Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1214: Prime Minister of Canada

"Mr. Prime Minister, very welcome to the Soviet." In the Kremlin, Andre smiled and looked at the tall and handsome Canadian Prime Minister, Martin Brian Mulroney.

If Ukraine produces beautiful women, then Canada produces handsome guys. Almost all of these European descendants are beautiful men, handsome and dashing, and now Martin is less than fifty years old. A middle-aged man's vitality.

Prime Minister of Canada! This was a historic breakthrough. After several invitations from the Soviet embassy in Canada, the Canadian Prime Minister finally came to visit Moscow in person.

Martin was quite resistant to this visit. After all, he didn't come here willingly. It can even be said that the Soviet troops in Alaska held military exercises every day, which forced him to come here.

The hands of the two sides were held together, and with a smile on Andre's face, he invited Martin to enter the hall and sat on the chair beside him.

"We Soviets did not have frequent exchanges with Canada in the past, but in the future, we will vigorously develop our relations, especially Canada, which is also a country with large oil reserves."

If you want to control a country, you must find the key points of the other party! There are also many weaknesses in Canada, such as Canada's oil!

Canada is a very strange country. For example, Canada's oil reserves are the second largest in the world! However, it has never had any influence, and even Canada needs to import refined oil from the United States, which is simply a miracle!

This is because Canada's crude oil is not too much. Ninety-eight percent of their huge crude oil reserves are in the form of oil sands. Not to mention, as much as $30+ per barrel!

Therefore, as soon as the international oil price drops, Canadian oil companies start laying off workers and even go bankrupt, and they only start making profits when oil prices rise.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that these oil sands are all located in high latitudes, and it is very difficult to mine. In the Middle East, it is rare to hear that people will die from crude oil extraction. However, oil companies in Canada have prepared a part of the death funds! The climate here is quite harsh.

At the same time, there is also the issue of environmental protection. Canadians attach great importance to environmental protection. For oil sands that require two barrels of water to mine one barrel of oil, this stuff is too polluting the environment! Therefore, people often hold parades or something.

Mining is already quite expensive, and refining refined oil is even more difficult. Almost all of the oil sands mined in Canada are exported to the United States and handed over to the United States for refining, while Canada’s own refined oil needs the United States to export.

Roughly, this is the relationship.

It can be said that the lifeblood of Canadian oil companies is in the hands of the Soviet Union. Oil-producing countries in the Middle East all listen to the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union maliciously increases oil production, all Canadian oil companies will definitely go bankrupt!

"Yes, Marshal Andre, we really want to strengthen our cooperation in the future." Martin said, he was threatened by the other party when he came up. Martin was very angry, but Martin must endure it now. Because he knew that if he couldn't bear it, the other party might have more tricks.

Now, who else dares to provoke the Soviet Union? Just look at the United States, and the current domestic unrest in the United States is all caused by the Soviets! And the Soviets want to fight Canada, it is simply too easy! Those troops in Alaska can rush to Canadian territory at any time!

Canada is the second largest country in the world, second only to the Soviet Union, but Canada's military strength is a weak chicken. The entire Canadian army is only about 100,000 troops! Moreover, there are no advanced weapons, such as the main army, which is just some Leopard 1 tanks!

It can be said that if the Soviet Union is angered, in half a month, the Soviet army will be able to pass through the entire Canadian territory and kill the capital Ottawa!

Canada, no matter in any international affairs, plays a supporting role, and is used to acting under the halo of the United States, but now that the United States suddenly fell, Canada has become a wealthy, no bodyguard of the hospital. Like a native rich man, Canada is uneasy in the face of the hungry Soviet Union.

It can be said that even if the Soviet Union proposes any territorial claims, to expand the area of ​​Alaska, Canada can only cede land!

The strong eat the weak, it's that simple!

"Yeah, it's long overdue for us to strengthen our economic cooperation." Andre said: "For a long time, because of geographical relations, we have not had too many connections. Now, we have Alaska, and we can get from Alaska at any time. Trading on land, our Soviet electronic products can be exported to Canada, and we can also import food from Canada. For both of us, this is mutually beneficial. Prime Minister Martin, Canada, join our Economic Cooperation Association, how? Sample?"

Mutual Economic Association, Nima, how can you jump in this pit! In an instant, Martin was shocked.

The Economic Mutual Aid Committee, referred to as the Economic Mutual Association for short, is a political and economic cooperation organization composed of socialist countries established by the Soviet This is equivalent to the economic community of the socialist camp of the European Economic Community. Moscow.

Although it looks very good, in fact, under the division of labor of the Soviet Union, other countries mainly engage in agriculture, and the Soviet Union mainly engages in heavy industry. Moreover, the planned economy of the Soviet Union has many loopholes, resulting in this organization, which cannot function at all. The purpose of mutual aid and cooperation.

For example, there are two arguments. One is that the Soviet Union is a wool-cutting organization, and the CFC is a way of exploiting other countries, while the other is that these little brothers in the CFC are too bad, and the Soviet Union has to keep on Support them, and as a result, the Soviet Union was brought down.

In a word, this thing, you can't join indiscriminately, even if you give the Soviet Union a piece of land, it is better than joining this organization, you can't get out!

"This, I think, let's not worry first, we have to take it step by step, for example, we will lower the tariffs first, what do you think?" Martin said cautiously.

Since it is here, there is room for negotiation! Martin couldn't be too servile either.

"Okay, how about lowering the tariff to one-tenth of the original one?" Andre said.

The Soviet Union, a large number of electronic products, is looking for new markets too! Looking around, what other capitalist country has not been conquered? Of course it's Canada! With the reduction of tariffs, a large number of electronic products in the Soviet Union can be dumped and made a lot of money!

Of course, it is impossible to join the Mutual Economics Association. Now, it is Andre's purpose to let Canadians reduce tariffs!

"Okay, let's discuss this matter first, let's talk about our military exchanges and cooperation!" Andre said: "We need to sign a military cooperation agreement, we have already drafted it, you Take a look."

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