Red Soviet Union

Chapter 705: Moscow Airshow

"Soviet people, this is a demonstration against us!" As the film began to play on one side of the Berlin Wall, the reaction of the NATO group was overwhelming.

In the High Command of the Allied Forces in Europe, there was a curse.

"The Soviets must be using special effects. We absolutely don't believe that the Soviet planes can make that kind of maneuvering!" Güntrall, the former West Germany's most famous air force commander, was once an ace pilot in World War II, Nearly 300 planes were shot down in the war! Historically, he left the military in 75 years, but now, because of tensions in Europe, he has rejoined the Air Force and served as a military attache to NATO.

As an experienced pilot, a veteran on the battlefield, of course he knows that he can have such maneuvers in air combat, that is, to slow down his own fighter, and then let the opponent rush past, he can counter He was biting his tail, but it was definitely not like what he saw in the movie, the other party actually pulled out an incredible action with an angle of attack exceeding 90 degrees!

This kind of show-off maneuver, it's okay to fool the ordinary audience, he is an authority in the aviation world, in that case, the plane would have stalled and crashed long ago!

Must be a stunt in the studio! The Soviets are really disgusting!

Now, the main feature of the movie has not been finished, it is just a trailer, but this movie has spread all over the free world! In addition to the Soviet release on the Berlin Wall, now, in various cinemas, the movie tickets for this movie have been sold out. Those **** businessmen don't care about the interests of the country at all, they just want to make money for themselves!

"I think we should also shoot a similar movie to promote our air force." The representative of the United States said: "As for advanced fighters, our Western world's are not bad. Our f15 and f16 are the most advanced. Fighter."

It's a pity, who would have thought that the Soviets would be so shameless and use movies to undermine the confidence of the Western world! Moreover, even if the United States shoots a movie, the effect will not be as good as that of the Soviet Union, because the footage shot by the Soviet Union includes American f15 fighter jets, but when the United States is shooting, it cannot find the Soviet Su-27 as a foil!

"Everyone, be quiet." At this moment, the NATO Secretary General appeared, and he said to a group of military attachés who were arguing: "This is another challenge from the Soviets! Moscow announced that in half a month, That is, when the film was officially released, an air show was held in Moscow! He also invited our NATO group to visit!"


Since the Wright brothers completed manned powered flight for the first time at the beginning of this century and opened a new page in the history of human aviation, flying into the sky has become a desirable activity. Two years later, in some industrial countries, it began to appear. Some mass flying events. This kind of aviation gathering organized by aviation enthusiasts without any commercial color is the prototype of modern international air show.

Only seven years later, the world's first systematically organized national air show: the Paris Air Show was launched in France. Gallic chickens are very business-minded, using the static display of aircraft for the purpose of preserving aviation heritage to create business opportunities. After World War II, the Paris Air Show went further beyond national borders and developed into an international event.

Since then, the Paris Air Show has become the largest aerospace technology exchange and trade fair recognized in the world. Advanced fighter aircraft, passenger aircraft, etc. of various countries will be air shows or static displays here to show the leading position of each country. Achievements, publicity, eager to get more orders.

After that, the British did not want to be left behind, and also held the Farnborough Air Show. Unfortunately, they can only play the role of the second child of the millennium, and have been unable to shake the status of the Paris Air Show.

As for Moscow, there has never been an air show, and Moscow is disdainful of adopting this Western approach.

Unlike the West, the overall scientific and technological strength of the Warsaw Pact countries is very weak. Therefore, the function of the Warsaw Pact countries is to spend funds to order Soviet fighter jets. Other than that, there is no choice. The Soviet Union does not have to sell its own fighter jets. Just export to other countries.

In later generations, it was almost always until the Ge map period that Soviet fighter planes began to appear frequently at Western air shows, and the results were a blockbuster.

As for the Moscow Air Show, it was after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the independence of Russia. The main purpose of Russia's air show was to sell arms.

And now, when the confrontation in the Cold War was the most intense and the Soviets were aggressive, the air show they held, of course, also had a deep meaning, and I am afraid they still put pressure on the Western world!

snort! In the face of the provocation of the Soviets, how could the free world in the West not accept it!

When I learned that the Soviets held an air show and invited the Western world to visit, the Western world was ready to move.

Just send someone to visit? How about that! By convention the air show is not only to show the country's aerospace achievements, other countries also have the right to show their own achievements!

"Send our Tornado!" said the British representative. "This is our most advanced variable-sweep wing fighter!"

The Tornado fighter is the product of the European Union. The United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy jointly established the Panavia Aircraft Company to produce a fighter aircraft suitable for Europe. However, this multi-country cooperation model is destined to be a kind of The product of mutual compromise, the first fighter-bomber was produced, and then the United Kingdom developed an air defense interceptor on the basis of this fighter.

Although compared with American fighter jets, it seems to be lagging behind, but after all, this is the crystallization of the most advanced industry in Europe, especially the anti-aircraft interceptor type, which was just completed in 1981. After joining the British Air Force, it took on interception. Soviet bomber mission.

It is just right to take this kind of aircraft and let the Soviets know that Europe is not weak and bullying. If the Soviets want to start a war, they will have to pay the price in blood!

It can be said that the Soviets have been pressing step by step recently, and they have driven the Europeans to the brink of going crazy. They must show the Soviets some great looks! This Moscow Air Show is a stage for mutual competition!

"No, so far, the Soviets don't know the various parameters of our Tornado fighters. If we go to Moscow, there is a possibility that the secrets of our fighters will be cracked by the Soviets. We should send the known fighters over. At the same time, this The performance of this kind of fighter should also surpass that of the Soviet fighter." The representative of the United States said: "We, the United States, can send a new model that is not a new model! The performance is enough to suppress the Soviet fighter!" (To be continued.)

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