Then everyone began to climb towards the hill.

At the forefront, Li Shengnan ordered the members of the Dragon Shield Bureau to hold scanners and constantly detect supernatural energy.

As soon as a zombie appears, the scanner can detect it immediately.

About twenty minutes later.

The crowd came to the mountainside.



A sharp roar came from not far away.

At the same time, the scanner burst out a blinding red glow.

“There are zombies!” Zhang Hu drank lightly, and his expression became vigilant.

Just after he finished speaking, a zombie with black hair, a hideous face, and a rotten aura appeared in everyone’s sight.

His body exudes a cold aura!

This is a second-level black zombie!

After seeing the black zombie appear, everyone was shocked.

“Second-order black zombie, see how I kill you!”

Zhan Wushuang shouted, and a terrifying qi and blood power erupted from his body, and he killed towards the black zombie.

He is going to tear this black zombie in half!

After seeing Zhan Wushuang killing, the black zombie roared again, and he exuded black qi all over his body, revealing a tyrannical aura.

Suddenly, without the slightest hesitation, he directly turned around! Escape towards the secret forest in the rear!

After seeing this scene, everyone was a little confused.

Run away before you hit?

This black zombie is also too timid, right?

Originally, they thought that the black zombie would rush up directly.

But did not expect that he didn’t even fight, just a face and ran away?

Such a black stiffness, they still encountered it for the first time.

Just now, this black zombie sensed a huge amount of qi and blood nearby, and he was attracted to it.

But after seeing Li Shengnan and the others, he instinctively felt the danger, so he turned around and fled.

Although the second-level black zombies did not produce spiritual intelligence, they had the instinct to avoid danger.

After Zhan Wushuang saw the black zombie fleeing, his expression was stunned, and then he was a little angry.

He was ready to tear the black zombie, and the other party fled?

This is too faceless for him.

Just as he was about to chase after him.

“Wait!” Li Shengnan said softly, and a fine light flashed in her eyes.

“Maybe you can use this black zombie to help us find the location of the ancient tomb.”

“If my guess is correct, this black zombie probably ran out of the ancient tomb.”

“Go! Follow this black zombie! See where it’s going to escape? ”

“Once this low-level zombie encounters danger, it will instinctively flee to the place it thinks is safest.”

“The safest place for it is the ancient tomb!”

Li Shengnan calmly analyzed.

After hearing Li Shengnan’s words, everyone’s eyes lit up.

“This woman really has two brushes, no wonder she can sit in the position of director of the Dragon Shield Bureau.” Su Cheng looked at Li Shengnan and said with some surprise.

Li Shengnan is not only good-looking, but also a powerful person!

Immediately afterwards, at Li Shengnan’s suggestion, everyone conveniently chased after this black zombie.

About ten minutes later.

They followed the black zombie to an ancient tomb.

At the very front of this ancient tomb, there were more than a dozen second-level black zombies!!!

They are like the guards of the ancient tomb, swearing to protect the integrity of the ancient tomb.

And the black zombie that escaped just now, after escaping back to the zombie team, it grinned and let out a sharp roar, as if to say: Let you chase me again, I found the organization!

I’m home!

At this time, its appearance looks a little arrogant.

It’s like a husky that has been defeated outside, suddenly seeing its owner and shouting madly.

In particular, the direction of its clamor is specifically towards Zhan Wushuang.

Zhan Wushuang’s face suddenly darkened.

What’s the point, he was provoked by a second-level black zombie?

“This is it!” Li Shengnan said.

At the same time, her face became a little solemn, just outside the ancient tomb, there are more than a dozen second-level black zombies guarding, and the number of zombies in the ancient tomb must be more, and the strength will be stronger!

At this moment, Zhan Wushuang looked at the black zombie shouting on the opposite side, and his face became darker and darker.


Can’t help it!

Uncle can endure! Aunt can’t bear it!

Zhan Wushuang roared angrily, and he directly killed towards the black zombie that had just escaped.

This black zombie is simply too arrogant, he can’t see it.

Almost at the same time, Wang Dang, the sword was ruthless, and the three of Zhan Feifei also killed towards these dozen black zombies.

Wang Dang took out a large handful of yellow talismans and threw them at the black zombie, instantly blowing up three or four zombies.

The sword ruthlessly drew the long sword behind his back, cast a sharp sword technique, and cut off the black stiff head.

And Zhan Feifei took a smart step under his feet and knocked the zombie away with one palm.

As for Su Cheng, before he could make a move, these dozen zombies had already been dealt with.

These zombies are all low-level second-level black zombies, and Zhan Feifei and the others are all early fourth-level evolutionaries.

With their shots, these second-level zombies are naturally destroyed in minutes.

After killing these zombies, everyone came to the ancient tomb.

A burglar hole appeared in their line of sight.

“Presumably, this robbery hole was made by those tomb robbers before, and you can enter the tomb by following this robbery hole.” Li Shengnan said

“Zhang Hu, you led the members of the Dragon Shield Bureau to guard outside, ready to receive us.”

“Let’s go down to the ancient tomb and clean up the zombies.” Li Shengnan ordered Zhang Hu next to him.

“Okay!” Zhang Hu said respectfully.

So Li Shengnan, Su Cheng and others jumped directly off the robbery hole.

After entering the tomb, they originally thought that the ancient tomb was dark, but they did not expect that on both sides of the tomb, mermaid lamps were placed, illuminating the inside of the tomb very brightly.

In front of them, a quaint bluestone giant gate appeared.

“It is estimated that those black zombies just now are here to guard the tomb.”

“The tomb thieves opened the burial hole, and they escaped from the burial chamber along the robbery hole.”

“Since we have all arrived, let’s directly open the bluestone door and enter the main tomb to kill all the zombies.”

Li Shengnan asked for everyone’s opinion.


Everyone nodded and did not refuse.

Just this bluestone giant door, how to open it?


Everyone turned their attention to Zhan Wushuang.

Zhan Wushuang is a lineage disciple of the Hundred Beast Sect, and his strength is infinite.

Therefore, they pinned their hopes on Zhan Wushuang.

As for Su Cheng, they also considered it, but although Su Cheng was a horizontal martial artist, in their opinion, his strength was still not comparable to the Hundred Beast Gate’s Zhan Wushuang.

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