Resurrection Empire

Chapter 447 Hallucination

Two stable information flow channels, four billionths of a second.

Three stable channels, six billionths of a second.

Five stable channels, ten billionths of a second.

Seven channels, 14 billionths of a second.

Ten, twenty millionths of a second.

Thirteen articles...

Thirty-six million...

Six hundred and eighty million...

After more than nine hundred resurrections, Ren Zhong finally accumulated quantitative changes into qualitative changes.

Facing Sun Ai's infusion of information, he began to feel pain, and he was able to fight against the pain to keep his mind clear.

Even Sun Ai was shocked, "Uncle, you...what is going on with you? Have you received this kind of training before? Or are you actually a pilgrim?"

Ren Zhong's consciousness smiled, "Don't worry about this, do what you should do first... We still have twenty-five minutes."

In this timeline, he had not yet had time to give Sun Ai a hint that he had the ability to resurrect.

But none of that matters now.

The important thing is that after he found the right method and made persistent efforts, he is now qualified to perform the duties of a relay node.

The data belonging to Sun Ai passed through Ren Zhong's brain, and then established a link with the ghost particle communication receiver through the superconducting wire at the back of his neck. It passed through the information flow channel and contacted the large transmitter in Spark Town. Then directly intervene in the pseudo network system that is already ready.

Underground in Starfire Town, hundreds of millions of "evil souls" groaned in pain at the same time, echoing repeatedly in the huge underground base.

This place seems to have become a purgatory on earth.

The technicians and security personnel responsible for supervising this place were expressionless.

They have no sympathy for these people who are struggling with pain.

According to the standards of moral judgment, everyone who ended up here was once an extremely evil person and did not deserve any sympathy.

Even those with the most minor crimes should be sentenced to death more than twice.

Facts have proven that humans are extremely adaptable creatures.

The humans of Source Star can not only adapt to the absolute rule and slavery system under the former association, but also adapt to the new social rules led by the Ren Group.

In the past fifteen years, the ubiquitous Ren Group and the Ethics Committee have changed many Yuanxing's inherent social concepts.

Under the constraints of the law and the influence of a large amount of propaganda, the humans of Source Star began to re-establish their moral values ​​and began to realize what was right and what was wrong.

When faced with exploitation, oppression and torture by citizens or powerful barbarians, when they suffered unfair treatment, the victims and their relatives and friends began to have hope, knowing that they could petition the Ethics Committee and the Ren Group. people to seek justice for themselves.

Although the once-deep-rooted law of the jungle has not been eradicated, it has at least been effectively alleviated.

The only way out for people is to become a professional.

Knowledge and creativity are beginning to be respected, and students who can get into Spark Academy often have a good future.

Some people begin to live the paradise-like life they dream of, while others fall into real hell.

In short, for these tortured people, they are indeed in hell now, but for Sun Ai, it seems like they are in heaven.

Previously, when fighting against the "Net", even if she just wanted to gain control of a trivial micro-module, she had to use all her strength.

But now, what she has access to is massive idle computing power.

Sun Ai, who suddenly received the support of a new force, immediately strengthened his suppression of the "Net".

"Net" seemed to realize that the situation was not good and began to resist.

In the ocean of information invisible to humans, fierce confrontation has begun again.

If "Net" is really a person and has human emotions, then it should be very surprised now.

Previously, under the protection of the chicken blood driver, as long as the proportion of occupied computing power modules exceeded 50%, it could use super-order algorithms to quickly gain the upper hand and push the opponent back.

However, things like super-order algorithms cannot be used all the time, otherwise it will easily cause the system to become unstable.

Therefore, in the underlying settings, when its control area exceeds 50%, the chicken blood driver will automatically shut down.

This is a very safe setting for the "net" held by the Pathfinder Colonial Team.

The good thing is that even if you encounter an infiltration and invasion by pilgrims who have played the virtual world to their fullest, there is an underlying guarantee that will not be completely captured and taken away easily. A stalemate can always be created, leaving time for reinforcements to rescue.

The disadvantage is that the "Net" has never been able to completely eliminate Sun Ai, and can only place its hope on being repaired after returning to the empire.

But now, things started to go wrong.

When Sun Ai's occupied area reached 50.0000...1%, it had already started the super-order algorithm, but it did not regain the lost ground.

The opponent seemed to have summoned a lot of computing power out of thin air, and launched its chicken-blood-driven counterattack, maintaining this advantage and continuing to press forward.

"Net" finally got the power to continue using super-order algorithms, but this is not good news.

Not only did it fail to eliminate its opponents, but it continued to lose ground.

This is a very rare phenomenon.

Even when the Mechanical Empire was at war with the other three forces, such a phenomenon had never occurred.

Although the "Net" is a technology stolen from the Pilgrims by the Mechanical Empire, it has been improved many times, especially the chicken-blood driver with super-order algorithm embedded later. This is a means to distinguish the imperial "net" from the genuine "net" on the pilgrim side, and can effectively prevent the infiltration and invasion of the pilgrims.

Even the invasion of pilgrims can be resisted. As for the sublimated people who are regarded as mentally retarded by the imperial people, as well as the psychic demons who only chant sutras all day long, do not like to use their brains, and do not delve into any science and technology, they are not afraid.

That's why when the imperial apostle Ren Zhongzhong told the old popsicles that the "net" had been infiltrated, intercepted and controlled by pilgrims, the old popsicles were so panicked that they completely lost their mind.

The old popsicles felt that they had been deceived and no longer trusted any information from the empire given by the "Net".

But "Net" itself knows the truth and knows that it is facing an unprecedented crisis.

It has already begun broadcasting to the empire in an attempt to warn others in the empire.

It has foreseen its own downfall, but if its own downfall serves as a warning to others, it will be worthwhile.

However, unfortunately, "Net" was betrayed by his companions.

Tracer No. 154332 spared no effort and spent a lot of energy to temporarily maintain the super-large shielding layer, which firmly blocked the external communication of the "net" and no message could be sent out.

Time continued to pass, and everything was as it had been deduced by Ren Zhong. Sun Ai effectively used the computing power provided by the pseudo-net, resisted the futile counterattack of the "net", continued to advance his occupied area, and accurately achieved success in every computing power module. Freely written execution routines for forced shutdown and full formatting.

At the same time, Sun Ai was also writing programs simultaneously in his occupied area.

Sun Ai disrupted the order of the programming language and used a large number of replacement codes to disguise it.

This is Hua Yuelan's encryption method, and it is also Hua Yuelan's method of keeping the bottom of the box, which can deceive the "net" to a certain extent.

Sun Ai has already mastered it, and has also used his own redundant algorithm to sublimate it, making it more difficult to decrypt and more effective in deceiving.

Unconsciously, Sun Ai's occupied area reached 55%.

Her computing power advantage further expanded, finally completely breaking the balance, and the balance began to tilt in Sun Ai's favor.

If Sun Ai still behaves as she did in the past, and is still the pure "program", then she will use several months to further encroach on the "net"'s territory and achieve an overwhelming victory.

But now the situation has changed. The shielding layer can only last for another fifteen minutes, leaving only so much time for Sun Ai and Ren Zhong.

After a short period of thought and discussion with Ren Zhong, Sun Ai decided to "change homes" with the Internet.

She gave up her self-defense and began to push forward with all her strength towards the computing power module controlled by the opponent.

"Net" recognized this detail very keenly, and took the initiative decisively, effortlessly accepting the control area that Sun Ai gave up on his own initiative, and also gave up the protection of his own control area.

Just ten minutes later, Sun Ai and "Net" completed the territory exchange.

In the "net's" perception, it should feel that it has made a profit. After all, its control area was originally only 45%, but now it has become 55%.

Although there are some stubborn contents in his occupied area that cannot be deleted, which should be left by his opponents, these contents have the same origin as his own and are not considered a threat.

"Net" failed to recognize that this was a shutdown and formatting process.

Another five minutes passed and Sun Ai said to Ren Zhong: "Uncle, next I should start the shutdown and formatting process, and then I will completely go through your brain in a very short period of time. Be prepared."

Ren Zhong: "Come."

The next moment, a scene similar to an information singularity explosion appeared in Ren Zhong's brain again.

But the huge information flow was aggregated into 680 million convergent beams, which passed through Ren Zhong's brain in a very short time, entered the communicator outside, and then passed through a straight line distance of 150 million kilometers. Entered the pseudo-network base located underground in Spark Town.

At the moment of Sun Ai's "arrival", the hundreds of millions of criminals in the pseudo-network base were finally freed and ended their sinful lives. Their consciousness completely collapsed and they were brain dead.

As for the other side, Ren Zhong also briefly lost consciousness.

He was not dead, but when Sun Ai penetrated his brain, he vaguely heard a clicking sound, as if some glassware was broken.

After regaining his clarity, his consciousness had exited the double dream state between himself and Sun Ai, left the ruins of the Nameless City, and appeared directly in front of the huge lattice structure.

At this time, the color distribution of the crystal lattice has changed significantly. 45% of it is completely transparent, and the other 55% is emerald green representing the body of the "net".

Those emerald green lights are boiling and boiling, just like boiling water evaporating in a hot pot.

Some of the emerald green luster is still greedily trying to enter the other 45% of the area, but it will soon boil and disappear after entering.

Then, suddenly, the boiling water stopped moving, which meant that the shutdown procedure had been completed, and the "net" that had been struggling for twenty years finally rested and was allowed to be slaughtered.

Then, the frozen emerald green color began to melt quickly like snow under the scorching sun.

Only six minutes passed, and the emerald green luster completely disappeared, and the huge crystal lattice became completely transparent.

This means that the "net" data has been completely formatted.

"Net" No. 154332, which had ruled the Source Star for a thousand years, died aggrievedly under the double attack of the betrayal of its own people and the sneak attack of the enemy.

Before the "net" data disappeared completely, Ren Zhong keenly caught a very subtle message being passed on, which made him feel a little nervous.

But after analyzing the characteristics of this information, I felt at ease.

The meaning of this information flow is that "Net" uses direct control of the information flow to cause molecular vibrations to create some sounds in the external system console, that is, in the environment around him.

As long as it's not a direct message to the empire, it's harmless, just a sound wave.

Sun Ai's voice sounded in Ren Zhong's heart again, "Uncle, I'm coming back."


The next moment, Ren Zhong's consciousness fell into a blank again. Sun Ai's huge data rushed through Ren Zhong's consciousness and entered the completely blank lattice structure.

Having to withstand the passage of a large amount of data in a very short period of time, the sound of broken glassware was vaguely heard again.

He wasn't quite sure why, but there were more important things at the moment and there was no need to delve into it.

"Sun Ai, how is the situation?"

"We succeeded. Now I have completely occupied the computing power module of 'Net', and I have become the new underlying operating system. But I am not yet familiar with all the functions of 'Net'. If I were allowed to evolve by myself, it would take For a long time, I suggest you, uncle, let the cryonic elders start writing into the backup system. When I absorb all the backup systems, it can effectively shorten the time it takes me to implement various functions."

Ren Zhong smiled slightly in his heart, "You have to change your words. You can't say that you can achieve various functions, you should say that you can achieve various abilities. You are Sun Ai, a human being, not a program or a machine."

Sun Ai paused and then said: "Thank you for reminding me, uncle. I do need to get used to it. People outside are starting to feel a little restless. Uncle, please communicate with them quickly."


Thirty seconds later, Ren Zhong exited the brainwave link and opened his eyes.

The light curtain behind him slowly dispersed.

The nine frozen elders also took the opportunity to open their eyes.

But their eyes were obviously flickering, as if they were a little surprised.

Ren Zhong looked around and smiled slightly, "Did you hear the sound just now?"

Seeing that they couldn't hide it, everyone nodded one after another.

Ying Feng hesitated and said, "Yes, I did hear something."

Ren Zhong stood up and said confidently: "Those are the last words of 'Net'."

The frozen elders were shocked and didn't know what to say.

Taking advantage of this little time, Hua Yuelan had already used the superconducting wire still embedded in the back of Ren Zhong's neck to quietly convey the last words of "Net" to him.

Only four words.

"It's dangerous."

Obviously, the "net" directly controls the flow of information to cause precise molecular vibrations, and simulates the human voice, which is extremely energy-consuming, so even the last words can only be said in four words.

But the meaning is very clear, it is to issue a warning.

Ren Chong's situation suddenly became very delicate.

With his personal strength, he could indeed launch an attack and kill nine old popsicles.

But this is not the best option.

Because even though Sun Ai replaced the "Net", there is another independent brain system above everyone's heads, which is the control center of the Tracer. The tracer's intellectual brain center is another system, which is difficult to break through in a short time.

It was easy for Ren to kill these nine people, but it was difficult to remove himself and still enter the empire openly.

Ren Zhong's thoughts were racing, and he was thinking hard about the next method of quibble.

He first organized the first rhetoric in his mind. "Do you believe more in this apostle or in the 'net' controlled by the pilgrims?"

Ren Zhong did not say these words, but showed a slightly shocked expression.

The moment the thought in his mind just took shape, he had a hallucination.

He first "saw" that he was forced to kill nine old popsicles, and then he was forced to engage in close combat with the Ice Legion in space, and was quickly defeated.

Ren Zhong quickly swallowed this sentence again and re-conceived his words.

"This is a Pilgrim conspiracy."

This was the second argument he came up with.

The next moment, he hallucinated again.

He "saw" a large-scale war across space, and also saw Li Yang tearing the nine frozen elders into pieces with a grin.

Ren Zhong didn't know where his hallucination came from, but he vaguely thought it was believable.

Anyway, I can still be resurrected, so why not give it a try?

As a result, a disdainful sneer appeared on his face, and he said decisively: "This is the conspiracy of the pilgrims."

After saying this, he no longer explained anything superfluous, nor did he give others time to think. He only asked people to look back and make amends afterwards, and continued: "Ma Zhongfei, you can write to the backup system, hurry up."

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