Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 391 Strange Story

Lin Ming has experience in dealing with this aura shielding device.

As early as the battle in the Qing city, he directly completely countermeasures this human proud of things, and even thoroughly set it to the ground.

At that time, whether it was a soldier, an extraordinary person, or the strange beasts they became, was all in that battle, so Lin Ming was completely killed.

However, to be honest, Lin Ming did cause considerable trouble for Lin Ming at the beginning.

Regarding this, Lin Ming still admits it.

This is true.

That stuff can even ignore the level of level, and it is completely weak to all the mutant creatures within a certain range and things with aura.

Ignore any rules and ignore any abilities.

unbelievable? unbelievable!

To be honest, the sudden came out was that it was invented by the bald Dr. Beifu, the cadre of the destiny, and Lin Ming actually had many questions.

After all, this stuff is almost almost the power of the end of the era of the entire aura.

Since humans can develop this thing, they should also have more dominant things.

However, it has been a long time since the invention of this stuff.

They have no progress in the same way.

Moreover, he couldn't even spread the whole blue star, so that his extremely dangerous mutant creature was still at ease.

Today, the parcel in front of the wrapped in a large area of ​​aura shielding device is just like the past, blocking everything in a certain range, and even a considerable weapon in it, which made Lin Ming at all cannot at all. Anything that is peeking.

In fact, Lin Ming also has a trick. That is to intervene from underground.

The maximum limited scope of this stuff, in fact, does not have a conclusion, it can be a few square meters, or it may be hundreds of square kilometers.

But his height and depth, Lin Ming actually has certain concepts.

When the poisonous ocean was sniped by the fake Fang Pingchuan in the style of a magazine, the depth of those aura shielded devices reached the degree of 3,500 meters!

This also means that the biggest impact of these things, that is, this depth.

However, the aura shielding device in front of him is the same as the kind of in the city in Qingcheng. It is about one kilometer depth. It is still like the aura shielding device missile from Fang Pingchuan, which is now counterfeit, has three thousand. What about the depth of five hundred meters?

Lin Ming didn't care much about which one.

It is one kilometer, 3,500 meters.


The average depth of the crust seems to be more than thirty kilometers?

One -tenth of the distance is a hair.

Lin Ming is very confident in his bamboo roots. After all, this stuff is simply an indestructible big killer.

Its basic hardness, and even the diamond should fight, right?

Even if it is really not so solid, use your own ability to "create new life", you can easily break the soil and rocks with this brute force, and even collapse a whole mountain range!

Think of this.

Lin Ming's bamboo root has been deeply picked into this soil.

He knew that the stuff of the aura shielding device could not be dealt with directly.

But if it is "pushed" directly from the depths of the ground, it is easy.

In fact, the ability of white mouse snow teeth can also be used directly.

However, the ability of Xueya is to use the weaker mutant creatures to perform various activities, but don't say that mutant creatures are here, there is no living creature at any, otherwise, snow teeth can be like it will be as if they are being will be going to When Xiahu City attacked all this, all the aura of this place was completely killed!


Just when Lin Ming successfully made one piece of one piece of nearly ten kilometers, it was obvious that the soil with aura shielding device was about to be lifted, and he suddenly felt that it was not wonderful to do this.

He perceived that there are more aura shielding devices in it!

And in the soil that lift up, it seems that there are more aura shielding devices ...

Lin Ming watched the dense stuff inlaid on the soil in the six or seven meters of underground six or seven meters that could be discovered with the naked eye, and immediately felt that he seemed to be doing something with what he had imagined before.

What is the situation? These aura shielding device buried in the depth of five or sixty meters underground, there are still many in it?

Isn't it just paved everything in it?

Can't you go directly?

Lin Ming also tells the truth that some of them can be understood.

Why is it a bit weird here ...

Fully let go of the long and long area of ​​land, Lin Ming felt that he had to use another method.

He looked at the subordinates.

The aura shielding device does really have the ability to invalidate the ability of mutant creatures.

There is no doubt.

But it is not impossible to get rid of them.

Once the land was raised to the height of 60 meters, Lin Ming issued an order!

"All subordinates, use your teeth and claws, remove these obstructive things!"

This method can be described as stupid.

But it is also the smallest to this area.

Lin Ming feels that since there is really a secret in it, the difficulty of completely destroying it is definitely more difficult than the completely reserved.

However, Lin Ming found that he seemed wrong again.

When he saw that his subordinates used brute force to constantly hit those aura shielding devices, their aura attacks were also instantly solved when they came into contact with those aura shields. disappear!


The crackling sound sounded with the sound of constant electronic explosions, and the aura shielded device began to be destroyed.

Lin Ming quickly discovered that after the subordinates worked hard, they had been in the circle, and they were less than half kilometers apart. The circle inside was in the middle.

Sure enough, it is a ring.

How is this similar to the aura shielding device in Shangjing City?

However, this area is much smaller than going to Beijing.

According to his perception, the general area of ​​this area should be nearly 70 kilometers in length, although not large, but it is not too small.

Among the vast area, Lin Ming is unclear how many aura shielding devices.

But he can be sure that there should be something very important in this, and it will be protected by so many aura shielding devices.

Moreover, this filled with thick smoke is really weird.

Artificially? impossible.

This thing is more like a fog barrier that he will make, thick and no scientific reason at all.

After all, at noon, such a strong mist rises in the plains, it is really not over, right?

And with the destruction of the aura shield, the dense fog was also recessed inside.


What scientific principles? Ah no, what kind of ghost?

Lin Mingxin said strange that his bamboo roots extended in that direction, but the moment he encountered the aura shielding device, he became a normal plant root system and pulled it down directly.

This thing is really evil.

Why is it so powerful?

Lao Tzu's fifth -order magic emperor, is it so faceless?


He also knew that the birth of this stuff may be evil.

After all, you can rely on this stuff, and human beings can completely turn the entire era of rejuvenation into an era of no aura -as long as they think.

One day in the future may really be like this, but at present, the human side does not mean this.

Because they are still busy with the inside.

Such a powerful thing may be unusual at all, and maybe it may not be that the bald Dr. Beifu came out at all.

At this moment.

The subordinates are still fighting.

However, under the command of Lin Ming, they are at this moment that they have just made the gap, and they keep removing those aura shielding devices in it.

And, the speed is extremely fast!

In fact, it is indeed the reason why the subordinates were originally the kind of mutant creature with great strength, but Lin Ming also noticed that this aura shielding device is not what they imagine. The ring set is endless.

It seems that it is not uniform, and it is more sparse.

Moreover, with the destruction of the aura shielding device, the fog of that group also gradually dissipated from the meant to retreat.

The scenery inside was slowly displayed.

Lin Ming found that there is really a large lake in it!

Moreover, there are more small lakes and ponds near the lake.

This is……

Lin Ming's bamboo roots also joined the actions of their subordinates.

After using a strong impact to keep the aura shielding device from being destroyed from a distance, everything here is continuing to be perceived by Lin Ming.

And he also found an unexpected thing.

After destroying a large number of aura shielding devices near a small lake near the outermost layer, the "ring" of the entire aura shielding device was completely broken!

what's the situation?

Lin Ming was surprised.

He thought that the depths of the ground, the closer to the central area, the most aura shielding device was the most.

After all, if the aura shielding device does not turn it into a complete ring, it will lose the control and shielding of everything in the wide area area.

Now, unless the subordinates take these remaining aura shields in their hands, they swallow into their stomachs. Otherwise, these things are no different from waste!

And this is actually the biggest weakness of the aura shielding device -it is too fragile, and the application is limited!

There is a heavenly girl scattered flower like the poisonous ocean. There is really no trick to crack in that kind of thing. It can only be eliminated by all the aura shielding devices one by one, otherwise, it will be subdued in turn.


The ring of this aura shielding device was instantly broken, and Lin Ming immediately felt the vision in this vast area!

"What is the bug nest ..."

Lin Ming couldn't help sighing.

In his mind, there is one or several variants with one or more small -scale or higher levels in each small lake. In your place, the aura is extremely strong!

There are even two levels of levels, reaching the fourth -level armor monster!

Moreover, these two strange worms, black and white, that like black strange worms, the armor on it looks quite weird.

This weird parasitic mutant creature is nearly two hundred meters long, and it is almost three meters of thickness.

On the whole body, Lin Ming can perceive that it is built by a aura.

The white hard shell armor covers the whole body almost.

It has a sharp edges on the top and has a large number of sharp sharp corners like spikes.

Its head is as if being covered by a stronger helmet, and the spike is even worse.

The two red light sent from the head. There is no doubt that this is the eyes of this black armor giant.

Moreover, Lin Ming noticed that the red light, when it was projected on the lake, stirred a thick white mist in the lake!

Thick white mist?

This is how this stuff is born ...

Lin Ming finally knew where the mist came from.

However, why don't these fogs permeate the areas covered by the original aura shielding device?

He looked at the parasite of the other white armor again.

The white armor's parasite, the layer of hard shell on the body is much smoother than the black head, and even given Lin Ming, this product is like wearing a semi -ball -shaped thing.

However, this layer is wonderful from time to time from countless semi -circular armor, but there are some rainbow -like colors that flashes from time to time.

What the hell is this?

Is it a jumping suit with the black armor next to it?

And, not only that.

Lin Ming also found that those fog will float near the armor of the armor, and through it, it will be scattered in all directions, but there will always be partly wrapped around it.

The mist also became more filled with this product.

emmm ... more and more fascinated.

Lin Ming feels that these guys are fine.

Since it is a mutant creature, it doesn't matter.

What he wants is to kill all these mutant parasites, and of course, including this black and white two weird things.

"Master, are we going to fight immediately?!" At this moment, the subordinates also saw the countless mutant parasites in the lake, and they could not completely suppress the impulse to fight.

Lin Ming did not issue a new order immediately.

He felt that this black and white giant parasite monster was a little weird.

It is more than ten kilometers away from himself, and it has been clearly seen that he and his subordinates are also clearly seen. This group of parasites, or these two big guys.

There was no attack.

What are they waiting for?

It is absolutely impossible to see him and his subordinates.

After all, he and his subordinates destroyed the movement of the outer layer's circle of aura shielding device, but they were not playing.


Lin Ming suddenly felt that there were two strange spiritual words in consciousness!

He was surprised to watch the black armor giant on the left, and couldn't believe it, the other party was communicating with him!

The spiritual language of the white armor giant again, at this time, also appeared in his consciousness!

Lin Ming looked at them.

It is found that at the top of their tail, one black and one white and two light balls are becoming larger at a very fast speed!

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