Red Soviet Union

Chapter 360: serious problem

"Report." At this moment, the head of the police, Korchakin, ran over quickly and said, "There is a mechanic who blocked all the traffic arteries, airports, TV stations and other organs in our Tashkent."

Got a mechanic? what happened? Rashidov stood up, this time, he already felt bad.

"Don't move!" At this moment, there were shouts from outside, and the bodyguard's screams could be heard. It was obvious that someone wanted to do something and was beaten.

"Who dares to run wild here? This is Uzbekistan!" Rashidov shouted.

"This is the territory of the Soviets!" At this moment, a voice came from outside, and Rashidov's face changed immediately when he heard this voice.

"No one can embezzle money and bend the law, practice favoritism, accept bribes, and never kill someone when a conspiracy is revealed!" Andrei walked in with a cold tone: "Rashidov, you are under arrest! "

"No, I'm the general secretary of Uzbekistan, and I'm a member of the zzj committee. Who gave you the power to do this?" Rashidov shouted: "Andrei, you are the commander of the military region, and I am the general secretary of the Union Republic. Qualified to do so!"

"What about our Soviet General Secretary?" Andrei said: "Rashidov, tell you, the order to arrest you was issued by General Secretary Andropov! This order will arrest a total of 3,700 Uzbeks. Twenty officials!"

Rashidov's face turned pale in an instant. This was to completely remove the power that he had cultivated for twenty years in the entire Uzbekistan! I never have the chance to turn around again!

Is the order really issued by General Secretary Andropov?

Even if Rashidov had doubts, he could no longer ask Andrei for confirmation. The whole of Tashkent was already under Andrei's absolute control. His mafia, his captive dead soldiers, had no A turnaround is possible!

Just in Rashidov's official residence, the KGB personnel who followed him found half a ton of gold, found various weapons and equipment including anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missiles, and arrested more than 500 people. Illegal armed personnel, there are tens of millions of rubles deposited in cash!

The evidence is here, even if there is no previous incident, how can there be so much wealth with the income of a general secretary of the republic? The found property was enough for Rashidov to meet Marx.

Moscow, Kremlin.

"The problem in Uzbekistan is already quite serious. Just two years ago, the case of Nasriginova was a big warning to us." Andropov's voice was calm but majestic: "Now, the entire corruption case in Uzbek must be investigated to the end!"

Nasriginova, a leader among Soviet women and a "heroine" of Uzbekistan, was the former chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. In the 1960s, the "marriage of a daughter-in-law was a big deal", and after that, it did not stop at all. It was not until she was transferred to the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union in 1974 that she abused power and accepted bribes. was revealed. In 1976, the Supervisory Committee passed a decision to expel her from the party. However, Podgorny, the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet at that time, demanded that the chairman of the supervisory committee, Perchet, immediately restore Nasriginova's reputation; Brezhnev also interceded for her many times, and Claiming her expulsion from the party was an "open challenge to the central leadership".

As a result, it is precisely because these big figures are behind her that even though she has a lot of money and money, she can't make a decision, and even the procuratorial and judicial organs can't help her. Up to now, although this woman has no job, she still lives a life of superiority in Moscow.

It's been a long time since I've kept you all at ease, and now, it's finally time to clean up you! Take Uzbek and show it to the entire Soviet. If you want to reform the country, this kind of corrupt behavior must be put to an end!

"Comrade General Secretary, maybe the following people made a mistake." At this moment, a voice came from the side: "Uzbek, in the time of our former General Secretary Comrade Leonid, he was a famous advanced Joining the republic has made a huge contribution to our Soviets. Now, Comrade Andrei went to Uzbek, and a series of things happened. Look, is there any misunderstanding?"

Misunderstand? Andropov looked over, and the person who spoke was Chulbanov, a member of the Central Supervisory Committee and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs! This person, and another identity, is Brezhnev's son-in-law!

Brezhnev's daughter Galia is a well-known romantic girl in Moscow's upper class. She has been married and divorced many times. At the age of 41, she met the handsome and suave Churbanov. As a result, the two It's like smells like each other, and they get together soon. And Churbanov's target, of course, is Brezhnev! Under constant stalking, within ten years, his position has risen from a small policeman to the deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

At the same time, this person is also the biggest umbrella for the Uzbek corruption case!

"Under our Soviet system, that is, our great socialist society, crimes and bribery will not occur. Such crimes will only exist in the old capitalist society." Qiu Urbanov continued to talk eloquently: "At the end of the 23rd, a large number of bribery phenomena have basically disappeared. Those cadres who made property mistakes can be educated, and they cannot smear the party because of them. The great Comrade Leonid , that's what educates us."

From time to time Brezhnev was brought out, Churbanov knew he was playing with fire, but now there was no other choice, he had to convince Andropov at this meeting. So far, otherwise, if you look up again, you can't find yourself? With the name of Brezhnev, in Churbanov's mouth, this incident has been described as a small problem caused by the young General Andrei who did not get along well with the local area. .

"Really? Do you agree with Comrade Churbanov's opinion?" Andropov's sharp gaze slid across everyone's faces. It can be seen that there are several people who want to move, but they still haven't said it in the end.

"Vorotnikov, please give everyone the results of the investigation of this corruption case, briefly." Andropov said to a young man beside him.

Vorotnikov stood up. As the direct person in charge of this corruption case, what he held in his hand was the latest statistics. (To be continued.):

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