Repaying With Marriage

Chapter 773 Sweet Extra Couple Variety Show 258

Director He began to ask everyone to assemble, and after the guests arranged themselves, they stood in front of the camera again.

Director He held up a loudspeaker and said: "The results of the female guests' game competition are out. Combined with the performance of the male guests in the horror house, the one who won the first place is..."

The male guests whispered over there: "There is no doubt that it is Wei Simonan. Even though he looks miserable, he has been able to deceive for so long in front of the fairy grandma inside, and he can still pretend to be in front of that Nie Xiaoqian's soul. So similar, his final points are almost the same as Mr. Jing’s, but it should be because of the main line identity bonus and he is wearing Ning Caichen’s clothes, so he must have the highest points.”

Luo Fang and Liu Guochun heard it nearby and nodded thoughtfully, feeling that this was almost the result.

And they all know that Amimi was born as a female idol in Korea. She was originally a dancer. She must have good balance. She can probably get high scores in the female guest game.

Director He's voice paused like he was breathing heavily, and he did not tell the result immediately. He recorded everyone's discussion and expressions at the moment, and then raised his voice to announce the answer: "Jing Jihan and Shi Su!"

All the male guests: "???"

Female guests: (We knew it.)

When Jing Jihan heard this, he turned to look at Shi Su. When he saw Shi Su gently twitching her beautiful eyebrows in his direction, he suddenly smiled and rolled his eyes.

Jing Jihan also moved his eyebrows slightly and silently asked her with his mouth: So hard?

Shi Su winked at him again, meaning she would take him flying this time.

Jing Jihan chuckled.

"Okay, okay, okay, we are still surprised. These two couples have already started pouring dog food silently!" As a single man, He Xulun really couldn't stand the excitement. He shouted at the top of his voice and raised his head again. Both hands failed: "Okay, today's dinner has been decided!"

"Although the sumptuous dinner tonight belongs to Mr. Jing and Shi Su, each of them has the right to invite a guest to sit down. As for whether they can successfully invite sit down to dinner, it depends on the tacit understanding of the two of them. We'll talk about this later in the evening." Director He looked down at his script book as he spoke, and continued to speak louder: "Okay, let's move on to the next link. As we all know, there are often crews entering Waterside Pavilion Tangmingyuan. What are the roles that everyone is currently playing? There are also many scenes taken from here. The male guests have all recovered their memories after the horror house horror incident just now. Next, please find the original identities of the male guests, and then come out to meet your real heroine. Let’s start again. Next round of decryption."

Ai Yiqing asked as if she didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

Shi Su turned around and explained to her: "It means that each group of guests can recover, and there is no need to continue to disrupt the formation like before."

Ai Yiqing said "Oh" without any emotion on her face: "That doesn't make any difference to me. Goulun and I are not real CPs."

"Why are you so disrespectful? I think you and He Xulun are quite good at it." Meng Li teased her with a smile.

"Come on, I get annoyed when I see him. He used to be very naughty when I was in school. That's because we often have film and television appointments. Although we can't often run into him in school, we can always meet him when we are working outside. I met him, and I don’t know why the media arranged for me and him to go together. I didn’t notice the sense of CP myself. I still like the kind who are cold and talkative.” Ai Yiqing wrinkled her nose and said Disgusted face.

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