Red Soviet Union

Chapter 479: Stationed Map - Twenty-two M

If you don't die, you won't die. This is a very popular Internet phrase in later generations. In fact, it was originally a line in the cartoon "Gundam" in 1985. Now, this sentence is also reported to Moscow by Andrei At that time, when he mentioned a sentence, Gromyko felt that this sentence most aptly described the stupidity of the Koreans.


Without the aid of the Soviet Union, North Korea could not do anything, and North Korea actually used the aid of the Soviet Union to develop their ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. This is really an act of death!


If it was in the past, maybe the Soviet Union would condone it. After all, North Korea was considered the forefront of the confrontation in the Cold War. Unfortunately, now, it is nothing!


If you don't die, you won't die! Andrei, who was commanding in Turkmenistan, got the information that the North Koreans deliberately pretended to be confused and tried to deceive them. Andrei also spit out such a sentence in his mouth. These North Koreans really have their heads on their butts.


In a word, Moscow's high-level officials will definitely play tricks in the follow-up. For me, North Korea is just a small episode, and the key point is to fight the war in Iran well!


"Our naval formations are still facing off against the Americans at sea. They are obviously not satisfied with the status quo and are looking for opportunities to break through. Just yesterday, the Americans took off more than 20 carrier-based aircraft. The provocation was carried out at the position of kilometers, and our aircraft carrier also dispatched more than 20 carrier-based aircraft, and there was almost a real conflict." The chief of staff of the military region said to Andrei.


A war on land requires a battle at sea to cooperate! At sea, the Soviet aircraft carrier formation is confronting the United States, and the Americans are still complacent about the combat effectiveness of their aircraft carrier formation!


"Looks like it's time for us to drive out the Americans." Andrei said, "What is the current situation at the air base in Zahedan?"


Zahedan Air Force Base! After the passage to the south was completely opened up, the military bases along the way were naturally taken over by the Soviet Union. Among them, there were three of the most important air bases, Mashgabad, Kerman and Zahedan! These air bases were quickly controlled by the Soviet army and then renovated. Among these three air bases, the closest to the south is the Zahedan Air Base!


"We have restored this base, but the Zahedan base is only a second-tier base for the Iranians. We have only obtained one squadron of Mirage fighters from this base." The chief of staff said: "Also, the hangar of the Zahedan base. Relatively few, at most one flight group can be accommodated.”


The main threats to Iran are the Iraqi border in the west and the Persian Gulf in the southwest. In the east of Iran, there has always been no conflict. Therefore, the Zahedan Air Force Base is an absolute second-line base with a small scale.


"Yes, that's what I want!" Andre said, "Move a regiment of Tu-22m and be stationed here!"


Tu-22m? The chief of staff was stunned for a moment: "Our original plan was to mobilize the MiG-23 and MiG-29?"


Zahedan is close to Pakistan. In order to guard against the US Air Force stationed in Pakistan, the Soviet Union urgently needs to improve its own air power. Therefore, after rectifying the Zahedan base, it is planned to mobilize front-line fighters to station.


Needless to say, the MiG-23 is almost the current main fighter of the Soviet Union. After modification, its combat effectiveness has been greatly increased.


The other is the latest masterpiece of the Mikoyan Design Bureau, the MiG-29. Although this fighter is currently going through the final stage of finalization, the Mikoyan Design Bureau is full of confidence in the current war and has tested it in actual combat. If the performance of this fighter is found to be insufficient and improved, it will make the MiG-29 more sharp. Therefore, in addition to the MiG-23, several pre-production MiG-29s will be stationed. It's not terrible that the airport environment is bad.


However, Andre wanted the Tu-22m to be stationed, which was not in line with the original plan! There is no longer a need for large-scale bombing missions, so what is the purpose of having the Tu-22m stationed?


"But the situation has changed now. Our batch of Tu-22m needs to be mounted with anti-ship missiles to conduct patrol flights in the Arabian Sea." Andre said: "Their mission is to act together with the aircraft carrier formation. Conduct sea attack drills!"


Anti-ship missiles! As long as he heard this sentence, the chief of staff already knew about Andre's plan.


The strength of the Soviet aircraft carrier formation is still too small! With the addition of America's third aircraft carrier, the overall situation is unfavorable for the Soviet Union. However, the Soviet aircraft carrier formation has already completed its mission. They were not at war with the US aircraft carrier formation. They provided The ground support has already reached the port of Chahbahar. No matter how many aircraft carriers are mobilized by the Americans, it will be of no avail!


Anti-aircraft carrier, the Soviet Union has carried out countless drills. In the Soviet Union's anti-aircraft carrier operations, land-based aviation will also play a big role, such as Tu-22m, relying on supersonic penetration, and then using long-range anti-aircraft Ship missiles, this kind of strategic bombers, are simply designed to attack aircraft carriers!


"Yes, it is the naval attack exercise! The time is set in two days!" Andre said: "The exercise area is in the Arabian Sea!"


Are aircraft carriers really cool? In the face of the saturation attack of the Soviets, everything is scum! Aegis can't stop supersonic anti-ship missiles!


The Arabian is a bit rough.


The bridge of the USS Nimitz shook slightly. As the largest displacement warship in the history of the U.S. Navy, they were still able to maintain combat effectiveness in such storms. However, standing on the tall bridge, Captain Miller Feeling a little unhappy.


The arrival of the Nimitz is not to increase the combat effectiveness of the US aircraft carrier formation, because they are here to replace the Independence. Because of a terrible landing accident, the Independence's tail deck problem was caused, as well as multiple carrier-based aircraft. The plane was affected. It can be said that the Independence has lost its combat capability. These days, the Independence has been wandering at sea, just insisting on fooling the Soviets.


Now, with the arrival of the Nimitz, it is time for the Independence to retreat. It is still a dual-carrier formation, can it check and balance the Soviets? In the process of his arrival, he has been analyzing the battle for several days. The Soviet MiG-23 seems to have sucked the big ma, and its combat effectiveness has soared, which is on par with his own Tomcat fighter! Although the number of their own carrier-based aircraft is large, there are only a dozen or so Tomcats dedicated to air control.


And now, a new threat has been added. The Soviet Tu-22m bomber has been stationed at Zahedan Airport! For bombers with a range of more than 5,000 kilometers, the depths of the Indian Ocean are their stage! (To be continued.)

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