Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2232: Super Giant Body Life

The huge arm digs into the ground, the battlefield that was originally packed with Nazi soldiers and security guards has disappeared, and a huge and desolate gap is expanding. In this battlefield, there is no "land" in the sense of common sense. Every foothold is a construction that is repeatedly built and destroyed. It is covered with hard structural materials and is full of unpredictable phenomena everywhere. The energy radiated from the arm and the impact could not be sustained for a second, and it completely collapsed.

Space is distorted and maintained in a special state of travel. It once broke through the constraints of the lunar repeater on time and space. The spacecraft joint experimental fleet that really wants to make the final impact can only drift with the waves in front of the aftermath caused by the huge arm. The advancing state of the fleet has been completely broken, and this direct and brutal force is the first time that all mysterious experts have shown.

No one knows that there will be such a thing under the battlefield. Its size is only visible to the naked eye, and it is known that it is several times the entire space joint fleet.

Mysterious experts who were still troubled by the shape of the lunar repeater, this time almost fell into a slack. In the face of this sudden and huge shock, no one can remain calm. They knew very well that it was not their own people who created such momentum.

The impact is still spreading, the assault of the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet is blocked, and the outer shell that allows the Universe Joint Experiment Fleet to maintain the impact force is hit by sparks with strange energy, and the seemingly thunderstorms continue. In just three seconds, before everyone recovered from this huge shock, the ground where the huge gap was dug out collapsed with a larger area.

Then, a huge shoulder emerged, and the other arm also stretched out. A giant who seemed to have slept for a long time broke his coffin and dug out that huge body from the ground. It just showed its upper body, and it was already bigger than the largest mountain on the earth. Its arm slapped on the ground, Nazi soldiers, security guards, war fortifications, bizarre structures, and everything was wiped out.

The whole space is shaking, all phenomena are annihilating, and even the air is torn. The giant's every move seems so slow, but in fact, every movement of it takes a terrible speed of several kilometers per second, but this speed is not fast enough relative to its volume.

The huge block is not hollow, with a heavy mass beyond imagination, because it is solid. The off-white of the whole body is completely the material of the structure. It is rigid but has no corners. It looks like the enlargement of the human body. Each part has a reasonable size, and there is no exaggerated proportion. Its face is like wearing a mask, with only the outline of a five senses.

Seeing this, every mysterious expert has understood what he encountered.

"This ... such a huge body life?" Some people were dumbfounded. Even after a brutal war, they already cherished the consciousness of death, but they still couldn't say the whole thing. "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Yes, for the huge body life, almost every feature is the characteristic of the body life. However, there is a huge difference in body volume. Almost everyone, even if the life of the primitive body they encountered in the past were all humanoid, they can be described as strange in terms of proportion and detail. However, the most massive primitive life seen in this life is extremely similar To the human body.

"Ultra-dense solid state ... Why hasn't this mass caused a larger-scale collapse?" Some mysterious experts murmured at the measured values ​​returned by fleet instruments.

Although mystery experts prefer the mysterious and unknown characteristics of power, the volume, mass and speed in this common sense will still give them a more direct impact.

"Huge", which is in line with theoretical common sense, has a huge mass, a huge volume, and a huge speed. Putting these huge in a well-known formula can make people's intellect collapse, especially when the other party is an enemy.

In the face of a white dwarf with mysterious power, how can I win? The mystery experts are cold and desperate, and no one can predict that there is such a killer in the life of the body. However, if you think about it, perhaps it is not surprising that the body life has a mysterious origin and has unknown technology. In this battlefield that spreads throughout the ruins of the ruling bureau, they should have been one of the masters. For a long time.

Everyone knows that the body life that has long been united with the Nazis must move, however, they are too quiet, so quiet that almost everyone ignores their existence, as if only the Nazis and Doomsday Truth The only enemy.

"Not good!" Some mysterious expert exclaimed suddenly: "Jump immediately!"

Everyone was awakened by the shock brought about by the life of super giant body. They have wasted too much time. In this battlefield, which is very precious every second, even a moment of loss of mind will lose the opportunity.

The life of the super-massive body has completely crawled out of the ground, and under its gray and white human-shaped body, veins looming like magma. These veins sometimes emit bright light, as if with a heat that can melt everything. Around it, it seems that all the mysterious phenomena that can be observed are torn apart. It is just standing there, and the storm caused by the huge mass and energy is enough to annihilate most phenomena.

As for whether there are other mysterious phenomena that are acting on it? The Universe Joint Experimental Fleet cannot be observed. Even with the implementation of engineering components, the overall performance of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet can be optimized and enhanced, but subject to many factors, including the user's imagination and understanding of things, the fleet's performance still has a clear upper limit.

Even if the execution of engineering components can be created out of thin air according to the needs of users, but what should be manufactured to be seamlessly integrated into the immediate needs? The problem is not so simple-if there are billions of people, billions of ideas, perhaps the joint space experiment fleet can become stronger, and perhaps use the implementation of engineering components to create more terrible things. However, it is too late to execute the engineering components, and there are only dozens or hundreds of mysterious experts still alive on the battlefield.

The Universe Joint Experiment Fleet is like an ant trapped in glue at this time. If it is impossible to get in and try to get out of this inexplicable force field, it must use executive engineering components. However, it takes time no matter what it does.

At this moment, the distance of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet relative to the life of this super giant body ~ ~ is not even as long as its height. It only needs one wave of hand, not even a second, to hit the fleet across thousands of kilometers. Every mysterious expert has no doubt that once the fleet is hit, even if there is no disintegration, it is not far away. Facing the collision of white dwarfs, the more scientifically common people are, the more they can feel a fear that almost surpasses the unknown.

This is a known horror that makes people feel irresistible.

When the sound of "jumping" was still echoing in the communication channel, the huge arm raised his slap, seemingly slow but waving quickly, causing physical shock that was visible to the naked eye. Before it was hit, there was already an observable, but theoretically irresistible impact that left the fleet unbalanced.

Like the leaves floating in the vortex, the formation of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet began to skew. A stern alarm and a dazzling red light rang out inside the ship, and everyone could only grasp the things around them, with a desperate look, watching the devastating blow that would come next moment.

However, before that moment arrived, a ray of light pierced the battlefield and hit the huge arm of the body's life, causing it to deflect. The giant's sway passed from the near side of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet, and everyone felt that his ship was shocked.

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