Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 480: business break-up


As night approached, the train stopped at the town of Rhodes.

John pulled Ofina's men off the train.

Then the two walked towards the hotel in Rhodes Town.

The place of Rhodes is okay at night, but it is dusty during the day, which even makes John wonder if this town is built on the Gobi.

However, after nightfall, the water vapor in the air is sufficient, and there is no dust covering the sky, so the air in this place is fresh.

"I kind of miss the dry and clear air in the manor." John saw that Ofina couldn't stand the cold night temperature, so he shook Ofina's hand a few times.

Winter is here, Ofina is wearing warm clothes, only John is still wearing a good-looking but not very warm outfit.

Ofina also asked curiously if he didn't feel cold?

John said that he didn't feel much. His body's self-regulation function is very powerful, but to outsiders, it can only be that he is in good health and is not afraid of the cold.

The strong body structure allows him to do many things like a fish in water, but sometimes he thinks, if everyone around him is in his teens, but he still looks like a 40-year-old, plus a normal person in his 30s Next year's peak body, will this make others think he is a monster.

But on second thought, that was too far away.

"Go to the hotel to rest tonight." John then dragged her to the nearest hotel.

The next day, John took a carriage to the renamed 'Wild Ranch'

Generally, a manor and one or two villas and factory buildings are built, with a maximum of thirty-four people working, but here there are hundreds of people standing.

Almost from sunrise to seven o'clock in the evening, the workload is close to twelve hours. This made John feel a little sorry, but Zhao An and others felt that this was too normal. In railways and mines, there was no less than 12 hours, and the food and accommodation were very poor.

On John's side, there is meat, soup and enough oil every day, and he also promised to get an extra day's money for the construction completion one day earlier.

Therefore, the construction of the manor was completed at an astonishing speed. The first thing to be completed was the large factory building of red bricks. This is the factory building for processing moonshine, and the equipment was purchased and shipped here a week ago.

The raw materials for moonshine have already been purchased and signed during the construction period.

With John's squandering of money, the construction of a simple ranch abruptly raised the economic situation in the vicinity, which really surprised many people.

The living villa is also under construction. According to John's vision, this is a small villa covering an area of ​​about 400 square meters.

But the chief designer and supervisor may have seen that John was not short of money, so they discussed with him again and changed to a higher-level construction villa.

The fee was doubled by half. John didn't know much about it, but after thinking about it, it didn't seem too expensive, so he agreed.

But when the designer re-planned and started construction, John realized that he had been cheated. The half of the cost was the design and planning cost, not the overall and construction cost.

It covers an area of ​​nearly 600 square meters, which is close to one-fifth of the castle in Heishui Town. The design style has also changed from practical to French luxury villas, with a total of two floors.

The price has tripled.

Looking at the luxury villa, which has almost completed half of its main body, he can only temporarily admit that he is unlucky.

The cost of this period of time exceeded John's estimate, but the almost profligate cost was exchanged for an astonishing construction speed.

According to the judgment of the chief designer and the supervisor, at most next month, almost the main building can be completed here, and the rest is decoration, which will take about two months, and interior decoration will take one month, and at most In four months, they can move in.

The expenses during the period made John feel distressed.

Fortunately, they have a large number of people, all the buildings are under construction almost at the same time, and the weather is also very respectable. These few months are basically good days when you can work for hours.

However, the weather has turned cold recently. Fortunately, the construction of the bootleggery has been completed, and the raw materials have been transported one after another, ready to start production.

It is expected to be up and running as usual next Wednesday.

At that time, the bootleg wine business in Moraine State will not need the desperate delivery from Heishui Town, saving a lot of time and transportation costs.

During the period, John took the time to learn about the movements of the two major families of Ross, and then he went to see Jack of Gray's family.

The two chatted from noon to the afternoon, and through the conversation, John also learned that Garrett was forced to cede a lot of benefits to the Gray family after all.

For example, as far as he knows, at least one medium-sized food processing factory and one timber factory of the Braithwaite family have been closed, and the Gray family has no intention of taking over. It is estimated that the business scope of these two factories is not in Rhodes. Within the town or rather he has similar business overlap.

Ah, Jack also asked John if he was interested in taking over. Although it was his intention to close the Gray's house, it would not conflict with letting a second person take over. This can increase the tax revenue of Rhodes Town. Of course, the condition is that the business scope is not in Rhodes. in town.

Anyone can make money, as long as it's not the Braithwaites who make money.

Do the math~ The bootlegging business was taken over by John~ The Braithwaite family's assets have indeed shrunk a lot, but at least they haven't been driven out of Rhodes completely.

The Braithwaite family is very cohesive now, at least much better than the half-divided Gray family, and John estimates that the conflict between them will break out after the next generation grows up.

But that was at least ten years later.

He visited Garrett again after leaving Gray's.

Because Garrett wore more clothes in the winter, it seemed that the burns had caused him to have more serious sequelae, which made John doubt whether Garrett could survive the next conflict between the two sides.

After seeing John, Garrett showed no small amount of kindness.

And for some purpose, John was also very friendly to him.

"I've heard about what happened to Mr. Bronte. I hope your bootlegging business in Saint-Denis will not be affected." Garrett signaled the servant to pour him coffee.

"Fortunately, I have become friends with the new mafia leader in Saint-Denis City, and my bootlegging business has been taken care of by him." John didn't mind talking about some of his recent achievements.

"It seems that my worries are unnecessary." Garrett smiled.

"I'm very grateful."

"But I heard you closed a food processing plant?" John asked about the Gray family's business, reaching for the cigar he was offered.

"The income is not high, and the investment is too large. I have recently cut off some worthless businesses, and our family must concentrate on developing some businesses with higher returns."

"What? Are you interested?" Garrett asked with an inexplicable expression.

"If it's what you said, then I might not be interested." John said calmly.

"Hehe~ The income is not bad. If your products are not sold in Rhodes Town, but go to other states and counties, even if the transportation cost is higher, there will be quite a good profit." Garrett smiled like a fox.

"Really?" John hesitated.

"Of course, based on your relationship with the Gray family, this kind of condition is not difficult to negotiate." Garrett continued to persuade.

"John, we are friends. I like to tell the truth to my friends. Your bootlegging business can't get on the table. I don't deny the huge profits of bootlegging, but it's not a serious business after all. I think you should have some legal assets to This also strengthens your position." Garrett said calmly while picking up his coffee.

"I can introduce you to some real friends, business friends."

"Sounds good." John's reaction was average, and he didn't show much interest.

"As long as you are willing to take over these idle industries in my hands, I can introduce some purchase channels and some sales channels." Garrett said.

"Really~ but~ I just spent a lot of money on the wilderness ranch. I may not be able to spend too much money. How much is it?" John flicked the cigar with his index finger and flicked away the ashes.

"I know that you can pay part of the bill in installments, and then share part of the profit every quarter." Garrett said.

"How much?" John continued.

"For 30,000 U.S. dollars, purchase 83% of the shares in the two factories, and you can deliver it to you for only 5,000 U.S. But you need to pay off the rest of the account within one year." Garrett said with their own quotes.

"It's too expensive. I can get a new one. It's not too expensive." John responded calmly.

"It's not expensive. I'm also responsible for introducing some channels for purchasing and shipping to you. I have many friends like this, so this quotation is not expensive, and you are not the first one who wants to take over. However, their strength and friendship It's much worse than you." Garrett was full of confidence.

It was going to be closed anyway, and he didn't mind packing it up and selling it to John, which was quite a good result.

"Let me think about it." John did intend to take over, but before confirming the profit that can be made, he needs to let professional people come over to evaluate whether it is worthwhile.

"Of course, this is a lot of money, and the procedure will take a lot of time. I welcome you to come and discuss with me at any time." Garrett is not in a hurry.

Afterwards, the two talked about some private views and the subsequent development of Rhodes Town.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when John left the manor.

On the third day, after explaining some details to Zhao An, John hurried back to Heishui Town with Ofina.

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