Restart Spain

Chapter 138: unprecedented

The weapons and equipment transported to Russia have been officially shipped. Next, the Russians only need to wait in Crimea to unpack the courier and receive the gift package.

In the case of money, the Russians are still more arrogant to pay, the Spaniards will naturally not delay the delivery time of the materials, the Russian-Turkish war will start earlier, and Spain's financial income will improve one day earlier...

In addition to the Russian weapons and equipment, the diplomatic ambassadors of the Confederate States of America also came to the palace.

"Dear Your Majesty Alfonso, good afternoon."

The newly formed Confederate States, Spain and the British were the first to recognize its legitimacy.

At the same time as the recognition, the two sides have officially established diplomatic relations, and they are still at the highest level of ambassadorial level.

"good afternoon."

Alfonso replied, looking at the ambassador of the Confederate countries in front of him, he was a little confused for a while.

"I wonder what the ambassador is doing this time?"

"Your Majesty, this time I represent the Confederate States of America and want to request a batch of army equipment from your country,"

Federal Ambassador Sundström directly stated his purpose.

Right now, the north and the south have been fighting with real guns and live ammunition on the battlefield, but both sides are limited by the lack of troops and the scale of the war is not large.

The most important purpose of the United States and the Confederate States at this time is to speed up the pace of military expansion.

"Oh? I don't know what kind of equipment your country wants to buy."

Alfonso became interested. What Spain lacked most at this time was money. Selling weapons to the Americans was definitely something that could be done.

"Our army equipment is definitely the best in the world. Your Excellency really picked the right place!"

Habitually touted his own products, and then looked at Sendstrom expectantly.

"What we have brought to your country this time must be a big order. We need a full set of army weapons and ammunition that can accommodate 400,000 people!"

Sendstrom said his purpose, but what he saw was the already dumbfounded Alfonso XII.

"Don't joke, Your Excellency Ambassador, I don't think the equipment of 400,000 people is a small number!"

"You must know that my country has produced a total of about 400,000 people's equipment. The time and money required are absolutely massive."

Alfonso looked at Sunderstrom in shock, and once suspected that he had heard it wrong.

I really don't blame Alfonso for losing his temper. It's really too shocking for the American words.

"That's right, Your Majesty, this is the minimum needed by our Ministry of War to win the war!"

"And our country just wants to get a fair price in your country!"

Sundstrom's words fully confirm the accuracy of this information.

"Please wait a moment, Your Excellency, the price must be the cheapest so far, you can rest assured, but this still needs to be discussed with the Prime Minister of our country and others."

Professional people do professional things. Although Alfonso is the king of Spain, he is actually not good at negotiating. This kind of thing is still left to Canovas and Palacides.


"Although your country can bring us such a large order, we have to remind you that the cost of this must be huge."

Like Alfonso, Canovas also made a rude remark.

Repeatedly asking a buyer if you really buy it or not, at least in any previous negotiation, has never appeared.

"Yes, but to order this batch of equipment from your country, in addition to the price, we also need to fully hire Spanish Army officers to carry out military reforms for us!"

"We need your country to reform the military system for us, train troops, and increase the number of officers directly involved in combat!"

Sendstrom first put forward additional conditions, not only to buy Spanish weapons and equipment, but to directly let the Spaniards form an army for them!

"Your country has a lot of requests, but no problem, we can agree to all of them!"

The three of Alfonso looked at each other in dismay, made a silent note, and directly agreed to Sendstrom's conditions.

If the Confederate countries fully use the Spanish weapons and equipment, at least in a short period of time, this will be one of the important incomes of Spain's finances!

"Our country can even send a local regular division directly to the United States to conduct all-round troop formation for you."

What kind of diplomatic condemnation and opposition, etc., as long as he can get this big order, Alfonso can do it with ease.

"400,000 people is equivalent to 25 regular Spanish divisions. You must know that when the Japanese purchased the equipment of a division from my country, it cost a full 22.5 million."

"Of course it's a premium sale, and the price we give your country can be completely discounted!"

"One division of the 10 million competition tower, rifles, machine guns, cannons, and ammunition are all fully equipped!"

Alfonso looked at Sendstrom in front of him, and tentatively burst out an astronomical figure,

Spain's military expenditure this year is only more than 6 million competition towers, and the cost of equipment for a division is only about 800,000 competition towers.

Even the Japanese know that this price is deceptive, but now only the Spaniards can produce it.

"I think your country can give a more sincere figure, after all, we are not the same as the Japanese!"

"A division of 4 million competition towers, this is the number we expected in our hearts. No matter how high it is, I think we may not be able to afford it."

Sundström stated his conditions, 25 divisions is a full 100 million expenditure, even the British will be moved.

"4 million....too low, this price is completely beyond our I think 8 million is a relatively good number!"

Canovas continued to negotiate, but from Alfonso's point of view, he could see that the hands of his desk were gripping his suit pants.

The status of the three people in Spain is actually similar. Spain in the 19th century can really be said to be poor.

The last Frenchman who came to Spain to buy Castile-class was the same as the Confederate.

"5 million! This is the most sincere price we can give!"

Sendström made another offer, and Alfonso was envious of seeing money as dung.

After hearing this number again, even Canovas did not speak for a long time.

Even if the price is only 4 million, Canovas can't help but want to agree, not to mention the exaggerated 5 million now.

Such a large customer is rare in a century, but in the same way, Spain is now the only seller who has the capital to bargain with this seller.

"7.5 million, the lowest price. Knowing that our country is also fully responsible for your country's military reform, this price is already very affordable!"

Canovas continued to bargain, this is a big business that has never been thought of before, and every offer from the Confederates is an extremely huge benefit.

Just hold on for a while...

As for whether the U.S. Army will pose a threat to Cuba in Spain when it becomes stronger, in the face of huge interests, it seems a little irrelevant at this time.

After the independence of the Confederate States, the United States will always be the biggest enemy. As long as the United States does not perish, they will not have the energy to threaten the Spanish colonies.

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