Repaying With Marriage

Chapter 273: Shi Mianmian Suddenly in Kindergarten...

Chapter 273: Shi Mianmian Suddenly in Kindergarten...

Early the next morning, Shi Su was about to drive to the set.

Although it snowed yesterday, after one night, the snow on the ground has disappeared, but the weather is much colder than the previous few days.

When she went out today, she specially wore a down jacket. The flu was finally cured, and she was afraid that she would catch a cold again.

Her car was not parked in the underground parking lot. Miss Jun's car was sent for maintenance two days ago. After driving her car for a few days, she parked it in the parking lot outside the gate of the Kaixing mansion complex when she returned.

Just as Shi Su walked over, she suddenly saw Wen Ke in black leather jacket and pants standing beside her car, as if waiting for her.

"When did you come? Why didn't you call?"

While talking, Shi Su glanced at the side again, but didn't see their police car beside him, so he couldn't help but looked at the clothes on Wen Ke's body in surprise.

"Today is a working day, don't you need to go to the police station?"

"Last month, I solved two important cases in the bureau. The leader asked me what reward I wanted. It happened that I didn't want anything. I wanted a week's vacation." Wen Ke's tone was light, as if she, a workaholic from the criminal investigation department, suddenly Taking leave of absence is a very common thing.

Where is this normal? It's an anecdote that Wen Ke asked for leave!

"So the few days you asked for leave...?"

Wen Ke turned sideways by the car door on the side of her driver's seat, and it seemed that she had no intention of getting out of the way. Shi Su saw her intention and threw the car keys to her without further questioning.

"I'll be your bodyguard and driver for free for a few days, just remember to include three meals." She opened the car door.

Wen Ke's height of 172 plus Martin boots makes her look almost 175. She is tall and thin and dressed in black standing by her car door. No matter how she looks, she looks so handsome, just like those years when she made friends in the United States. , Wen Ke is always so indifferent and sharp.

But the indifference is superficial, only Shi Su knows what kind of person Wen Ke is.

The female elite in the criminal investigation field, the cold and hard-to-reach FBI goddess, was also in a mess because she fell in love with the man ten years older than her.

That man is Qin Zhifeng, a well-known professor in the world of criminal investigation. Behind him is a huge police investigation force that spreads all over the world.

When Wen Ke was eleven years old, she managed to survive a vicious vendetta bombing in the United States. She was such a young girl, but she was able to walk out of the continuous fire holding the unrecognizable corpses of her parents. Qin Zhifeng, who was rushed to the scene, rescued her and adopted her.

That man was her adoptive father in name, her mentor in life, and her belief in the following ten years of life.

He can teach her everything and give her everything, but he does not allow her to like him.

Doesn't Wen Ke have moments of vulnerability?


Back then, Qin Zhifeng rejected her affection, rejected her love, scolded her sharply, and finally couldn't bear to drive her out of the residence where they lived together for ten years.

That night, there was a blizzard in Washington that was rare in ten years. Wen Ke stood in front of his house and waited all night, but he couldn't wait for Qin Zhifeng to come out.

She was frostbitten, unconscious and sent to the hospital. It took three days for her to recover, but Qin Zhifeng transferred the house under her name to her. He temporarily left the United States to handle the case and did not return for half a year. seen her.

Later, Shi Su was busy with life and running around, so he had no time to care about what the extremely cold-blooded man did.

Later, more than two years ago, when Shi Su returned to the country, although he had not broken contact with Wen Ke, he didn't know how Qin Zhifeng and her later developed.

Until Wen Ke came to Jiangshi.

But in the past few months, Shi Su has never heard Qin Zhifeng's name from her mouth.

"What are you doing standing there? Don't get in the car?" Wen Ke got into the car and started the engine, then turned to glance at her.

Shi Su quickly walked around the car, opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.

"Location." Wen Ke said.

Shi Su took out her phone, searched the navigation for the places the crew asked her to go today, and then put the phone in front of her to show her the navigation.

When the car drove onto the road, Wen Ke remained silent.

Shi Su doesn't need to drive, but he slept pretty well last night, and he's not sleepy now, and he has nothing to do, so he looked at her in a blink of an eye, "You can't ask for leave suddenly, why on earth did you come here on purpose to be my bodyguard for a few days ?”

Wen Ke first glanced at the navigation on the phone, then retracted his gaze, looked ahead, and said while driving, "Mr. Jing asked me to follow you for the next few days to protect your safety."


Jing Jihan was probably the only one who could command Wen Ke.

I don't know how good he was when he was in the United States before, so that Wen Ke could be so convinced.

"Are you afraid that I will encounter extreme black fans when I go out? The company and the studio have already arranged bodyguards for me."

"Those bodyguards usually just wait for you in the car to film, or protect you on the set. They can't come back with you, and they can't stay by your side all the time. Mr. Jing's sudden arrangement must have his reason, just right I haven't been busy recently, and the leader has indeed rewarded me with vacations."

"Then your reward is too worthless. You have to be my bodyguard and driver for a good vacation. What kind of meals do I have to treat you to repay?" Shi Su couldn't help laughing.

"It's easy to say, just let me rub my soft little face more."

Shi Su had a serious expression on his face as if he had pondered for a long time, and then raised his eyebrows: "Okay, then I'll sell my daughter for glory once, and when you see her later, you can rub it whatever you want."

Shi Mianmian, who was far away in the kindergarten, suddenly sneezed loudly, blowing away the shredded paper in front of the child who was naughty and quietly tearing the tissue paper into pieces as snowflakes, the childish "Wow——" He cried out immediately.


As soon as he arrived at the set, the RV arranged by the film crew for Shi Su had arrived early, and it was parked at the entrance of a shopping mall in front.

Today I came to this newly opened shopping mall to shoot a few scenes, and some cordons have been blocked around it, but now because the above requirements do not allow the crew to be too authoritarian and domineering to block any place, so it is inevitable that some safe passages and gaps will be left Give others a chance to walk in.

Shi Su was used to driving to the set by himself, instead of Miss Jun and Chu Jiu picking him up.

As soon as the car stopped nearby, Wen Ke got out of the car first, and suddenly looked at the two people who came in from the gap in the warning line without the crew work badges. The black sweaters and hats in the coats of the two men were wrapped around their heads. With a furtive expression, he glanced in the direction of the RV where Shi Su parked.

Wen Ke only glanced at the two of them indifferently, and when he heard the sound of Shi Su getting out of the car and closing the door, he walked over and pulled Shi Su to the other side of his body calmly, and said, "Go to the RV to put on makeup? You first Go in, I'll wait for you outside."

"It's so cold outside, don't you get in the car?" Shi Su said while noticing her extraordinarily cold expression at the moment, subconsciously turning his head to look in that direction.

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