Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1229: from the moon?


Now, what is the whole Soviet, or rather, the whole world, most concerned about? Of course it's America!

And now, Andre, who dominated the war in the American South, is listening to the latest news.

"Now, the American 1st Cavalry Division has entered the pockets of our coalition forces. Next, the coalition forces will definitely be able to destroy the Americans' 1st Cavalry Division!" Yazov said to Andrei with a smile on his face. .

Now, Andrei has become the general secretary of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Yazov has also been promoted to one level and has become the Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union. Yazov is directly and solely responsible for Mexico's war against the United States.

How can the Mexicans beat the Americans? This is simply a false proposition, no matter how it is proved, it is absolutely wrong, because Mexico will never defeat the United States!

Even if Mexico has weapons provided by the Soviet Union, Mexico has Cuba as a coach, and even if there is an Argentine army to help out, they will not be able to defeat the United States!

This is the gap in overall strength. In this war, Mexico must play the role that Mexico should have!

Although Mexico cannot defeat the United States, there is no problem for Mexico to destroy several American divisions. For example, now, under the combat plan provided by the Soviets, they have successfully lured the enemy into the depths!

Americans, what is the most powerful? Not their army, but their air force! And now, don't worry about that at all.

Because now, the Soviet air force is stronger!

So far, the Soviets have not directly intervened in the United States, but it is still possible to provide some help, such as a few MiG-33s, which have been based on the nearby Cuban air base, take off from there, and take off at Dirk Flying over the state of Saas, all the air forces in Texas are firmly monitored, as long as they take off fighter planes, they will be ruthlessly destroyed!

With laser weapons, they can even be simulated as space weapons. Until now, Americans have not discovered the existence of these stealthy MiG-33s!

Without the help of the Air Force, after a **** battle, the coalition forces could completely eliminate the 1st Cavalry Division. The elimination of this unit would definitely surprise the Americans, and then they would mobilize more of their troops to prepare for the Mexico fights for revenge!

In this way, the Soviet Union's opportunity has come!

Area 51! Andre's eyes saw that on the map again, that area had been marked with a special symbol!

At the beginning, when the Americans released a message to show the Soviet Union the biggest secret of Area 51, Andrei denied it. That must be an American conspiracy!

Until now, Andre still firmly believes in his judgment, but Andre believes that crushing with absolute strength is the ultimate kingly way!

Now, it is still strategizing!

"Now, we have re-adjusted the orbit of the reconnaissance satellites in space to ensure 24-hour uninterrupted reconnaissance of Area 51." Putin reported to Andrei: "We have not found any traces of alien spacecraft, nor have we found any traces of alien spacecraft. No intelligent creatures other than ours have been found."

"Americans are really tricky. I suggest that we can make a movie about aliens. However, it's not that aliens invade us, but we conquer aliens." Dobrynin said: " The sight of our Soviets is not limited to the small earth."

Conquering the entire universe, the Soviet Union's ultimate vision is the sea of ​​stars!

"Everyone, at the same time, let's not be too optimistic." Putin said: "Area 51 is still full of weirdness. When our reconnaissance satellites fly by, various situations will occur, and some will have image distortions, and some may even be distorted. Orbital drift occurs."

"Putin, wouldn't you say that the Americans are really conducting research on various high-tech technologies, such as what anti-gravity technology is being researched in the United States." Yazov said on the side.

The development of military technology is incredible. For example, the Soviet laser weapons have completely changed the situation of war. Even five years ago, no one could imagine that laser weapons actually really can appear!

In the cartoon of the Battlestar, many of the Soviet technologies seem to have come from aliens! In fact, behind this is the sweat of the Soviet scientific and technological workers.

However, there are many theories that cannot be proved at all. For example, the so-called anti-gravity technology to obtain infinite energy. Einstein's prediction of gravitational waves supports this theory. However, gravitational waves were not observed until 2016. In this day and age, these are all nonsense.

"Maybe, only God knows what the Americans are doing, but unfortunately, we are all atheists." Putin said: "Our scientists continue to study the goddess of the dawn. Until now, elements that do not exist on earth cannot be Prove what it is, but it's a pretty good material for making spacecraft."

In addition, it can be said that the Americans are cheating, but the secrets of the goddess of dawn, the Soviet scientists have been unable to study thoroughly, but one thing has been confirmed, that thing is not on the earth!

"That doesn't mean it was sent by aliens, maybe it was obtained from the moon?" Andre said: "Americans, trying to fool us with! Yes! The celestial body closest to the earth, the time went back 20 years. It was the most intense time for the US-Soviet space hegemony. The Soviet Union first launched artificial satellites, and then conducted the first manned spaceflight, leaving the Americans behind. Americans feel extremely humiliated. If they want to get rid of the Soviets, they must first land on the moon!

The Soviet Union is also planning to land on the moon. Unfortunately, the n1 rocket fell on the launch pad. The Soviets' plan to land on the moon eventually became empty talk. The Americans, after launching several Saturn-5s in one breath, finally raised their eyebrows and landed. The moon, and, from the moon, brought back a large number of specimens, that is, lunar rocks and soil!

What the Americans brought back, no one knows, maybe, those unknown things on the goddess of dawn were brought back from the moon? Americans, it is more likely to deceive.

At that time, although the Soviet Union launched several lunar probes in order to save face, and successfully recovered some of the soil on the moon in an unmanned way, it was completely different from the manned lunar landing by the Americans. ! At least, the Americans brought back not only soil, but also rocks! Unmanned probes cannot bring back rocks!

Moreover, the composition of the rocks may be different depending on the location of the moon landing. The Americans made 6 moon landings in one go, and the number of specimens collected was quite large.

"So, in order to verify whether our idea is correct or not, we need to carry out a manned lunar landing plan." Putin said.

Manned Moon Landing! In the past, this was a problem of the Soviets. Now, after the successful flight of the Energy rocket, landing on the moon is a project that can be carried out at any time. Now, the Soviet manned spaceflight project is aimed at landing on Mars. Moon, that was just a rehearsal.

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