Repaying With Marriage

Chapter 655 Sweet Extra Couple Variety Show 140

Shi Su looked at her and curled his lips: "So everyone can see it."

Meng Li said "Hey": "How could you not see it? I have seen it a long time ago, and Lin Xu is also speechless. These two people really stink together."

Shi Su Xiaoxiao didn't continue the topic, and Meng Li was naturally a smart person and didn't say any more.

After breakfast was over and everyone went to change clothes to prepare for this morning's recording, Amimi and the others suddenly went to the side mysteriously to talk about something. They each had their mobile phones, and they seemed to be looking at each other's mobile phones while whispering. Screen.

This was what Shi Su saw when she changed her clothes and went downstairs. She asked herself that she had not offended anyone, nor was she isolated or ostracized by the small group of female guests, so she walked over without hesitation and patted Amimi on the shoulder. After a moment, he poked his head in and asked, "What are you doing? Carrying me behind your back?"

Amimi looked back at her and smiled at her, while the others quickly put away their phones.

In particular, Xu Qingqing turned around happily and said to go find Luo Fang. Meng Li looked at each other with Amimi, shrugged and smiled and said nothing more. Fang Lihua looked at Shi Su with a smile and gave her a "don't worry" Thinking eyes.

Of course Shi Su didn't think much about it.

But there must have been something weird about these people just now.

At this time, a staff member came in, clapped his hands, and said, "Just now there was a notification from Director He that the new guests are ready. They are newcomers to both circles, but they are both very popular and have a huge number of fans. The two of them are not The couple, who were just classmates before, came together with a CP, but there was absolutely no personal relationship between the two people, so everyone just treated them as two children, and treated them in a friendly manner for the newcomers. The guests must have some space to enter, otherwise it will be too awkward during the recording.”

Shi Su turned around and gestured OK: "Copy that."

Xu Qingqing didn't go to Luo Fang at all. He walked around and came back. Hearing what the staff said, he said: "We all have very good tempers. As long as we are not arrogant people, we should be able to blend in." You have to come in, everyone in this circle is not exposed to new colleagues every day, everyone has long been used to it."

"Yes." Everyone said almost in unison.

The staff nodded: "Okay, the new guests will be waiting for you at the next stop tomorrow. After today's program is recorded, try to get to the outlying island before dark."

"So fast?" Hao Jin said as he walked over in a sports coat: "I thought I could record for two more days on this island."

"After all, the equipment on the island is not perfect, so I will record one session for the time being. If you are ready later, you can look for other islands or scenic spots. Currently, the next stop is the National Forest Park and some professional horse racing areas."

"Horse riding?"

"Yes, there will be a horse riding session."

"Okay, just don't do those purely tourist-style things like tour groups. At least let everyone have fun, otherwise it would be too boring to record like this." Hao Jin waved his hand, looked down at his phone, and suddenly raised his head in surprise. He raised his eyes and looked at Meng Li.

Meng Li whispered: "Yes, I just used your phone to post on Weibo."

"What are you posting? Why are there so many messages all of a sudden?" Hao Jin murmured in a low voice while sliding the screen of his phone away. After a quick glance, he raised his eyebrows and said no more.

Shi Su suddenly realized something and quickly picked up his phone and opened it.

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