Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1171 The former prince

Nowadays, people everywhere in the streets, alleys, teahouses and taverns of the capital are talking about Zhou's victory in this battle. Some people praised Ji Zeyu for being brave and good at fighting, while others praised Pang Xiao for being a god with weapons and worthy of being the God of War. Even the soldiers from all walks of life, as well as the common people who voluntarily surrendered to the army, gave a thumbs up and called them heroes.

But no one praised Li Qitian.

Li Qitian asked people to inquire about the news for several days, but all he got was the same answer, and the depression in his heart became heavier.

The Queen Mother fell ill due to the loss of her beloved daughter, and she still sheds tears whenever she sees Li Qitian, clamoring for him to seize Qin Yining to avenge Li Helan. Li Qitian was restless and felt upset whenever he saw the Queen Mother. He had tried his best to avoid going to Ci'an Palace these days.

However, when he refused to go, the Queen Mother would come to the door on her own, and without waiting for a message from the chamberlain, she would boldly break into the imperial study.

"Emperor!" The Queen Mother's hair was messy, her dark blue brocade robe was full of wrinkles, her eyes were red and swollen, and her lips were chapped. She strode to Li Qitian's desk, and slammed her hands with ruby ​​rings and jade rings on the table. shoot.

"You must avenge your sister! Go and capture Qin! Capture Qin and kill her with a thousand swords!"

Li Qitian lowered his head to look at the fold, and said calmly: "The Queen Mother is too worried and overworked. It is the time when she needs to be raised. How can she still work at this moment? Someone, please send the Queen Mother back to the palace to rest."

Xiong Jinshui almost cried on the spot, but he had no choice but to accept his fate because he did not dare to resist.

"The Queen Mother." Xiong Jinshui bowed his head and was approached by the Queen Mother. As soon as he called out, the Queen Mother slapped his ear hard.

"Go away! Did the Ai family talk to you?"

Xiong Jinshui was knocked around in a circle and rolled away immediately.

Li Qitian finally raised his head impatiently, looked at the Queen Mother and asked in a deep voice: "Mother, how are you doing?"

"Queen Mother, Queen Mother... Hahaha!" The Queen Mother laughed wildly, tears welling up in her eyes, "How do you and I treat you? How do you think I treat you? Lan'er is your sister! She is your biological sister. ! She was killed, and now her body is still cold, but you can't think of a way to avenge her, what kind of brother are you!" 33 Novel first release

Li Qitian impatiently slammed the folded book, stood up with his hands on the edge of the table, glared at the Queen Mother and said: "Mother, do you think I am very idle?"

The Queen Mother gritted her teeth and said: "What do you mean! Our family has jumped from an ordinary family to today. The Ai family has never asked you for anything. When did anything happen, didn't you just glare at the Ai family and not object? But this time Is it a trivial matter? Your biological sister was killed, and the Ai family’s biological daughter was killed! The Ai family just asked you to avenge your sister, what’s wrong with that!”

"You think the problem is too simple." Li Qitian rubbed his eyebrows and suppressed his anger: "I have to deal with so many things every day. I always have to face the ministers in the court who have their own thoughts. There is also the possibility of turning around and turning around. Rebellious traitor. You are my biological mother after all. You don't care about me and are considerate and sincere, but instead you come to persecute me at every turn! I have worked hard enough and have enough things suppressed in my heart. Could it be that you are forcing me to do something good? Are you satisfied!" 33 novels are updated fastest on the mobile phone: https:/

"Who wants you to do something all day long? Why, your queen, and your concubines' natal family affairs, I just agreed to it with just one word, so why should a mother have to come to you again and again to beg you? ! You have changed, you have completely changed, you are no longer the filial son!"

"Unfilial?" Li Qitian strode around the table until he came to the Queen Mother and stared at her condescendingly,

"Call me unfilial? Do you know how kings in the past treated their relatives who tried to rebel?" 33 novels are updated the fastest PC version:

The Queen Mother was frightened for a moment by Li Qitian's momentum. What her mother's family did back then was indeed not honorable enough, and this became Li Qitian's most common excuse for teasing her.

The Queen Mother shed tears of grievance, "Did the Aijia do those things? You always hold on to this matter. Have you forgotten who gave birth to you! You ungrateful white-eyed wolf"!

"Yes, you are my mother-in-law. But you have to know that based on what those few people in your family have done, even if I confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans, it would be considered a lenient sentence! Otherwise, just for the sake of you being my mother-in-law. , you think they will live comfortably until now!

"You have indeed given birth to me. Am I not filial to you in daily life? What do you want and I cannot satisfy you? Now I am staying up all night because of the possible rebellion of the treacherous minister. As a mother, have you ever cared about me? Me? Have you helped me share my worries? As a mother, you have never thought about being good to your son, and now you are saying this to me in a resentful tone. Do you think I will not do anything to you? "

"You are threatening the Ai family! If you are not afraid of being accused of killing your biological mother, you will come and kill her! The emperor rules the world with benevolence and filial piety, but you are the one who rules!"


Li Qitian clenched his teeth, and the lines of his mandible were a bit deeper than usual.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the store door. Someone hurried forward and pushed the door open without being heard.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

Li Qitian looked at the front door of the palace with a sullen face, and what came was actually the calmest spy under his command.

It was so unusual for a calm man to be so anxious, and for him to be a spy, to come so openly, so unusual, made Li Qitian's heart skip a beat.

Could it be that Pang Zhixi brought someone to fight?

Li Qitian's face instantly darkened. Even the Queen Mother, who was still crying, was frightened into silence. He looked at the spy suspiciously.

"What's the matter?"

The spies panted and pointed in the direction of the city, "In the city, suddenly, someone posted a notice. It was a letter addressed to you, the Holy One."

"What? A letter to me? Who has the courage to post it in the city?"

"Back to Your Majesty, the letter is signed...the former prince, Zhou Lian."

Li Qitian suddenly stared, and for a moment he was speechless in shock.

The former prince Zhou Lian?

Weren't all the princes and daughters of the Northern Hebei Kingdom killed by him? He didn't even spare his clan members, so why did one appear now?

"Impossible. I had already wiped out all the remnants of the cruel Zhou family in the previous dynasty. How could I get a prince from the previous dynasty again? Anyone dares to write to me and make it public. It's like eating a bear. You are so brave! Go, investigate carefully and bring back the madman who pretended to be the prince of the former dynasty!"

The spy knelt on the ground, his legs starting to tremble, "Your Majesty, on that letter, there is a... jade seal from the previous dynasty..."

Li Qitian was speechless and took two steps back, almost sitting on the desk, "Impossible, impossible..."

Although he said this, no one knew better than him that he was still sending people to secretly search for the jade seal of the Northern Hebei Kingdom, but to no avail!

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