will let him unlock the third lock, don’t babble.”

“You are awesome, next time I decide to send you to another world.”


Closer to home, we can ignore this guy, that guy… God

The dividing line time, inadvertently, passed quietly.

After Christmas, after the excitement, it is still busy.

But it was ready years agoBraith, who was ready to travel around the world with Gwen, Betty, and others, also fulfilled his promise.

Britain, France, China, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Russia, Austria, etc., they went wherever they could go anyway.

It can be said that this time Brace took the three daughters to travel all over the world.

Brace, Betty, Gwen, and Erin went deep into the primitive monk forest, crossed the Amazon River bravely, and played bungee jumping from the highest point in the world.

For four months, four of them traveled the world, ate delicious food, and learned about cultures. For Brace, there is no place where he can feel out of place.

When a few people arrive in a city, the one who integrates into the city the fastest must be Brees.

That powerful brain and already strong physique can keep him in the best condition at all times.

After traveling around the world, Brace returned to New York with several daughters, and life returned to peace.

Going to work, going to work, going to class.

At this time, Blaise seemed to have evaporated from the world, disappearing under the eyes of the world.

Located in Antarctica: In a palace deep in the ice sheet, the owner here is back here again today.

I saw Blaise wearing a battle uniform and slowly stepping into the Ice Crystal Palace.

When Brace stepped into the palace, the beautiful butler of the palace, Divana, appeared and stood in front of Brace.

Diwana respectfully threw a force at Blaise, and then said, “Welcome back, Master.”

With a smile on Blaise’s face, he said, “This time, right?”

“Everything is normal. There is a special field outside the palace, and outsiders can’t find it here.”

Devana explained respectfully.

Blaise nodded, walked to the king and sat down: “Devana, I think I know some information about the third lock.”

Devana had a surprised look on her face, “Really?”

“The third lock is called the lock of origin.

To open the third lock, you need to awaken the power of the soul, which is extremely good and evil, experience great joy, great sorrow, great life and great death, and then you can awaken the most fundamental power that sleeps in the body.”

When Brace said these words, Diwana also said these words subconsciously.

Blaise looked at Dewana in surprise and asked, “How do you know that you didn’t say this memory was lost?”

Diwana looked at her master in confusion and said, “Diwana doesn’t know either, but when the master said these words, it seemed that Dewana had more memories, like the memory of the third lock.”

Blaise secretly guessed that the part of Diwana’s memory about the third lock was not lost, but that… God had added a lock, and now he said these words, as if he had found the lock key to open it.

Devana said, “Master, I know how to open the third lock.

The power of good and evil in the third chain actually represents the soul in each person.

In fact, everyone’s soul is composed of good thoughts and evil thoughts.

In Chinese Buddhism, there is a three poison, called: greed, hatred and delusion, which is the representative of the soul of evil thoughts. All uncomfortable feelings in the human body are controlled by half of the soul of evil thoughts.

And the soul of good thoughts represents the pleasant feeling of people.

The beginning of that sentence said that you need to awaken the power of the extremely good and evil soul, which means that you must awaken the power of the evil soul.

Extremely good and extreme evil are two extremes, and if you want them to coexist peacefully, you can only awaken the power of the evil soul.”

Blaise was even more confused, he asked “what is the power of the evil soul”

“Here, evil doesn’t mean evil, evil represents freedom, doing what you want, and not being refuted by any rules is evil.”

Diwana’s explanation is not comprehensive, but a very simple and superficial explanation.

But even so, Blaise knew something about it.

“Then what should I do now”

Diwana said, “The master’s soul today is the very good side. If you want to obtain the very evil, you can only fuse with another soul.”

“Fusion of another soul”

Blaise was silent. He still couldn’t explain what was going on with the soul thing. He rashly allowed other souls to enter his body, and the power of the extremely evil soul entered his body. He didn’t dare to. Recklessly.

“Yes, with another soul, but”

Diwana said that there was a pause here, and Brace asked nervously, “But what?”

“But the master doesn’t need to worry, because there are already two souls in the master.

It’s just that another soul is now in a deep sleep, and as long as it is awakened, the evil thoughts that this soul has been suppressing will cause him to become a very evil existence.”

Devana said.

Blaise was stunned, “I have another soul in me”

“Yes, it seems that an adult did this deliberately.

You have two souls, but the other soul is always there: sleeping, for unknown reasons.”

Devana analyzed.

Sleeping Brace can’t figure out, um… why is God doing so many things? It makes me feel like playing a detective game. I have to find all the clues to solve the mystery. It’s just playing people.

“Then what should I do? Wait a minute, Diwana, you’ll finish it all at once, don’t stop.”

Blaise couldn’t stand the excitement, and ordered Diwana to reveal everything he knew.

With a quick guess, Blaise felt like he was about to collapse.


actuallyMaster, the other soul in your body is not considered a deep sleep, because this soul has no memory, it is just a pure soul energy, but it cannot be used by you.

As long as the memory of this soul is restored, he can wake up and become a very evil soul.

As for how to restore the memory, as long as you re-import the memory previously stored in the key back into your brain.

Then your other soul will wake up.

This soul has too many negative emotions, so it can easily become a very evil soul.”

Diwana said what she knew in one breath.

Blaise was taken aback.

Then he ordered Diwana to import the memory that was previously sealed by herself into her body.

Blaise felt that everything had returned to the original point. If he hadn’t sealed another memory of himself, he might have started to unlock the third lock long ago.

It turns out that there really is a situation in the world: before and after consequences.

: To make up the number of words, there was no update yesterday, so I will not quibble.

It’s because I don’t want to be better, because I’m out of inspiration, Calvin is gone, I don’t know 4.

How to open 2 new volumes.

So it took a long time.


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