Red Soviet Union

Chapter 436: I will take responsibility


This world will always be the world of hooligans. The fist is the boss. When the fist cannot be beaten, you can also use some inferior methods. Anyway, hooligans often do this.

For Iran, it was really swindled by the Soviet Union once, and they couldn't bear it.

The tanks that I originally mentioned have passed another half a month, but they still haven't been delivered, and the technicians who were sent to participate in the maintenance of the Tomcat fighters are being taken by train to Siberia. This long time is enough. It shows that the Soviet Union has no sincerity!

Therefore, the Iranians are finally angry, and the consequences are very serious!

Protest directly to the Soviet Union? This is obviously fruitless, the Soviets are obviously fooling Iran! Must have strong means! So, at the behest of hmn, Muhsin personally planned the operation!

Muhsin was the operator of the whole incident and the victim of Andre's tricks. Muhsin was very angry. At the same time, he still remembered that it was this cunning Andre who encouraged them to make explosions in the United States. As a result of the incident, the Americans obediently withdrew from Iranian territory! So in the same way, if you use this method again, you can make the Soviets obediently hand over their own weapons!

Those are all from Iran, and they have already provided a large amount of funds, and they were completely deceived by the Soviet Union! Now, with some special means, is a must!

Ashgabat, the capital of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic. Almost all of Turkmenistan is covered by desert, and cities are built on oases in the desert. At the same time, this has also led to the fact that the whole of Turkmenistan, for the most part, is no man's land.

No matter how powerful the Soviet forces are, and no matter how pervasive the KGB's tentacles are, it is impossible to penetrate into every place in the desert. Therefore, the Iranians who crossed the Kopet Mountains and hid their whereabouts in the desert chose this most easily Lax timing, infiltrated Ashgabat and took these hostages!

Fortunately, due to the social form of the Soviets, the news spread very slowly. Now, the local police and garrison have blocked the primary school and cut off contact with the outside world. Andrei, who learned the news, took a helicopter and rushed to Ashgabat.

compromise? In the Soviet dictionary, there is no compromise! Throughout history, whether it is the Soviet Union or Russia in later generations, the attitude towards this kind of issue has been extremely tough.

Compromise, this is a stupid act, once you compromise, it will be imitated by others, there will be a second time, a third time, you must let the terrorists know that this is a dead end, in front of the Soviets, absolutely doesn't work! Like the Bolshoi Theater incident in later generations, the hostage rescue operation resulted in the death of 129 hostages. The Russian government will never think that it has done anything wrong. This is the choice of the Russian government!

With these people, is tougher than anyone! If you are a little more mad, even if you disregard the death of the hostage, you will kill all the terrorists!

This road does not work in the Soviets. The Soviets are not as democratic as the Western world. In the rescue of hostages, even if one hostage dies, the media will keep talking about it. How many hostages are killed? Killed is victory!

A few hours later, Andre came to Ashgabat Elementary School, and at the same time as Andre, there was a detachment of the A-force.

"General Andrei, the call from Moscow." Just when Andrei arrived, through the dense line, Andropov called.

"Andrey, how's the situation over there?" Andropov asked.

"Report Comrade Andropov, we control the entire situation, and we will never agree to the terrorists' demands." Andrei said: "We will take a decisive approach to completely kill the terrorists!"

"Andrei, I authorize you to handle this incident. Any responsibility will be borne by me. You just let it go!" Andropov said on the phone.

"Yes!" Andrei's voice was very firm. With Andropov's authorization, what was he afraid of!

Putting down the phone, Andre said to the local police chief next to him, "How is the situation now?"

"The situation inside is very bad." The police chief said: "The terrorists have AK rifles and grenades in their hands, and many of our elementary school students were frightened, and two teachers were injured."

"Have you sent a negotiator?" Andrei asked.


This is not the future. There are often terrorist incidents, and it also breeds a dangerous and exciting industry like negotiating experts. Andre nodded: "Give it to us here, and let us take a look at the topographic map."

The commander of Unit A, Colonel Karimov, looked at the mark on the map and said, "These terrorists really pick places."

There is only one teaching building in the primary school, and the building is surrounded by open spaces. Now, the terrorists are holding the hostages in a large ballet classroom on the fourth floor, and they have set up posts at various commanding heights. It was immediately discovered by the terrorists that as long as they had a burst weapon, they could shoot and kill a large number of themselves. At the same time, when the terrorists discovered their own strong attack, they would definitely shoot and kill the hostages, causing the greatest damage to the hostages. When their own side rushed in, Maybe the hostages have all been killed.

Apparently these terrorists planned well.

"We can't take an ordinary storm. Even if we use a helicopter, it will be discovered by terrorists. Now, we can only think of a special way." Colonel Karimov said: "We need to mobilize some anesthesia from Moscow. The gas comes in, goes through the sewers, we sneak in, fill the vents in the classroom with anesthetic gas, and wait until everyone inside is anesthetized before we rush in."

Unit a is a secret unit of the KGB under the law. The purpose of this unit was to fight terrorism! With the technical support of the KGB, their various anti-terrorist equipment is very advanced, such as the anesthetic gas specially used to rescue hostages!

However, it takes time to transfer from Moscow!

"Colonel Karimov, act according to this plan immediately." Andrei said: "The responsibility of the action is my responsibility, you just do it with confidence! Note that the dose of anesthetic gas must be clarified and not overdose. Hurt the hostages."

The hostage incident at the Moscow Theater in later generations was due to overdose, which caused many hostages to die. At that time, it was caused by various reasons. Now, Andrei does not want such a thing to happen again. (To be continued.)

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