Although the cultivation was bitter, Jiang Xiaolong also persevered step by step.
But in the face of so many royal families in the audience and Yue’er who is about to become someone else’s wife,
Jiang Xiaolong was scared and didn’t know how to face it.
Staring dead into Yue’er’s eyes, he couldn’t believe why Yue’er would do this.
Did the words she said earlier not be angry words, but really forgot about herself, so why did she have to rescue each other that day?
What happened in the middle, Jiang Xiaolong’s mind was full of this.
Yue’er sank her head, she didn’t even dare to look at Jiang Xiaolong, she had hoped that Jiang Xiaolong could appear at this time.
But when Jiang Xiaolong really appeared, she was depressed.
“Xiao Long, you must not be impulsive, in fact, all this is not what I want, I hope you can really understand.”
How could Jiang Xiaolong think of this, now he only had one thought, they must not get engaged.
Although it is only a simple engagement ceremony, it is not a big deal, but the engagement hand-picked by the emperor can be serious.
If anyone dares to disobey, it will certainly be at least a crime of killing the head, and if it is more serious, it may be the destruction of the door.
“Jiang Xiaolong, Jiang Xiaolong!”
The audience shouted loudly, including the Iron Bull who was also shouting in his heart.
Xiao Long, you must not be impulsive, in the face of these thousands of royal families, if you disobey the emperor’s orders, there is no room for survival.
After the emperor stepped down, a senior deacon came to them with a large pair of scissors and a large red flower, and handed the rope of the red flower to Wu Tian, but the scissors were given to Jiang Xiaolong.
“You just need to use this scissors to cut the rope on their red lace, and let’s get started.”
As soon as the senior deacon’s voice fell, an elegant piano sounded on the side, followed by several accompaniments behind them, twisting their bodies to the melody of the tune.
Wu Tian and Yue Er were also ready at this time, and the faces of the three protagonists on the stage were more ugly than one at this time.
Some of the carefully observing elders in the audience had already noticed the embarrassment on the field, especially his three masters, who had already sensed Jiang Xiaolong’s change.
“Jiang Xiaolong, what’s wrong with you?”
Si Lao directly used the tapping wave energy to transmit the sound to Jiang Xiaolong.
Jiang Xiaolong, who was conflicted with contradictions, heard Master Father’s voice at this time, and his body trembled before he was surprised from his grief.
This cruel reality hit Jiang Xiaolong several times beyond the bottom line he had to bear, what should he do in the face of the choice, who can help himself, why should God be so cruel.
“Xiaolong, you are now fully mature, and you still have to make your own decisions about some things.
While I know it’s hard to start, you have no choice now, so decide on it, and if you hesitate, the outcome will definitely be worse. ”
Grandpa Ercang’s voice sounded in Jiang Xiaolong’s ears.
“No, I can’t do that, I can’t!”
Jiang Xiaolong roared madly in his heart, remembering the good times he had with Yue’er before, and then looking at the reality, she would not belong to herself, and it was impossible for a man to do it.
Yue’er finally looked up at Jiang Xiaolong, her eyes were full of determination, she was worried that Jiang Xiaolong would really do something stupid, lose honor or even lose her life for herself, which was not what she wanted.
The two pairs of eyes were dead to each other, and Jiang Xiaolong’s attitude was also very resolute, he couldn’t accept it, and he didn’t dare to imagine how to face it in the future, shaking his head desperately.
“Yue’er, no, absolutely not.”
Wu Tian had already seen the reluctance in Jiang Xiaolong’s heart, the light enemy was opposite, and he would definitely not be soft-hearted, so he was almost one step away from being able to belong to himself.
Jiang Xiaolong cringed and took the scissors to Yue’er’s side, and as the fireworks broke out, it was time for him to make a decision.
The fine sweat on his forehead rolled down, how should he face it at such a moment, those good memories of being with Yue’er kept floating in front of his eyes, hovering on the edge of happiness and darkness.
I remembered Yue’er’s innocent smiling face before, and then looked at Yue’er’s now such a deep and painful look.
Jiang Xiaolong knew that she must still care about herself, and he felt that he could not give her to others.
Finally, his bottom line completely collapsed, and when he was just about to go down to cut, his body turned back violently, and he was about to stride towards the front of the stage.
At this moment, the figure of Si Lao, his master father, flashed and came directly to Jiang Xiaolong’s side, grabbed Jiang Xiaolong, and said softly:
“Jiang Xiaolong, what are you going to do, do you know the consequences of your doing this, it is very likely that even I will not be able to save your life, be careful!”
Jiang Xiaolong stubbornly stared at Si Lao, as if to say again, I must not give my beloved woman to others like this, absolutely not!
There was a huge wave in the audience, looking at each other, what the hell was going on, why did he go up?
Si Lao used his aura energy to suppress the momentum in Jiang Xiaolong’s heart, and then smiled at everyone:
“Oh, it’s all right, Jiang Xiaolong, he may be a little nervous about facing so many royal nobles for the first time, please give him a little time.”

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