Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1136: Long time no see, boss

"Then how did Gu Yiqiu and I separate?" He suddenly wanted to learn more about his past with Gu Yiqiu.

"When you were separated, you were already in elementary school." Fang Zicheng flipped through the album and found that there were no pictures of Gu Yiqiu behind, so he closed the album.

"Tell me, how did we separate." Fang Zikai urged his brother impatiently.

Fang Zicheng glanced at him lightly, dismissing him as anxious. Fang Zikai put away the impatient expression on his face, and said kindly, "Brother, tell me about it."

Fang Zicheng's expression looked better, and then he said, "Gu Yiqiu's mother is not in good health, and she wants to go abroad for treatment. She was too young at the time, so she went abroad with her parents."

"I remember that for a long time after she left, you were very unhappy. When she first went abroad, you would call and chat every day. There is a time difference between the two countries. Sometimes you set an alarm clock to call her in the middle of the night. , Chat with her."

During that time, their relationship was really good.

Fang Zicheng still remembers an interesting event. "I still remember that once you fought a fight at school and lost. After coming back, I called Gu Yiqiu at night and told her that I was wronged. I cried while talking."

Fang Zikai: "..."

He wanted to cover his face.

Is that useless person really him?

"Then why are we not in contact again?" Fang Zikai thought he would break contact with Gu Yiqiu because something happened to Gu Yiqiu. For example, if you move house, you change your phone number.

Hearing his brother's voice, Fang Zicheng shook his head. He said, "You have been separated for too long. You gradually got used to being without Gu Yiqiu's company, and you made new friends. Naturally, Gu Yiqiu was indifferent. Later, you stopped contacting. "

Every friendship is like this.

Enthusiastic when getting along, nostalgic when separated, over time, accustomed to it, then gradually forgotten. Then you will make new friends, those new people will always replace the status of old friends in your heart.

Fang Zikai is like that.

But Gu Yiqiu is different from Fang Zikai.

Flying abroad, with language barriers, different skin colors, and an arrogant personality, Gu Yiqiu has no friends, she is isolated. At that time, Fang Zikai, who had had the best relationship with her, would be treasured by her in her heart.

When she was bullied, sad, and missed her homeland, she would turn out the memories related to Fang Zikai, take a look, and hide it carefully.

Fang Zikai could easily forget this period of friendship, but Gu Yiqiu was obsessed with Fang Zikai.

Although I don't remember those past events, Fang Zikai still feels a little uncomfortable when he hears Fang Zicheng say this. It turns out that he was so fond of the new and forgetting the old at that time?

In the end, I still made the mistake first.

Before that, Fang Zikai also complained of Gu Yiqiu's strong personality and shamelessness. At this moment, he blamed himself.

"By the way, do you still keep your old cellphone? You and her both have cellphones. You can look through your old cellphone, and you will definitely find some clues." Fang Zicheng didn't like seeing his brother silent.

Fang Zikai still smiled beautifully, the more arrogant he smiled, the more pleasing to the eye.

After listening to Fang Zicheng's suggestion, Fang Zikai ran back to his room, rummaged in the room for ten minutes, and finally found two or three old mobile phones in a small box.

Fang Zikai has a poor memory, and his password is the same for every mobile phone. Fang Zikai charged one of the old black phones, turned on the phone, and slowly flipped through the records.

This mobile phone was the one he used when he was just entering elementary school. It has few functions. You can WeChat, take pictures, send text messages, and make calls. But I can’t play the game.

After turning on the phone, Fang Zikai went directly to the photo album.

What shocked Fang Zikai was that 80% of the photos in the album on this phone were related to a girl. There have been some changes between the girls in the album and Lisa's appearance in that album. The girls have grown taller and thinner.

In every photo, the girl's expression was cool. She looked at the camera, and although she looked impatient, she still cooperated with Fang Zikai's request and performed what he wanted.

Ah, long time no see, Gu Yiqiu.

At night, Fang Zikai did not stay at home for dinner, so he ran to find Gu Yiqiu by himself.

He couldn't wait to see her, he just wanted to say sorry to her.

Fang Zikai knew where Major General Gu's home was. Major General Gu and Gu Yiqiu lived in their old house, which was a two-story bungalow with a small courtyard at the door.

Their home is not in the military compound, but in the suburbs.

When he was young, Fang Zikai often went to Gu Yiqiu's house to play.

He rode his bicycle to find Gu Yiqiu, and arrived at the door of Gu Yiqiu's house. Fang Zikai was jealous of that Major General Gu, standing at the door, hesitating. If you rang the doorbell and it was Major General Gu who came to open the door, wouldn't it be that the sheep fell into the mouth of a tiger and took the initiative to send him to the door for a beg?

After secretly eating in his heart, Fang Zikai rang the doorbell in a puff.

Fortunately, it was Gu Yiqiu's nanny who opened the door.

"Who are you looking for?" The babysitter's Mandarin is not good, with a foreign accent and a strong accent.

Fang Zikai distinguished it carefully before he could hear her clearly.

"Is Gu Yiqiu here? I'm her classmate."

"Miss is not at home." said the babysitter. "At this time, the lady should still be on the training ground."

After asking about the location of the training ground, Fang Zikai pedaled his bicycle to find her again.

The training ground is one mile away, is an open grass playground. Equipment and equipment for military training can be seen everywhere on the playground. This should be Major General Gu’s private training ground.

The training ground was circled by iron nets on all sides. Fang Zikai stood outside the iron net and looked at the people on the training ground.

There are night lights on the training ground. Under the lights, Gu Yiqiu is wearing a black vest, army green camouflage trousers, and combat boots, doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Few girls can do this project, but Gu Yiqiu is so awesome, watching her thin and doing pull-ups, one after another, without panting.

Fang Zikai looked at her blankly. When she was wearing her clothes, she looked very thin, but when she was wearing a vest, her arms had muscles.

Fang Zikai stood quietly watching Gu Yiqiu's training. He counted, and Gu Yiqiu actually did two hundred pull-ups in one go.

He was so shocked that he lost his words.

After so many years, his boss is still his boss.

After doing the pull-ups, Gu Yiqiu jumped off the horizontal bar. She thumped her leg and rested on the spot for a while before picking up the leg weight belt and backpack on the ground and tying it to herself.

Going to run with weights?

"Gu Yiqiu!"

Fang Zikai had to take the initiative to speak out, attracting Gu Yiqiu's attention.

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