Chapter 926: The Spirit of the Wind
The strength of the two was almost comparable, but due to the restraint of the move attributes, the wind spirit seemed to be a little difficult.
The Black Axe knew the rules of this black wood abyss very well, and with one blow, the offensive was endless.
“This black axe looks bulky, but in fact it is much more flexible…” Jiang Xiaolong looked at the fierce battle in front of him and groaned to himself.
Just as Jiang Xiaolong was groaning, the true qi of the black axe gradually rose, and the crimson true qi rose like a cluster of solid flames, drawing a graceful arc in mid-air and fiercely splitting towards the wind spirit.
Only to see that the wind spirit is not in a hurry, the footsteps are light, giving full play to their own light characteristics, but the spirit does not lose its composure, and the endless attacks are all split.
Although the wind spirit fell into the downwind in the scene, in fact, the attack of the black axe did not actually hurt her once.
The wonderful battle in the field triggered the cheers and shouts of the audience, which reverberated in this vast arena.
Although this battle made the audience shout like a madman, Jiang Xiaolong’s strength was higher than that of the two people on the field, and naturally the battle was not above the same level.
Such a wonderful and fierce battle only made Jiang Xiaolong nod slightly.
“Black Axe! Hack her to death! I bought you ten thousand gold coins!” A skinny young man next to him roared madly.
Jiang Xiaolong laughed lightly and said to himself, “This black axe is going to lose.”
Although this voice was not loud, it was heard by the person next to him, who turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaolong with angry eyes, but all he could see was a grimace mask.
The man suppressed the fear in his heart and roared angrily at Jiang Xiaolong, but he seemed a little underwhelmed: “How do you know!”
“Just wait and see, in ten minutes, the black axe will die.” Jiang Xiaolong said coldly, and then his eyes turned to the high platform.
The thin young man who had originally stood up and shouted seemed to be convinced by a few points when he heard it, and he sat on the chair with his ass down, and he lost the heart to scream.
Jiang Xiaolong’s gaze was extremely sharp, and he could naturally see that the Black Axe’s combat experience was obviously much weaker than that of the Wind Spirit, and although the Black Axe’s attack was fierce, it was also desperate for the consumption of True Qi.
Although the wind spirit seemed to have fallen into the downwind, it had obviously discovered this and had been avoiding delays, only waiting for the moment when the black axe was really insufficient.
Sure enough, as Jiang Xiaolong expected, within five minutes, the black axe was already tired and breathless, and the attack gradually slowed down.
True Qi also seemed to consume a lot, and several attacks were all based on the flesh to swing the axe. Seven minutes later,
The originally anxious battle on the field suddenly changed, and the wind spirit that had been passively defending suddenly unleashed a set of extremely sharp wind attribute moves, and the golden dagger was attached with a pale green true qi.
The dagger seemed to have a spiritual nature, passing through the black axe’s defense easily, and the true qi was really like the spirit snake spitting out a letter, directly hitting the black axe’s chest.
The black axe’s face was pale, and without the defense of True Qi, it could not withstand this fierce attack at all, and a mouthful of blood spilled down from the corner of his mouth, and his body fell out heavily.
Before he could stand up, the second round of the Wind Spirit’s attack had arrived, and this time, without a trace of suspense, the dagger easily pierced into the neck of the Black Axe.
The black axe’s eyes seemed to be unwilling, and the power passed quickly, but the trachea was cut off and he could not shout.
The wind spirit thundered out the dagger, and blood gushed out, but the wind spirit’s body had already formed a pale green shield, catching all the blood, and the body was still clean.
Wiping the blood from the dagger, the wind spirit jumped off the high platform without a word and disappeared.
The roar of the field seemed to break through the sky, and the winners of the gamblers danced happily and strangely, while the losers cursed in anger, and some people jumped directly from the audience and fell to their deaths in the arena.
Looking at these various people, Jiang Xiaolong felt disgusted and secretly said in his heart, “Really… Seeing that the crowd had slowly dispersed, Jiang Xiaolong also stood up and walked towards the outside of the arena.
On the street, a green-clad wind spirit seemed to be incompatible with this black world, Jiang Xiaolong saw the wind spirit at a glance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “This woman, it is really interesting, come to this black wood abyss to train…
In the mouth of the dwarf to get the news of the border army, Jiang Xiaolong went straight out of the city from the north gate, burned the sea and walked in succession, turning into a crimson shadow and galloping towards the north.
In the distance, many marching tents had already appeared in Jiang Xiaolong’s field of vision, and Jiang Xiaolong sighed lightly, and his heart was also relaxed for a few minutes.
“If you send the secret message earlier, you don’t have to think about this mess…” Jiang Xiaolong secretly said in his heart, speeding up.
The Golden Dragon Banner of the Forbidden Army stood horizontally in the middle of these tents, and Jiang Xiaolong gently fell and walked slowly.
“What a man!”
Jiang Xiaolong fixed his eyes on the two soldiers wearing black armor holding battle axes and looking at themselves with tiger gaze.

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