"Full, satisfied, of course satisfied. Thank you, Your Majesty, for being considerate of me. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Cheng Shangshu kowtowed quickly.

Li Guanwen suddenly changed his expression, from the sternness just now to the humility and gentleness he usually used when dealing with others.

He stepped forward to help Cheng Shangshu stand up, and said gently: "Sir, please don't do this. Your Majesty means to ask your servant to ask you. If you wake up and come back to your senses, please follow me into the palace." , just explain the matter clearly and solve it clearly.

"You are a high official in the imperial court, and the Holy One still loves you very much. The Holy One knows that you are anxious about the affairs of your noble son, so you act so recklessly. Just before you came here, you specially ordered the Imperial Hospital to arrange for the best person to go there. Consultation with your noble master."

"I'm ashamed, I would like to thank you, Your Majesty." Cheng Shangshu was so surprised that he was sweating all over his forehead.

What Li Guanwen said just now couldn't be more clear.

If he cannot "come to his senses" and "come to his senses" and continues to show off his power, then he will most likely face an encirclement and suppression by someone arranged by the Holy Spirit. After all, this is an important place in the capital, and no emperor will allow anyone in his capital to have the ability to mobilize the army for his own use.

Cheng Shangshu felt frightened for a while, and his heart, which was so frightened by his son's accident, calmed down.

But then he thought about his baby bump, the only Miaomiao of the Cheng family, who bumped his head and fell into a coma. He couldn't resolve his anger, so he pointed at Qin Yining and said: "Manager Li. This matter has nothing to do with the daughter of the Qin family. It's related. When I enter the palace to express my love, I also ask my father-in-law to take down the daughter of the Qin family and the guards accompanying her."

Li Guanwen glanced at Qin Yining and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qin Yining did not look angry, but just stood quietly with his hands down.

Fortunately, this aunt is sensible and Ansheng.

If she started shouting here, it would be really difficult for him, the chamberlain, to be caught in the middle. After all, she is Qin Huaiyuan's baby.

"Miss Qin, does today's matter have something to do with the guards around you? Your Majesty's intention is to let everyone involved in it enter the palace. Which of the guards around you made a move, let him go with our house Let’s go.”

Qin Yining frowned, wishing he could see a hole in Cheng Shangshu's face.

If this person hadn't acted like this, how could he have attracted the attention of the Holy One?

She didn't want to hand the person over. Because of the humble status of people like her, it is easy for others to take advantage of the top cylinder.

Qin Yining said: "The people around me do things to protect me. Why don't I go with my father-in-law?"

"This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

"What's wrong? I'm the person involved. I saw what happened at that time with my own eyes. If the Holy One asks, I can explain it clearly."

"But the Holy One did not ask you to enter the palace. He only asked the perpetrator to enter the palace. Miss Qin, please listen to me, you must not show up for this matter."

Jingzhe and the other four stood aside, listening to the bargaining between Qin Yining and Li Guanwen. They refused to call them out and insisted on entering the palace to meet the saint, and a wave of warmth flowed through their hearts.

They felt that Qin Yining treated them as flesh and blood people and gave them the greatest respect. He never treated them as a dispensable tool like their former master did.

Everyone is a passionate man, and their hearts are moved.

Since they were following Qin Yining, how could they put her in trouble for these things? After all, she is still a girl who has not yet left the government!

Thinking of this, Jingzhe took a step forward and said to Li Guanwen: "I was the one who killed the horse. I didn't hurt Mr. Cheng. He fell off the horse and fainted. If the steward hadn't If you don't like it, I'll go with you."

"Jingzhe!" Qin Yining shouted, but it was too late. She could only stare at him with a pair of beautiful eyes: "Who allowed you to act privately!"

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