Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1148 Parade

Qin Yining was pushed out of the cell door. In front of the door stood guards, palace servants, and officials from the Ministry of Justice who had just arrived in a hurry.

At first sight, everyone was shocked when a woman covered in blood appeared in front of them.

Seeing the chamberlains leading people to prepare the prison car, the Minister of Punishment and Shang Feng looked at each other, then stepped forward to inquire about the situation in a low voice.

The jailer whispered: "The Holy Father ordered me to take the princess to parade in the streets to show the public." After saying that, he bowed his head and left.

Not long after, a prison cart was pushed over, and someone went to lead the horse and drive the shaft.

Qin Yining was pushed into the prison van. The height of the prison van was neither too high nor too low, so that his head and hands were stuck on it. However, he could not stand upright or squat down. He could only squat half down, which was very painful.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment frowned. He had not seen such a felon paraded in the streets for many years. This Qin family was the legitimate wife of Prince Zhongshun, how could she do such evil things that cannot be tolerated by nature and make the emperor so angry!

Li Qitian strode out, followed by the eunuchs and guards. The two eunuchs were holding a swaddling baby in their arms. The baby in the swaddling clothes was still crying hoarsely. 33 novel first releases

Qin Yining was imprisoned in the prison car. She was already drowsy, but when she heard the cries of the children, she immediately woke up. She turned around suddenly and tears fell, leaving two white traces of blood on her face.

"Child, my child... Your Majesty, that is the son of a hero. Pang Xiao worked hard to fight for you outside, but you took his wife and children... Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that the world will be disappointed!"

Li Qitian sneered.

Xiong Jinshui immediately understood the holy intention, stood up and reprimanded: "Don't take him out yet! The Holy One is wise and kind, and he was the wise master at that time. How can you allow you to slander him at will?"

When Li Qitian saw Qin Yining's appearance, he remembered how powerful this woman was. Maybe she would still be able to confuse people on the street.

"Stop her mouth. Let's see how she continues to confuse the public with her monstrous words!"


Immediately, someone tore off a piece of cloth, climbed into the prison van and forced it into Qin Yining's mouth. They also tied a knot behind her head with a strip of cloth to prevent her from tearing it open.

Qin Yining shook his head and could only whimper. The bloody look was really terrifying.

As soon as Li Qitian waved his hand, the jailer immediately drove the prison car out. Li Qitian also arranged for the Gyeonggi Guards to line up next to the prison car to guard them in case someone robbed someone.

In the silence, the only sounds that could be heard were the creaking of wooden wheels on the snow and Qin Yining's whimpering in the prison van. After the group left, Li Qicai said: "Go back to the palace."

"Your Majesty!" The Minister of Punishment strode forward and saluted: "Your Majesty, this princess has not done any evil. Such treatment is too unkind. Please take back her life, Your Majesty."

"Unkind? She just killed a person with cruel means. Didn't you see the blood on her body?"

"But Princess Zhongshun is of noble birth, is of the female generation, and is being guarded by so many people. I think there must be something hidden behind the murder!"

Li Qitian narrowed his eyes and looked at the Minister of Justice: "Su Huaiyu, I think your job is getting better and better. How dare you question my will?"

Su Huaiyu was startled, suppressed the panic in his heart, lowered his head and said: "I made a mistake. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Li Qitian snorted coldly and ordered: "Go back to the palace."

Xiong Jinshui immediately shouted: "Your Majesty returns to the palace!"

Everyone bowed respectfully and watched the emperor go away. Su Huaiyu could not help but look worriedly at the rut marks on the ground when the prison car drove out.

The emperor is willing to be a benevolent and wise ruler at other times.

But when it comes to matters related to Prince Zhongshun, he becomes so aggressive and unkind. This is not a good phenomenon after all. People in the world are not blind or stupid. There are many people who are sensitive and like to analyze government affairs. If it is publicized at this time and spread by interested people, will the emperor still have the reputation by then?

Such a simple truth, Emperor Pian couldn't figure it out at this time. Or maybe the emperor understands everything and just doesn't care?

Qin Yining was very familiar with the streets of the capital. He once took his maid around when he had nothing to do.

But when the sky was freezing and the snow was falling, covered in blood, with the cotton wool from the jacket falling out from the whip, he walked through the streets and alleys of the capital half squatting and half standing in the prison car in an awkward state. This was still the first time for Qin Yining. once. 33 novels are updated the fastest PC version:

Every time the prison car passed an intersection or a street, the jailer was ordered to tell Qin Yining's "crimes" aloud. He only said that she was as cruel as a hungry wolf, and she actually bit the imperial official to death with her teeth. And whether the person who wanted to die was an official or not? The reason for the bite is irrelevant.

There were Gyeonggi Guards watching around the prison car, looking for suspicious people among the people who stopped to observe. However, when the people saw someone watching, they did not dare to talk loudly, but only lowered their voices to raise questions.

"Prince Zhongshun's character is trustworthy, why is his princess like this?"

"You don't know. When Prince Zhongshun was providing disaster relief, the princess helped him a lot. Later, when the prince was fighting the Tatars on the front line, the princess helped to raise food and grass."

"Bragging, you!"

"Hey, don't believe it. Our family has relatives in Jingang. The princess lived in Jingang temporarily before the prince gave birth to a pair of twins! She is about to give birth and is busy paying for the army at the same time. How can such a woman be a gratuitous person? Just someone who kills people?"

"Maybe there's something hidden?"

"Don't talk nonsense. The princess was dragged out to parade. That was decided by the high officials. If you don't want your head, why don't you want to go to the Yamen and get slapped?"

The people have all discussed and speculated. There are some people who believe that Qin Yining can kill people, but they don't believe that she can kill someone for fun for no reason.

Regardless of whether they believe it or not, the Gyeonggi guards can only obey the will and act. The Holy One asked them to observe whether anyone in the crowd had any rebellious intentions, so they observed carefully, and they did not dare to think about unnecessary things.

A gust of wind roared past, dropping goose-feather flakes of snow. Originally, there was only light snow floating in the air, but now the cold wind was biting, and the snow flakes cut into the face like razor blades, causing pain from the cold.

Qin Yining closed her eyes and couldn't help but shrink her neck coldly. Her chin immediately hit the cold wooden board of the prison van. She smiled to herself, moved her cold and stiff legs, and continued to close her eyes not to watch or listen.

The snow was falling heavily, and the sight was blocked. Most of the people dispersed, and only a few people followed the prison car curiously, wanting to find out what happened.

Tang Xiu, however, was hiding in the crowd with ten elite tiger guards, and his eyes were about to burst with anger.

"Let's rush forward and rescue the princess!"

"How can a noble person like the princess suffer such pain! The prince knows that he is still heartbroken!"

"The foolish king who kills a thousand swords, can't get our prince, so he takes out his anger on the princess, he can be regarded as a man!"

"Rush forward and save the princess!"

The Jinghu Guards were so excited that they wished they could rush forward immediately.

Tang Xiu shook his head calmly: "No, we can't act rashly. Once we are caught, the prince will be implicated. We must obey the prince's instructions."

Unexpectedly, they hurried slowly but were still a step too late. The road from the border to the capital was blocked by heavy snow. It was fine on a sunny day. But in the snowstorm, they couldn't tell the direction at all, so they arrived late. Unexpectedly, when they arrived in the capital, this was what they saw. One scene.

They never imagined that Li Qitian would be so despicable and use a woman as a means!

"First ask the prince what he wants. When we are needed, we brothers should not be cowardly." Tang Xiu gritted his teeth.

"Who have you ever been afraid of, brothers?"

Everyone was excited and immediately thought of ways to send a message to Pang Xiao.

As for Li Qitian, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he learned that Qin Yining didn't find any suspicious people when he was walking around the streets.

"It seems we have to wait for a while." Li Qitian clicked his tongue twice, "If this woman doesn't work, I can only use other methods." (First release, domain name (Please remember_三

Xiong Jinshui stood aside with his head lowered and buried his face lower when he heard the words.

The news that Princess Zhongshun tortured and killed officials and was paraded through the streets at the emperor's command quickly spread to everyone in the streets.

Qin Yining walked across the street and was thrown back into the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. Whenever Li Qitian remembered it, he had her put into a prison car and driven around the city.

Whether or not this parade will take place depends entirely on the emperor's mood. Even with the coming of the New Year, he still hasn't let her go.

It was the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month when Pang Xiao got the news. Looking at the secret letter sent by Jinghu Guard, his hands were so trembling that he could hardly hold the thin piece of paper.

Ji Zeyu put his arm around Pang Xiao's shoulders and shook him hard, "Calm down. What he wants now is to lure you back. If the imperial edict fails to summon you, he will use this despicable method."

Pang Xiao's Adam's apple rolled. He nodded after a long time and said in a hoarse voice: "Yes. I know."

When Ji Zeyu saw him lowering his head, there seemed to be a bright reflection in his eyes.

He couldn't help but frown, "Don't do this. Now is the critical moment of the confrontation between the Tatars and us. Once we relax, we are likely to be counterattacked. If we can succeed, we can at least drive the Tatars back to their desert." Here, let them not violate the border for a hundred years, you understand which is more serious!"

"I understand." Pang Xiao gritted his teeth, "But I can't just watch Sister Yi suffer like this. And my children, they were snatched away by the emperor, and their lives and deaths are unknown."

Just seeing this news, Pang Xiao felt like his heart was twisting in a knife. How scared should his sister Yi be?

Why would she, a kind-hearted woman, use such extreme methods to bite someone to death?

How could she be like this if she wasn't forced into a corner?

"I have to go back and save her." Pang Xiao pursed his lips and paced back and forth.

Ji Zeyu pursed his lips, his depression written all over his face, and helplessly watched Pang Xiao pacing back and forth with his hands on his hips, scurrying around like a headless fly.

Pang Xiao couldn't figure it out, so he called Xu Weizhi and other advisers to discuss it.

Qin Yining, on the other hand, had finished another afternoon of parading on the street. His legs were so sore that he was dragged directly back to the prison by the jailer.

As soon as he was pushed into the cell, a jailer came carrying a wooden basin. Before Qin Yining could react, he poured it into the basin.

"Hurry up and wash away the smell on her body, it's so fishy that I can't stand it!"

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, it can freeze to death in prison, and a basin of cold water was poured down from her pocket. Qin Yining screamed in excitement, and the blood that had already hardened and turned black flowed down her hair and face with the cold water.

Before she could take a breath, another basin of cold water came.

The jailer laughed loudly: "Thank you brothers! As the New Year is approaching, let's clean up the noble princess!"

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