Red Soviet Union

Chapter 637: It's a misfire

At the peak of the Cold War confrontation, both sides had a large number of nuclear bombs. Once the two sides fired nuclear bombs at each other due to some misjudgment, this is obviously a situation that no one wants to see. In order to communicate information between the two sides and avoid the risk of nuclear war at the last minute, the high-level officials of the United States and the Soviet Union created a hotline.

The original hotline was only a simplex confidential telegram, but now it has developed into a two-way telephone line, which can communicate in real time through satellite transit.

But now, after connecting to the summit hotline, Reagan is still reluctant. After all, whoever picks up the summit hotline first indicates who has the upper hand, at least in Reagan's mind.

The radio waves crossed the ocean and reached Moscow on the other side. Inside the Kremlin, the ruler of the Red Empire also picked up the phone: "Hello, hello, I'm Andropov."

"Hello, I'm President Reagan." Reagan said, "I heard that Turkey shot a Su-24 bomber by mistake. I think there must be a misunderstanding. I hope you can exercise restraint and let us achieve success in a peaceful way. resolve this crisis."

Reagan called this attack a mistake, and there must be a misunderstanding. Hearing this, Andropov on the opposite side carried an inviolable majesty: "Is that so? Is this what you mean? It can represent Is it official in Turkey?"

"Of course it is." Reagan said: "On behalf of NATO, we will definitely handle this misfire incident correctly. I don't want to see this incident become the trigger for our third world war, you said. What? General Secretary Andropov?"

"We Soviets have always liked peace and hated war. If the Turkish government can admit its mistakes and compensate us for our losses, then this time we can not hold the Turkish government accountable," Andropov said.

Putting down the phone, Reagan's face became ugly.

At that time, the hot-blooded youth assassinated Archduke Pedinan in Sarajevo, which became the fuse of World War I. When the Germans pretended to be Poles and attacked their border posts, it became the fuse of World War II. Every world war, the cause is It's so simple, and now, a small accidental attack is likely to become a new fuse for the war between the East and the West!

In this case, it is also necessary for the United States to make certain concessions. After all, Reagan was not a war madman, and the United States is now used to living a peaceful life. It can be said that the United States has the courage to fight a local war, but the United States is really not ready for a world war.

And the Soviets on the opposite side have always been aiming to unify the whole of Europe, right? This time, the downing of the Soviet fighter plane, although in theory, Turkey did not have too many mistakes, after all, the Soviet fighter plane invaded Turkey's airspace, the Turkish Air Force was to defend their homeland, and, under the circumstances at the time, Maybe the Turkish Air Force thought this bomber was going to bomb their homeland!

Turkey is not wrong, but it has to make a statement and let this pass.

Obviously, whether or not this conflict was intentional by the Soviets, once this incident is not handled properly, it will definitely be detrimental to the United States.

Annoying the Soviets, they must have attacked Turkey. Now, those troops on the border have already been gearing up for the exercises, right? As long as Turkey's attitude is not good, they can fight at any time!

With the war between the Soviet Union and Turkey, the United States will not be able to sing! Because, the border area between Iran and Turkey happens to be the place where the United States must pass supplies! With the war, how can the United States send personnel and supplies? If there is no rear channel, then this war in the United States will definitely be lost!

At that time, the United States was forced to stand with Turkey and open fire on the Soviet troops that invaded Turkey. The third world war will definitely break out!

Although their think tanks have made a judgment, the Soviets do not want to start a third world war, but the brains of those polar bears are sometimes flooded, and they will not play cards according to common sense.

And now, launching a war against Turkey is good for the overall strategic interests of the Soviet Union, so the Soviets are likely to take action!

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that Turkey's control over this area is not strong, because this area is a traditional Kurdish gathering area! These Kurds have been thinking about building their own country all day long!

And for these Kurds, the government is naturally opposed. In Turkey, the Turkish government claims that there is no Kurd on its own territory, but only mountain Turks! These Kurds have always been in a state of oppression. In the past, it was okay. Now, the United States is supporting the Kurds in Iraq! The Kurds in Turkey are already showing signs of instability. Once the Soviet Union invades here, as long as they support the local Kurds like the United States, they can successfully control this area! Then, what will America do? There is no way out!

At the beginning, the United States gave Turkey the confidence to prevent them from being frightened in front of the Soviet exercise, but these guys in Turkey were really courageous and shot down the Soviet fighter jets indiscriminately!

During the Cold the United States and the Soviet Union were constantly confronting each other, and the fighter planes of the two sides were in contact. There is no such thing as Turkey, come up directly and greet with missiles!

This Turkey is really a scumbag.

Now, the Soviets have finally been appeased. When they come down, it is time to put pressure on Turkey to admit a mistake to the Soviet Union and pay a little more money, and the matter is over.

However, Reagan did not expect that when the U.S. ambassador to Turkey conveyed the intention of the United States to the Turkish government, the Turkish head of state was furious.

"The soldiers of our country shot down an invading bomber in order to maintain our territorial integrity and airspace rights. In this matter, we in Turkey did not make any mistakes! Why should we apologize to the Soviets and admit their mistakes?" The Turkish state The head of state Kenan Efren shouted: "This is absolutely impossible! The United States said that it would support us in Turkey to defend our country's sovereignty, and now, is such a supportive attitude? Compromise and appeasement, Reagan President, just like Chamberlain at the time!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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