Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 358 Basic Settings (900 monthly tickets for additional updates)

The size of "Starfire 2: Rebellion" is completely planned according to the conventional 3A masterpiece. Its story spans a long time, from the construction of the planetary engine to the full start-up of the planetary engine. Players can see the entire planet's surface in the game. Different changes.

At first, the surface of the planet was a piece of red soil. The Zerg were active underground and might emerge from the soft sand at any time. Players were caught off guard. When they looked up, they could see a planetary engine as huge as a mountain that was being built.

But in the later stages of the game, after the planetary engine is started, the planet is getting further and further away from the star, and the surface temperature drops sharply. At this time, when you return to the surface, you will see a scene of ice and snow, with dry ice formed from carbon dioxide covering the entire ground. Only the temperature around the planetary engine was higher. The light blue particle tail flame ejected by the planetary engine lit up the sky, and the whole world changed drastically.

The reason why such a huge time span can be completed is because the character played by the player has experienced hibernation and wakes up in the future with a special mission. He must stop the spaceship faction so that the third phase of the Interstellar Spark Project can proceed smoothly.

At the same time, as a AAA masterpiece, "Starfire 2: Rebellion" also has many large-scale scenes. The styles of these large-scale scenes are completely different, and the gameplay is also different. Some scenes are linear levels, and some scenes add some open world elements.

These scenes roughly include: regular surface (reddish-brown plains and deserts before the planetary engine starts), Zerg nests (dark underground), inside the spacecraft (severely damaged spacecraft), snowy surface (after the star engine starts, carbon dioxide in the air Pre-cooled ice covers the ground), inside the planetary engine, inside the spacecraft (repaired spacecraft, flying in space), space.

Among these scenes, the regular surface and the snowy surface are semi-open scenes. Players can freely search in these two scenes and experience some side plots, while other scenes are mainly plot-driven and the rhythm is more compact.

The semi-open world scene is not intended to forcefully extend the player's gaming time, but simply to allow players to learn more about the details of the world.

In terms of difficulty, "Starfire 2: Rebellion" is not a purely enjoyable game. In most cases of the game, players are in a state of shortage of supplies and must strictly manage supplies. The lack of supplies will give players a sense of anxiety, which is consistent with the background of the game itself - in the story of "Interstellar Fire", humans want to escape the threat of stellar helium flashes and spend all their money to build planetary engines. They are in a state of scarcity.

Of course, there are also some specific plot scenes that allow players to enjoy themselves, such as when players drive mechas to fight against the Zerg army.

In addition, the game content is highly consistent with the GS1 emulator device, and the UI control is also very restrained. For example, when opening the map and mission description, an interface does not pop up directly and a special display screen is taken out; the number of bullets will be displayed on the firearm simulator; when opening the backpack, there will be a process of taking the backpack and opening it.

At the same time, the protective clothing worn by the characters may be damaged and need to be repaired with special repair agents. Some special props need to be recharged after the energy is used up...

In short, the UI in the game will be hidden as much as possible, and the conspicuous UI will be eliminated as much as possible without affecting the convenience of the game, giving players a better sense of involvement.

In addition, after the full-view display is "combined" with the GS1 simulator, some additional information will be displayed in a three-dimensional manner, such as the mini-map of the current scene, the status of the mecha when driving it, etc., further simplifying the UI on the main display content, allowing players to have a better immersive experience.

At the same time, as an FPS game, in addition to rich scenes, "Starfire 2: Rebellion" also has a complete combat system. Players will encounter different enemies in different scenes. There are two main types of enemies: humans and Zerg. Humans are mainly rebels. These rebels use the same weapons and equipment as the protagonist and are smarter. The Zerg generally have lower IQs, but there are more of them, and different types of Zerg have their own characteristics.

For example, you may encounter huge thunderworms in the wild. This kind of behemoth usually needs to be dealt with by mecha. When encountering it, the protagonist can only hide carefully. Once discovered, it will be a narrow escape; sometimes you will encounter something that can Sandworms that burrow into the ground will feel the vibrations on the ground, and then suddenly emerge from the gravel underground, catching the player off guard; there are also the most common springtails, which are about the same size as wild dogs, but are very flexible and Moving in groups, they will be very difficult enemies for players.

When dealing with different enemies, players can choose different methods.

In "Starfire 2: Rebellion", players can use many different weapons and equipment. These weapons and equipment are related to the weapons in "Xuanjia Project". They also come in different categories such as shotguns, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, submachine guns, etc. At the same time, players can also collect accessories to upgrade these firearms.

In this game, players can experience the thrill of shooting, but they must carefully plan the supplies they have.

Players can also exchange materials collected in the scene for different resources such as bullets, protective clothing, accessories, etc., or purchase some targeted props.

For example, the self-exploding bugs that live underground all year round rely on sound to identify enemies. Once they detect an enemy, they will rush forward and automatically explode and spray out corrosive acid. For players, once the protective clothing is corroded by acid, it will be difficult to survive in the harsh environment.

Players can use special tracer bullets to deal with these self-banaling bugs. Banelings emit a light green fluorescence in a dark environment. They often lurk in groups on the walls of Zerg lairs. As long as a tracer bullet is thrown over, these Banelings will be killed by the strong flash. , unable to self-destruct to produce corrosive acid.

Of course, in addition to these advantages, one of the highlights of "Starfire 2: Rebellion" is that it relies on the original work of "Starfire".

The story span of "Starfire" is very long and the scenes are very grand, but the original game is a strategy game after all, and its expressiveness in large-scale war scenes is much worse.

In "Starfire 2: Rebellion", the game has changed from a strategy game to an FPS game. Players can experience the entire process from a first-person perspective, and the screen expression has been greatly improved.

Relying on the IP of "Starfire", this game will definitely be a big surprise for those players who love the original game after its release.

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