Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 28 Apologize?

On Thursday, the design team meets to review the new version of the design document.

On Friday, the design and programming teams meet to hammer out new features.

Zhong Ming also participated in these two conferences, and went to talk about the new function of Xinghai Battlefield.

The people present did not raise any questions. On the one hand, it was because Zhong Ming’s design documents were well written, and on the other hand, it was because the program already knew that this function had been arranged for a long time, and it had been developed for three or four days. , Now it's meaningless to find fault.

Zhou Sen didn't speak, and of course the others wouldn't be idle to criticize.

Zhang Qiuze and the programming team didn't like Zhou Sen very much, and the design team didn't like Zhong Ming very much either, so just let these two have fun.

The other functions are mainly some optimizations. Xiong Kai talked about his own functions for half an hour, and he was tired of hearing the bell.

It's obviously just an optimization plan, Xiong Kai still looks very high-end, talking about all kinds of wheels, it seems that he has done it in great detail.

Zhang Qiuze had to nod for all these optimizations, and then estimated the working hours and distributed them to the programs in the program group.

"Xiong Kai's function doesn't feel very complicated, and the design document is very complete." Zhang Qiuze said.

Xiong Kai was very happy: "That's right, the design document has been changed several times, and every aspect has been considered, absolutely no problem!"

Zhang Qiuze nodded: "Okay, Xiong Kai, you are still reliable in your work. Then, let Lao Zheng do this function. It happens that he just came back from his injury, so give him a simpler job."

Xiong Kai: "Huh?"

"Is there any problem?" Zhang Qiuze asked.

Xiong Kai groaned twice: "No, no problem..."

"Okay, then this function will be assigned to Lao Zheng. I'll take a look at other functions..." Zhang Qiuze continued to look down at other functions, and Xiong Kai's heart sank.

What the hell!

What about letting Lao Zheng perform functions for Zhong Ming? How come it's all on my head? !

He looked at Zhou Zhen, and Zhou Zhen nodded with a sad face, which meant that someone from the design team must sacrifice, so you should sacrifice.

Looking at the rest of the design team, except for Zhong Ming who is not concerned about the affairs here, everyone else has a sad and secretly happy expression. Old Zheng's assignment to Xiong Kai means that he has no Can't torture anyone else.

Xiong Kai felt cold in his heart, wondering if something went wrong in this world...

After the meeting, the responsible procedures for each function have been found, and the new version will be officially started.

The design team is all relieved, the most stressful part is over, and they will have a lot of leisure in the next development part, and have a lot of time to fish.

Except for Xiong Kai, of course.

Xiong Kai was still worrying, wondering how Old Zheng would make things difficult for him this time.

Zhou Zhen has sorted out all the art needs and sent them to the art team.

Next is a relatively long period of development. Next week, everyone will be busy working on the new version, and the program side will also start working overtime. After next week, the new version will probably be ready to go online after testing.


Zhong Ming didn't go to work overtime on the weekend, so he stayed at home for a while, thinking about whether to use his free time to draw another painting.

Huahua can directly provide him with a lot of points, and the points can be used to draw prizes. It's just that Zhong Ming doesn't have any particularly good inspiration, so he doesn't know what to draw.

I made a few line drafts in two days on the weekend, but I didn't feel good, so let's forget it for the time being.

Zhou Sen went to work overtime on Saturday, but Zhong Ming didn't. Anyway, if you have any questions, you can just use the internal communication software on the wristband to ask them.

Monday, nothing.

Tuesday, nothing.

These two days, Zhong Ming is very free. At work, he drinks coffee, touches fish, browses the web, etc., and then asks Zhou Zhen for internal benefits, sends some money to his "Mecha Age" account, and plays casually.

On Wednesday, Zhong Ming went to Zhou Sen's to check, and found that more than half of the functions had been completed.

After all, Zhou Sen started research and development last Tuesday. According to this speed, it should be finished this weekend, which should be the fastest of the whole project.

Zhong Ming thought for a while, it was time to urge the art resources.

The art resources of Star Sea Battlefield had already been submitted last Monday, and Zhou Zhen highlighted the art words again last Friday. It stands to reason that a batch of art resources should have been given by now.

After all, Xinghai Battlefield is the core gameplay of this new version, and it should have a higher priority in terms of art resources.

Zhong Ming came to the art group, looked at Jiang Wanna with a smile and nodded, and then went straight to the main artist Sun Hongsheng.

Sun Hongsheng was still drawing seriously with his hand-painted tablet, completely oblivious to Zhong Ming's arrival.

"Excuse me, I want to ask, how is the art resource of Xinghai Battlefield? How much is it?" Zhong Ming asked.

Sun Hongsheng was very upset: "Don't rush, I'm still painting."

Seeing his attitude, Zhong Ming felt a little wrong. Are you drawing? Not like, this attitude is too perfunctory.

If other people might go back after being rejected, anyway, I asked, and it has nothing to do with the design whether the art team can get art resources or not.

But Zhong Ming can't just let it go. When the time comes when the art resources are slowing down, Liu Yuxin will definitely blame him, not the art.

Sometimes this is the case inside the project, and resources have to be robbed between functions. If your function is not completed, but other functions are completed, no matter what the reason is, there must be a problem with you.

Now Zhong Ming has to find out whether he has started to work on his art needs or whether it is too late. If so, then he has to find a way, whether he goes to Liu Yuxin or finds a way to solve it himself, he must guarantee the art before the project goes live. Resources are in place.

The number of artists for the "Mecha Age" project is seriously insufficient, and Sun Hongsheng probably hasn't had time to see Zhong Ming's art needs.

"That's right. Star Sea Battlefield is the highest priority function of the new version, and the art resources should be given priority as much as possible. If you haven't done it yet, it's best to start now." Zhong Ming said.

Sun Hongsheng threw the hand-painted board and pressure-sensitive pen on the table, looked at Zhong Ming: "You, an intern, who is ordering here? If you have something to do, you can ask Zhou Zhen to tell me!"

It can be seen that Sun Hongsheng is also very angry. He had a lot of work, but somehow an intern came out, who was ordered and held accountable. This art master is too aggrieved!

Zhong Ming also lost his temper, what are you playing here?

It’s your job to complete these art requirements, if you can’t, that’s your problem, what are you doing with me?

On the design team, Zhou Zhen found that something was wrong, and hurried over: "What's the matter? Come calm down, Zhong Ming, you are an intern, be careful when talking to seniors!"

Sun Hongsheng became even more enthusiastic: "Zhou Zhen, take good care of your subordinates. The art team is short-staffed, and they can't finish their work even if they work overtime every day. He still comes here to make trouble and delay the progress. Who will be responsible?"

"Calm down, calm down, the work has to be done." Zhou Zhen looked at Zhong Ming, "Apologize now!"

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