Said with great interest.

"Take me with you! I know the way..."

Chapter 258 Zhang Fei with Leopard Head and Ring Eyes

When Yang Fan heard that Dian Wei wanted to go with him, he had no objection.

According to his understanding, the law and order in the city was still very good during this period.

It's just that after the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out, the people were a little panicked.

Although the chaos has not yet come to Zhuo County, the people are still somewhat nervous.

After all, some of what the Yellow Turban did after breaking the city was passed on.

But there was no chaos in the city, which proved that Dian Wei, who was in charge of law and order, did a good job.

The four came to a larger Zhuangzi, and there were two Zhuang Ding guarding the door.

Dian Wei stepped forward and said consciously.

"Quickly go and report to the owner of the villa, the Lord Taishou is visiting."

He knew that the master Yang Fan mentioned was the owner here.

The lord's visit in person must be intended to solicit, so the words are still polite.

Here it can be seen that Dian Wei is not all a big boss.

The two Zhuang Ding heard that it was the **** who came in person, so they didn't dare to neglect, one of them hurried towards the village.

Zhang Fei, who was practicing brush calligraphy in Taoyuan, stopped the pen in his hand at this moment, and frowned.

Because he sensed four strong auras approaching his Zhuangzi, and finally stopped at the gate of the Zhuangzi.

He thought that when he was reading the notice at the city gate in the morning, there were also two masters watching nearby.

He also paid special attention to it. The more imposing figure was similar to his own, and slightly taller, with a burgundy face and a long beard.

The weaker one was a little older and carried a burden. After seeing the notice of the Yellow Turban Uprising, not only did he not want to kill the thief, but he kept sighing.

He couldn't understand someone who was obviously capable, but would only sigh when something happened, coupled with his outspoken character, he directly scolded him a few words.

Now there are four powerful auras, although I am very puzzled when there are so many masters in Zhuo County.

But he was obviously looking for him, but he didn't know if it was an enemy or a friend.

Yang Fan was sandwiched between the four of them, but was directly ignored by Zhang Fei.

But with Zhang Fei's personality, he is not afraid of such a thing.

Just as he was going out to find out, Zhuang Ding hurried in.

"Report, report to the owner of the villa, the prefect is here to visit."

Zhang Fei was taken aback when he heard this!

He thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that he was actually a member of the government, and he was also a big shot...

The prefect came to visit me?

Although it was a bit strange, Zhang Fei suddenly felt more face.

Zhang Fei is quite a man of chivalry, he values ​​love and righteousness, and hates evil like hatred, but he also has a good face. Others respect him a foot, and he respects others.

Vice versa, if someone bullies him or offends him, he can do it with a knife.

Yang Fan and his party waited at the door for a while...

I saw a man eight feet long, with big arms and round waist, leopard head with ring eyes, swallow jaw and tiger beard, coming towards this side as fast as a galloping horse.

The appearance is quite young, but why did he grow a beard all over his face?

So precocious? This is a bit weird!

Dian Wei stared at the other party with great interest, secretly lamenting that his lord's eyes are vicious, and he is indeed a rare warrior.

Zhang Fei who ran outside the door also first set his sights on Dian Wei, after all, he has the strongest momentum.

Seeing the other party's awkward appearance, Zhang Fei almost couldn't bear to send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay 9:8#0>2!0;58/56 Laugh out loud.

I thought confidently in my heart: Why is this guy so ugly? My old Zhang stands with him, that is a proper little fresh meat...

But he knew he couldn't laugh. If this guy was the prefect, his recklessness would turn good into a disaster.

Besides, when others came to visit me with sincerity, but I laughed at their parents' appearance, this kind of thing must never be done, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me to spread the word?

Quickly suppressing a smile, he turned his head to look at the other people, one man and one woman were obviously foreigners, so there could only be two candidates for the prefect.

"I don't know who is the prefect?"

Zhang Fei had a very loud voice, and when he opened his mouth, it sounded like thunder, as if he was arguing with others.

But Yang Fan didn't mind, on the contrary, he was quite happy, he finally saw the real Mr. Zhang, and took a few steps forward.

"I am Yang Fan, the prefect of Zhuojun. I heard that there is a hero in this county named Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide. He values ​​love and righteousness the most, and hates evil like hatred."

"Yang Mou loves making friends with heroes the most in his life, so he came here for a special visit. He took the liberty to come here, so he didn't bother Mr. Zhang, right?"

Seeing that this handsome young man was the prefect, and that such a big man was so polite to him, Zhang Fei immediately liked him very much.

Said with a smile on his face.

"Don't bother, don't bother, I'm Zhang Yide, the prefect and everyone please come inside quickly."

Zhang Fei hurriedly welcomed Yang Fan and his party into Zhuangzi, and ordered Zhuang Ding to bring up good wine and meat.

It was the first time for a big person to visit at home, Zhang Fei didn't want to lose his manners, and prepared to entertain him well.

Chapter 259

Everyone sat around in the living room of Zhang Fei's house. Except for Dian Wei, Yang Fan and his party were not used to this sitting posture.

Afterwards, it was basically Yang Fan and Zhang Fei who chatted until the food and wine were served.

The alcohol content in this world is not high, so it's okay to drink a few big bowls with Yang Fan, and Dian Wei even started drinking with Zhang Fei.

Both of them are bold and forthright men, and they have similar interests, and it feels like it's too late to meet each other.

After drinking for three rounds, Yang Fan saw that Zhang Fei was in a good mood, so he stated the purpose of his trip.

"Yide! Now the entire Han Dynasty is raging with war, the Yellow Turban bandits are raging, the people are in dire straits, and countless people have been persecuted to the point of ruin. A hero like you, do you have any plans?"

Zhang Fei was taken aback when he saw Yang Fan's sudden question!

He wanted to have a plan, but he didn't think about it for a while, what to do...

Join the army to kill thieves?

"Hey! To tell you the truth, I haven't started thinking about these horrible things yet! I don't know if my lord has taught me?"

Dian Wei knew that his lord was going to start recruiting this bearded straight man.

So he helped out by the side.

"If Yide doesn't have any good ideas, why don't you be a colleague with me! Help my lord suppress the yellow scarf bandits together, raise a three-foot green spear, kill him as a marquis and general, wouldn't it be fun to make his wife and son?"

Hearing Dian Wei's remarks, Zhang Fei's eyes brightened.

Turning to look at Yang Fan, he asked excitedly.

"Your Excellency, are you planning to take the initiative to attack and destroy the bandits?"

Seeing that Zhang Fei was quite interested, Yang Fan nodded quickly.

"It should be like this! The Yellow Turban is so powerful, if we just keep defending, when will it be wiped out? Why don't you help me, and I won't waste your good martial arts. A hero like you is born to belong to the battlefield!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Fei felt like meeting a confidant, and he also felt that he was suitable to go to the battlefield and fight vigorously, so as to make contributions.

It's better than staying in this Zhuo County and being a rich man. Although his family business is quite big, this is not the life he wants.

He directly clasped his fists and said to Yang Fan.

"If your lord agrees, I am willing to follow your lord to kill thieves, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Yang Fan was very happy to see that it was so easy to recruit another peerless general.

"Okay, okay! With the help of Yide, why worry about the immortality of the yellow scarf?"

Zhang Fei also laughed, calling the yellow scarf a native chicken and tile dog, willing to be a pioneer and let the thieves have a taste.

Yang Fan joked.

"Why does Yide still call me an adult?"

Zhang Fei was startled when he heard that!

Somewhat puzzled, he looked at Yang Fan with a question mark on his face, not knowing what to call an adult.

It suddenly occurred to Dian Wei that he called the other party the lord before, so he asked suspiciously.

"My lord??"

He didn't understand the difference between the lord and the adult, he just followed Dian Wei.

Yang Fan laughed out loud.

"That's right! Calling the lord means that you are willing to hang out with me from now on, and we will be prosperous together in the future. Calling the lord means that you are just recruited by me for any position in Zhuo County."

Only then did Zhang Fei understand the difference between the two.

He already had a good impression of the approachable Yang Fan, and with his care in the future, his actions in the future will be much simpler and clearer.

If he was asked to be an official or something alone, he said that if his eyes were darkened, he would be a fart!

"Then I am willing to call you the lord, and I will obey the lord's orders in the future, so as not to worry about those messy things."

[Acquired power of the world: 3000, existing: 9760. 】


Unexpectedly, the power of the world obtained by recruiting Zhang Fei is the most, and the influence of this guy is not small!

So far, Yang Fan has won another strong general, and the system task is only a little bit close to being completed.

While everyone was eating and drinking, a Zhuang Ding hurried in to report.

"The landlord is not good!"

Seeing this, Zhang Fei frowned, and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Why are you in such a panic? Didn't you see my lord eating wine? Tell me slowly if you have something to say."

The strong man shut his mouth for a moment, then lowered his voice and said.

"Master! The boulder you put on the well was carried away, and all the pork in the well was taken away."

Zhang Fei was not angry when he heard the words, but was very happy, and turned to Yang Fan.

"My lord! I used a boulder to seal the well before, and I stored a lot of meat underneath, and I said that whoever can remove the boulder, the meat in the well can be taken freely. This kind of behavior is only to make friends with heroes. Now that the boulder is lifted, it proves that the hero has appeared. We wait Why don't you go make friends?"

Yang Fan already knew who did it...

Chapter 260 Guan Yu in Cuckold

Yang Fan said happily.

"That's right! This person is one of the two people I'm planning to visit in this huge Zhuo County, but he is a hero with good morals. Let's go there quickly."

Guan Yu also showed up at this time and happened to collect them together.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard what Yang Fan said.

Zhang Fei asked curiously.

"My lord, do you know who did it?"

Yang Fan smiled mysteriously, nodded and said.

"It must be Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, from Jieliang in the east of the river. Apart from our own people in Dazhuo County, there should be only two people who can remove the boulder placed by Yide, but the one who can easily hug it must be Guan Yu."

After a pause, he turned to Zhuang Ding again.

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